Title: Pendle Vision promotes the economic regeneration
1Pendle Vision promotes the economic regeneration
of Pendle through partnership
2(No Transcript)
3Vision Board Members
4- Two thirds of Vision Board members are business
leaders - One third are senior officers from the public
5Vision Board Officers
Dennis Mendoros OBE DL FRAeS Chairman
Richard Sutton Vice Chairman
Tim Webber Vice Chairman
6Vision Board
- Influential business voice which
- identifies priorities for investment
- attracts private sector funds to match public
investment - supports promotion of Pendle for public sector
7The Pendle Vision Regeneration Programme is a 5
year programme of investment to create a
framework for a dynamic, competitive and healthy
local economy as part of Pennine Lancashire.
8Pendle Vision Regeneration Programme 2009 - 2014
The programme has three priorities the first is
to regenerate Nelson town centre
9Pendle Vision Regeneration Programme 2009 - 2014
Regenerate Nelson town centre
10Pendle Vision Regeneration Programme 2009 - 2014
The second priority is to re-use prominent sites
and buildings which have fallen out of use and
into decay
11Pendle Vision Regeneration Programme 2009 - 2014
Redundant mills are a feature in Pendles
12Pendle Vision Regeneration Programme 2009 - 2014
The Board are also actively encouraging the
search for additional Greenfield sites for
industrial/commercial development
13Pendle Vision Regeneration Programme 2009 - 2014
The third priority is to promote business support