Title: Status of Development on Silicon Telescope For Nanodosimetry
1Status of Development on Silicon Telescope For
- Santa Cruz Institute For Particle Physics
- University of California, Santa Cruz
2Definition of Work
- Mechanical Integration
- ASICs on MCMs
- Connector on MCM
- SSDs and MCMs
- Modules in Vessel
- Electronic Integration
- Layout of MCM
- Link Between Module and SSD
- Link Between Module and DAQ
- Cables and Connectors
3Components of Telescope
ITEM Components Description Questions STATUS Date Complete
Frame Machine in-house. G10 seems obvious choice. Is exact thickness of G10 important? Do we want two different designs for single vs. double-sided? How is module fastened to vessel? Not done. 6/1/01
Physical Hybrid Actual PCB that components are mounted on Design is complete, bids are actively being sought out. 6/1/01
ASICS Front-end Readout Chip, Controller Chip Have limited supply, new chips are being acquired. Done
Components Connectors and passive circuitry Components are being acquired 5/25/01
Detectors Silicon microstrip detectors. We dont know if the double-sided detector is functional. Patrick is testing the detectors presently 5/25/01
4Components of Telescope
ITEM Components Description Questions STATUS Date Complete
Frame Machine in-house. G10 seems obvious choice. Is exact thickness of G10 important? Do we want two different designs for single vs. double-sided? How is module fastened to vessel? Not done. 6/1/01
Physical Hybrid Actual PCB that components are mounted on Design is complete, bids are actively being sought out. 6/1/01
ASICS Front-end Readout Chip, Controller Chip Have limited supply, new chips are being acquired. Done
Components Connectors and passive circuitry Components are being acquired 5/25/01
Detectors Silicon microstrip detectors. We dont know if the double-sided detector is functional. Patrick is testing the detectors presently 5/25/01
5Module Frame
6Module Overview
7Components of Telescope
ITEM Components Description Questions STATUS Date Complete
Frame Machine in-house. G10 seems obvious choice. Is exact thickness of G10 important? Do we want two different designs for single vs. double-sided? How is module fastened to vessel? Not done. 6/1/01
Physical Hybrid Actual PCB that components are mounted on Design is complete, bids are actively being sought out. 6/1/01
ASICS Front-end Readout Chip, Controller Chip Have limited supply, new chips are being acquired. Done
Components Connectors and passive circuitry Components are being acquired 5/25/01
Detectors Silicon microstrip detectors. We dont know if the double-sided detector is functional. Patrick is testing the detectors presently 5/25/01
8GLAST Tracker
9Wire Bonding
10One Detector
2560 mil
6.5 cm
1375 mil 3.5 cm
12Components of Telescope
ITEM Components Description Questions STATUS Date Complete
CABLE 3M twisted pair cable and connectors 30 pin connectors, 30 wires, 29 wires used. Is there agreement on the mixed serial/parallel method? Not built. 7/1/01
DAQ Repeater Card(?), DAQ card Sends commands to module and reads out data. We should use the same DAQ eventually, to head off compatibility problems. SCIPP currently uses a custom DAQ. 7/1/01
Front Board
Back Board
14Minimizing Errors
- Mechanical errors
- Spatial conflict
- Out-gassing
- Pressure(explosion/implosion)
- Data errors
- Use Identical DAQ
- Test MCM with charge injection
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17Minimizing Errors
- Avoid Mechanical errors
- Spatial conflict
- Out-gassing
- Pressure(explosion/implosion)
- How big do ventilation holes need to be?
- Avoid hardware errors
- Use Identical DAQ
- Test MCM with charge injection
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19Minimizing Errors
- Calibration/ Readout Errors
- Patrick will discuss this subject
ITEM Components Description Date Complete
Frame Have G10. Need final dimensions. Will machine in-house. Lead time is 2 weeks. 6/1/01
-Physical Hybrid Design complete. Seeking bids, construction lead time is 2 weeks. 6/1/01
-ASICS Have all front-end readout chips. Have some controller chips, are acquiring more to replenish supply. Done
-Components Need to order passive components and connectors. Lead time is on the order of 2 weeks. 5/10/01
Detectors Have detectors, and have tested single-sided detectors. Need to check double-sided to see if able to be used. 5/20/01
Module Completion 7/15/01
CABLE 3M twisted pair cable and connectors Connectors need to be bought. If cable can be found with shorter intervals of twisted between ribbon sections it would be good. Lead time is 1 week. 7/1/01
DAQ Repeater Card(?), DAQ card SCIPP eventually needs to buy a DAQ identical to LLUs. 7/1/01
Single-sided SMD Telescope Completion Date 7/20/01
Part/ Task Person accomplishing Date
Detector testing Patrick 6/20/01
MCM fabrication Brian 6/1/01
MCM Components Wilko/ Brian 5/20/01
MCM Loading Brian 7/5/01
MCM Testing Wilko acquiring test device, Brian/Patrick Testing 7/15/01
Cable Construction Brian/Patrick 7/5/01
DAQ Purchase Vladimir/ Wildo 7/5/01
Module Assembly
MCM Delivery ? 7/20/01
Part/ Task Person accomplishing Date
Module Testing at SLAC ? 7/15/01
MCM fabrication Brian 6/1/01
MCM Components Wilko/ Brian 5/20/01
MCM Loading Brian 7/5/01
Cable Construction Brian/Patrick 7/5/01
DAQ Purchase Vladimir/ Wildo 7/5/01
MCM Testing Wilko acquiring test device, Brian/Patrick Testing 7/15/01
Module Assembly
MCM Delivery ? 7/20/01