Title: The use of stories in the YLs class
1- The use of stories in the YLs class
Liruso, Susana M. Boglione, M. Angélica Requena,
Pablo E.
2What is a story?
- Narration that builds up a tension only
released at the end. - Affective bond.
- Events
- Characters
- Ideas
3Why should we use stories with kids?
- To foster listening comprehension.
- To improve concentration.
- To develop imagination.
- To acquire vocabulary.
- ..
4 Mood Pace Character Voice
5(No Transcript)
6In a dark, dark house, there was a dark, dark
stair. Up the dark, dark stair, there was a
dark, dark hall. Down the dark, dark hall, there
was a dark, dark room. Behind the dark, dark
room, there was a dark, dark closet.
7In the dark, dark closet, there was a dark, dark
box, In the dark, dark box, there was a dark,
dark hand, And the dark, dark hand, said
GOTCHA!! Traditional American Story
8Kinds of Understanding (K. Egan, 2001)
9- Somatic
- Mythic
- Romantic
- Philosophic
- Ironic
10- Somatic Understanding
- Physical, bodily understanding
- Mythic Understanding
- Making sense of the world through language
Fantasy Metaphor Rhyme and Rhythm Binary
11(No Transcript)
12Everybody depends on the mouth
From Eu conto, tu contas, ele conta Estórias
Africanas Compilador Aldónio Gomes (1999)
13What does the mouth say?
king I mouth my hear the are
weak one food arrogant can tired hungry
friends the eyes body am stomach is
very hands is see the are important
14What does the mouth say?
king I mouth my hear the are
weak one food arrogant can tired hungry
friends the eyes body am stomach is
very hands is see the are important
15What does the mouth say?
king I mouth my hear the are
weak one food arrogant can tired hungry
friends the eyes body am stomach is
very hands is see the are important
16What does the mouth say?
king I mouth my hear the are
weak one food arrogant can tired hungry
friends the eyes body am stomach is
very hands is see the are important
17What does the mouth say?
king I mouth my hear the are
weak one food arrogant can tired hungry
friends the eyes body am stomach is
very hands is see the are important
18What does the mouth say?
king I mouth my hear the are
weak one food arrogant can tired hungry
friends the eyes body am stomach is
very hands is see the are important
19Choose a word and connect it with two more
body eyes arrogant hear tired stomach
heart hands listen cake eat arrogant
dinner legs mouth important body king
refuse ears walk weak see food
- Atemporality
- Spatial Indetermination
- Linear and triple action
- Archetypical characters
- Personification
- Magic
21What is imaginative education?
- http//www.ierg.net/about/whatis.html
Susana Liruso smliruso_at_fl.unc.edu.ar