Title: Nairn Academy
1 Nairn Academy
Graphic Communication
Department of Technological Education
2Planometric Views
Department of Technological Education
- Planometric views are a type of measured 3
dimensional drawing that may be encountered in
all Graphic Communication courses. - Planometric views are generally used when working
on architectural drawings. - Planometric views are similar in construction to
isometric drawings with a corner of the drawing
closest to the viewer. The difference is that
the viewing point in a planometric is higher than
used in isometrics.
3Planometric Views
Department of Technological Education
- The advantages of planometric views are that
- The plan can be drawn rotated to to any angle
- It can also drawn to scale.
- All circles in plan view can be drawn using
compasses. - All plan sizes and vertical sizes can be measured
to enable the drawing to be constructed.
4Planometric Views
Department of Technological Education
- If you are sitting an SQA exam papers in Graphic
Communication, you will be required to know how
to draw planometric views. - This type of drawing has been included in the
final paper at both Credit and General levels. - The final exam has included a question containing
planometric views every year since 1991 - The tables on the following slides show when each
drawing was used, the course level, and how many
marks were allocated to it.
5Planometric Views Standard Grade
Department of Technological Education
1991 Couch 30/60 General 8 11
1992 Room 45/45 General 15 21
1993 Pool table 60/30 General 12 17
1994 Room 30/60 Credit 6 9
1995 Gameboy 45/45 General 14 20
1996 House 60/30 General 12 17
1997 Room 45/45 Credit 14 20
1998 Room 45/45 General 10 14
1999 Room 45/45 General 10 14
2000 Room 45/45 Credit 14 20
2001 Garden 45/45 General 16 23
2002 Room 60/30 Credit 10 14
6PowerPoint Presentation produced by John McRae,
Nairn Academy 2003