Title: The Show Must Go On
1The 1998 AASL National School Library Media
Program of the Year
It Will Be Beautiful When its Done Designing
your space, running your program, and keeping
your sanity in the midst of construction
Harlene Rosenberg Hunterdon Central Regional
High School Flemington, New Jersey
New Jersey Association of School
Librarians Hilton, East Brunswick
November 14, 2009
2Planning for RelocationBe Proactive!
- Notify staff of anticipated changes in program
- Plan for reduced collection
- Faculty selects research projects
- Department members decide upon topics together
- 1 project/quarter class 2 projects/semester
class - Faculty selects books/materials for projects
- Scan barcodes to create To Go list
- Evaluate faculty-selected collection
- Anticipate resource needs
- Add overlooked print resources
- Investigate electronic resources to fill gaps
3Planning for RelocationBe Proactive!
- Dont forget to bring fiction!
- A paperback rack is a great space saver
- Consider suspending periodical subscriptions
- Will there be space to display and/or store
- Plan for collection growth if you have budgeted
funds to expend - Dont assume that youll be back in your facility
when promised take important items with you - Take supplies inc. book mending and processing
- Consider storing iffy items at home
4Planning for Relocation
- Create floorplan for new location
- Where will staff have their workspace?
- Where will photocopier, computers, scanner, etc.
go? - Decide what furniture is going with you (and what
furniture in the temporary space can be utilized) - Can satellite collections be set up?
- History classroom - American Heritage mags
- Latin classroom - Oxford English Dictionary
- ESL classroom misc. books and audiotapes
527' x 40'
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10Planning for Relocation
- Attitude
- Optimism and humor
- Name your space - IMC Lite
- It will be beautiful when its done
- My plan is to be ready to open for the first day
of second semester - It is what it is..
- This must be paradise, because I was living in
hell. Hilda Weisburg - Being proactive diminishes surprises
- Involve as many people in the process as possible
- Encourage flexibility
11Planning for Relocation
- If you have more than one LMS, determine how
classes will be scheduled - Utilize classrooms, computer labs and laptop
carts - How will independent users be accommodated?
- Study halls, lunch, before and after school
- What services/programs will need to be modified?
- Keep faculty/staff informed of timeline
- Via faculty meeting, emails, notices
- Set return date for materials (esp. if books will
be boxed and stored) - Create faculty/staff activity Kiss the Wall
Goodbye! - Notify students and parents
- Via website, listserv, flyer
- When materials are due
- When and where library will be relocated
- Bottom line keep everyone in loop!
- Moving from central location to one end of campus
- County library was closed due to delays in their
construction! - Project not completed when planned floating
return date - Expect the unexpected be flexible!
14Unanticipated Benefits
- Spent time with students in their classrooms
- Able to observe final project presentations
- Became closer with many faculty members
- Actually ate in cafeteria!
- Working exclusively with single class provided
- Students with uninterrupted access to resources
- No distractions from other students/classes
- IMC staff, students and faculty became more
proficient in the use of electronic databases - Students found other places to hang out after
15Expect the Unexpected
- Construction fencing installed early
- Furniture moved with front end loader
- Dont let this happen to you!
- Document with photographs
- Furniture used by workers for lunchtime seating
- Office turned into electrical closet and totally
lost for storage - Another department looking to share space
- Brokering rooms for meetings, classes with
special needs, testing, etc.
16Working With the Architect
- Share ultimate goal for space
- Educational Specification - participate in
writing - Revisit on a regular basis have needs changed?
- Ed Specs developed in Fall 2002
- Construction began in Summer 2005
- Review drawings as they are revised
- Do not assume that things will stay the same or
reflect what you want. - Question changes that arent conducive to your
program needs - You ultimately have to live with final product
- Ask questions be your own advocate
- Keep detailed notes of all discussions.
17Take a Proactive Role
- Visit school and public libraries
- Take photos and notes
- Keep file of items of interest
- Share architects drawings with others
- Get a fresh point of view
- The more people involved, the better the final
product - You dont have to accept input, just be open to
18Planning Space
- Look at library magazines
- American Libraries September and April issues
- Ideal - work with interiors consultant
- Works with floor plan
- Analyze function and create floor plan
- Assists with furniture selection
- Creates design board
- Writes bid specifications
- Deals with administrators
19Planning Space
- If applicable, know your budget
- If consultant is not hired, work with furniture
representative - State contract items do not go to bid
- Design ideas
- Vendor fabrics can be replaced with fabric from
other companies - Learn about colors and their affect on patrons
- Visit vendors at conferences
- Shop furniture catalogs and websites
20Planning Space
- Seek war stories for insight into potential
problems - Computer lab projection screen
- Can it be seen from all desks
- Will the students be able to see over the
monitors? (also an ergonomic consideration) - Supervision into/from offices rooms
- Can LMS/teachers see out of windows when sitting?
- Are objects (like furniture) low enough to see
over? - All rooms should have windows!
- Design for flexible spaces
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25Rolling bookshelves and display table
26Classroom area with 10 tables
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28Selecting Furnishings
- Carpeting
- Learn about different types and weaves
- Roll vs squares
- Wear and durability
- Choose what you love and then select fabrics and
finishes for the space - Window blinds
- What areas need to be darkened for projectors
- What offices/rooms need privacy/security
- Do not assume that clearstory windows are so high
that they wont need blinds or tinting - For exterior windows, ask about blinds within
double paned windows
29Selecting Furnishings
- Furniture
- End tables vs coffee tables
- Chairs vs couches and love seats
- Select fabric that is durable
- Consider usage
- Computer chairs vs lounge chairs
- What is the best height for specific needs
- Staff desk w/storage for computer lab
- Counter workspace
- Sitting or standing?
- Request sound absorbing ceiling tile and wall
30Design Board/Finishes
- Create a design board with fabrics, carpeting,
paint, etc. samples - Share with faculty and staff
- Ownership yields additional support
- Do not approve until entire design board has
been presented - Paint chip had not been affixed
- Specified paint color changed by architect
without notification - Trust no one!
31Book Storage
- Establish how and who will store collection
- If using consultant and/or movers make inquires
as soon as possible may need to go to bid - If shelving is to be disassembled take
measurements - Space between individual shelves
- Is all fiction at same height?
- Are fewer shelves used for the art or other
collections? - Is the top shelf to be left empty for growth?
- Height of top shelf
- Will shelving be reassembled in the same space?
32Book Storage
- If you are doing the packing
- Establish plan that will enable you to easily
reshelve stored materials with minimal hassle and
damage - Obtain packing boxes
- Design labeling system for boxes
- Record box numbers/contents on spreadsheet
- Identify and Remove temporary collection from
shelves BEFORE packing books - Will temporary collection need to be boxed to
move - If so, label those boxes and record contents
33Miscellaneous To Dos
- Keep detailed project log
- Include daily interactions, persons involved,
dates, finishes, fabrics (do this until project
is finished!) - Specify where permanent items are to be placed
- Keep a copy of bid specs and orders placed
- If furniture is being returned to original
locations, create floorplan with measurements - Maintain open communications
- If construction is continuing after carpet is
laid, insist that it be covered - Thank everyone for their support!
34 Media Center Square Footage
- New Jersey Department of Educations - 2005 Long
Range Facilities Plan Preliminary Guidelines - High school 10,075 square feet
- Middle school 6,250 sq. ft.
- K-5 4,000 sq. ft.
- K-8 6,100 sq. ft. (draft)
- Middle/High school 14,000 sq. ft. (draft)
35ContactsInterior Design and Planning
Susan Globus Globus Design Associates 718 River
Road Fair Haven, NJ 07704 732/530-4121 www.globu
Forrestdale Elementary Rumson, NJ
36ContactsBook Packing and Moving
- Margaret Bennett
- ProLibra Associates Inc
- 436 Springfield Ave, Suite 3
- Summit, New Jersey 07901Telephone (908)
918-0077Toll Free 1-800-262-0070 - www.prolibra.com
- Robin Holub-Abelman
- Clancy-Cullen Library Relocation
- 2339 Cross Bronx Expressway
- Bronx, NY 10462
- Toll Free 1-877-BOOKMOVE
- www.clancy-cullen.com
- Worden wood tables book display
- Jasper upholstered lounge wooden chairs
- Steelcase upholstered computer chairs
- Spacesaver shelving
Thank you!
Harlene Rosenberg Supervisor, Instructional Media
Center Hunterdon Central Regional High School 84
Route 31 Flemington, NJ 08822 908-284-7141 hrosen