Title: Thailands Country Report
1Thailands Country Report
The 12th International Workshop for Information
Policy and Management in the Public Sector The
Institute of Administration Information Systems
(IAIS)Tokyo, Japan.Nov 12-16, 2001
By Pornprom Ateetanan National Electronic and
Computer Technology Center (NECTEC)National
Science and Technology Development
AgencyMinistry of Science Technology and
Environment pornprom_at_notes.nectec.or.th
- Thailand Outlook
- IT Development Indicators
- Thailands Plan on IT development prior the
e-Government Project - National IT Policy
- IT Law Development
- Thailand e-Government
3Thailand Outlook
- Constitutional Monarchy under King Bhumipol
- Population of around 61 Mil.
- Area of 199 Thousand SqMiles
4IT Development Indicators (as the end of the
year 2000)
- Overall Figures
- No. of PCs/Population 1.9100
- No. of Internet Access/Population 3.6100
- No. of Thai Domain Name Registered
6,515 - No. of ISP Services (Jan 2001) 18
5IT Development Indicators in Thailand (cont) (As
the end of the year 2000)
- Public Sector Figures
- No.of School to Internet via SchoolNet(Jan 01)
- 2184 (5.8)
- No.of Universities to Internet(Jun 00) 82(100)
- No.of Websites of Ministries 19 (100)
- No. of Websites of Departments 158 (100)
6Thailands Plan on IT Development
- Major Activities
- Establishing of NITC
- Establishing of UPU
- Regulating IT Master Plan for each Public Org.
- Training for CIO Programme
- Launching SchoolNet Project
- Implementing Pilot Project of IT Model Office
7Thailands Plan on IT Development
- Conducting a research study on Government Data
Infrastructure GDI - Endorsing Public Data/Information Law
- Drafting of Electronics Commerce Laws
- Establishing Electronic Commerce Resource Center
(ECRC) - Establishing and Implementing SW Park Project
- Developing e-Thailand supporting the e-ASEAN
8Formalizing National Policyfor IT Development
- IT 2010 (2001-2010) Focusing on 5 sub-projects
- e-Government
- e-Education
- e-Commerce
- e-Society
- e-Industry)
9(No Transcript)
10IT Policy Framework towards the Knowledge-Based
11(No Transcript)
12Flagships Linkages
13Linkages Flagships KBE
14IT Law Development
- Electronic Transactions Bill
- Electronic Signature Bill
- Private Data Protection Law
- Computer Crime Law
- Electronic Funds Transfer Law
- Universal Access Law
15Roadmap to Thailand e-Government
- 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
16The e-Thailand Initiative
- It is the e-ASEAN Initiative as committed by The
Royal Thai Government. - e-Thailand functional components
- e-Society
- e-Government
- International Trade Policy
- Liberalization
- e-Commerce Facilitation
- Information Infrastructure
17e-Government Project
- A Multi-Agency Project
- UPU-SC/NITC -- IT Policy body, Subcommittee to
support utilization of IT in the public sector.
- NECTEC -- Core Implementing/coordinating Agency
- Bank of Thailand -- Project Sponsor (Governor)
and contributor of some project team members. - CEOs of key related public agencies --
Co-Sponsors, and contributor of some project team
members. - Project Duration -- March 2001 - March 2003
18e-Government Project
- A Multi-Agency Project
- UPU-SC/NITC -- IT Policy body, Subcommittee to
support utilization of IT in the public sector.
- NECTEC -- Core Implementing/coordinating Agency
- Bank of Thailand -- Project Sponsor (Governor)
and contributor of some project team members. - CEOs of key related public agencies --
Co-Sponsors, and contributor of some project team
members. - Project Duration -- March 2001 - March 2003
19Project Scope
- To coordinate, facilitate and drive for the
following achievements/provisions - Master Plan, Action Plan, and Strategic Framework
for implementing the e-Government program - Electronic services in public agencies
- Implementation of key pilot projects
20Project Scope (contd)
- Suggestions and Practical Guidelines for
reorganization and reengineering of the new
services. - Standards, Guidelines and Manuals for public
agencies in implementing the e-Government program
21The main tracks of e-Services
- Four main tracks of electronic services in the
public agencies - Online Information Services (G2G) (G2C) (G2B)
- Simple Transaction Services (G2C) (G2B)
- Payment Gateway (B2G) (C2G)(Electronic Funds
Transfer) - e-Procurement (G2B)
22Pilot Projects
- Track 1. Online Information Services (G2G)
(G2C) (G2B) - Online Financial Information
- Online Information for Investment and Industrial
23Online Financial/Economic Information
24Online Information for Investment and Industrial
25Pilot Projects (contd)
- Track 2. Simple Transaction Services (G2C)
(G2B) -
- Road tax renewal
- Online Company Registration
- Electronic-Counter Service
26Online Company Registration
27Electronic Counter Service
28Pilot Projects (contd)
- Track 3. Payment Gateway (B2G) (C2G)
- Secure funds transfer methods to Government
treasury - Payment of VAT return,
- Income Tax filing,
- Payment of Custom duties,
- Payment of fines on road offenses
29Online payment of taxes
30Pilot Projects (contd)
- Track 4. e-Procurement (G2B)
- Provision of online information on procurements
by public agencies - Government participating in the e-Commerce
activities (including auctions, reverse auctions,
market exchanges) - Key Agency
- Office of the Prime Minister
31Pilot Projects (contd)
- Track 4. e-Procurement (G2B)
- Initial phases
- Rules and Regulation Amendments
- Anti Corruption Related Project
- Adding Transparency into the Process of Public
Procurement - - 14 Pilot Projects in Central Region
- - 3 Principles Transparency, Fair Price,
- Right Quality Quantity
- Key Agency Office of the Auditor-General
34Organization Chart Royal Thai Government
35Organization Chart NSTDA
36Organization Chart NECTEC
37For further information www.nectec.or.th www.eg
38Thank you for your attention.