Title: 200 Meters from Divide
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2200 Meters from Divide
400 Meters from Divide
3800 Meters from Divide
1200 Meters from Divide
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22Confirmation Qs linear with Slope (over this
range of shallow slopes) but No direct test of
(a) non-linearity at high slopes, (b) dependence
on soil depth
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26Curvature erosion rate vs soil depth
Cosmogenic production rate vs soil depth
W Wsexp(-Wah)
K 5e-3 m2/yr Independent estimates
Diffusion-law vs Cosmogenic production rate as
function of soil depth
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28Example Tectonic Geomorphology of the San
Gabriel Mountains
29Shaded Relief with Color Elevation
Active FaultsThickness Most Recent Known Slip
30Color Hillslope Gradient
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37DiBiase et al., In Review, Earth and Planetary
Science Letters
38Eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau A
Transient Landscape deep river gorges cut into
an uplifted, slowly eroding, low-relief relict
landscape. fluvial dissection has not
propagated through the entire landscape. rivers
typically transition from the relict landscape
into dissected gorges bounded by steep hillslopes.
Patches of low-relief, relict landscape preserved
in eastern Tibet (Clark, 2003).
Mean, high elevation relict topography
39Slope map from SRTM 90 m DEM
Transient Hillslopes
Hillslopes, following incision, display zones
of adjustment with steepest values in the
lowermost reaches of individual basins
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41Li Qui River (Tributary of the Yalong River)
(A) Drains off a low-relief, relict landscape
at higher elevations. (B) Transitions into a
rapidly incising, dissected landscape. Analog
of major rivers in the region (Dadu, Yalong,
Fluvial dissection in the Yalong River has NOT
YET reached the upper sections of the Li Qui
River, preserving a patch of high-elevation,
low-relief relict landscape.
River Profile
Detrital Cosmogenic Sample Sites
42- Zhong Qing River Transient hillslope and river
profile response -
- Tributary of the Dadu River
- 70 km long, 1500 m of fluvial relief
- Total Area 930 km2
Google Earth
Longitudinal River Profile from 90 m SRTM
43Transient Morphology Photos from the Zhong Qing
and Li Qui Rivers
2 Initial Dissection
1 Relict Landscape
3 Transition (Gentle)
6 Gorge Landscape
5 Transition (Steep)
4 Transition (Intermediate)
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