Title: Designers steps day 3
1Designers steps day 3
- Open your workshop DCA example with MS
PowerPoint. - Creating a Custom Show
- Hyperlinking to a custom show
- To navigate around this presentation click on an
example to the left or select the action button/s
2Creating a custom show (p1)
- A custom show will provide you with an individual
show within an overall presentation. This might
be a single page or a range of pages.
Select the Slide show option in the menu.
Click on Custom Shows.
3Creating a custom show (p2)
A Custom Show dialog box appears. Click New.
4Creating a custom show (p3)
- Define Custom Show area now appears. Select the
slides or pages you wish to include from your
presentation as a show.
Click on the individual slide/page titles that
you wish to use and press the add button or
double click on the titles.
5Creating a custom show (p4)
- Naming your custom show is important. This will
allow you to find it again when you want to
establish a link.
Create a show using slide 3. Call it The
complete flower show, then press OK
6Creating a custom show (p5)
- The custom show is now complete and is saved. To
use it you will need to hyperlink to the saved
A final dialog box appears. Click close or if you
wish add another show by clicking New.
7Hyperlinking to a custom show(p1)
Select the text you wish to link from. In this
example highlight text in the flower DCA contents
Then select the hyperlink icon in the menu. In
the Insert Hyperlink box click on Place in
this document. The custom shows are now
8Hyperlinking to a custom show(p2)
- Double click on the show you wish to use. The
first slide/page of that show will be displayed.
Click the Show and return tag to enable your
show to be returned to the link when finished.
9Hyperlinking to a custom show(p3)
- If you wish you can add a screen tip by clicking
the screen tip button. A screen tip box appears.
Add a screen tip by clicking in the blank area of
the box. This will appear when you run your
curser over the area while in show.
10Hyperlinking to a custom show(p4)
- The text A complete flower is now hyperlinked
to a custom show. View in Show mode.
The hyperlinked text is now coloured and
underlined The screen tip is opened when you run
your curser over the text.
11Hyperlinking to a custom show(p5)
To change the font colour of the hyperlinked and
post hyperlinked text select, Format, Slide
Colour Scheme
Click on the custom tag. Select Accent and
hyperlink. Press change colour and select the
colour you wish to use. Press OK then Apply
to All.
12Hyperlinking to a custom show(p6)
The pre hyperlink text is now yellow.
The post or followed hyperlink text colour can
also be changed by following the steps detailed
in the previous slide.
13Hyperlinking and custom shows
Try creating custom shows and hyperlinks for the
other areas of this DCA.