Title: Graphing
Making a Bar Graph
By Rosi Barron
2Fifth Grade Graphing Creating Graphs
-Teachers, please read through the whole
presentation prior to the activity.
-Each activity is meant to be used in addition
to your classroom teaching.
-Each activity includes a journal component.
Objective TSW utilize charted data to create
specific graphs.
3Graph Requirements
- Data to be graphed,
- Title area legend area,
- Labels for the X axis Y axis, and
- An appropriate graph for the data.
Each time you see the journal paper you will need
to write in your Math Journal.
4Graph 2
Bar Graph - a graph that uses bars
of different heights or lengths to show compare
Each student in the fifth grade was asked to vote
for their favorite ice cream flavor.
Use the data in the table to make a Bar Graph.
Click to see the Bar Graph -----gt
5Does your graph look like this one? If not, draw
this one.