Title: Relational Algebra and Buffer Management
1Relational Algebra and Buffer Management!
2Banking Example
- branch (branch-name, branch-city, assets)
- customer (customer-name, customer-street,
customer-only) - account (account-number, branch-name, balance)
- loan (loan-number, branch-name, amount)
- depositor (customer-name, account-number)
- borrower (customer-name, loan-number)
3Example Queries
- Find all loans of over 1200
- ?amount gt1200 (loan)
- Find the loan number for each loan of an amount
greater than 1200 - ploan-number (?amount gt
1200 (loan))
- loan (loan-number, branch-name, amount)
4Example Queries
- Find the names of all customers who have a loan,
an account, or both, from the bank - pcustomer-name (borrower) ? pcustomer-name
(depositor) - Find the names of all customers who have a loan
and an account at bank. - pcustomer-name (borrower) ? pcustomer-name
depositor (customer-name, account-number) borrower
(customer-name, loan-number)
5Example Queries
- Find the names of all customers who have a loan
at the Perryridge branch but do not have an
account at any branch of the bank. - pcustomer-name (?branch-name Perryridge
(borrower loan))
- pcustomer-name (depositor)
- loan (loan-number, branch-name, amount)
depositor (customer-name, account-number) borrower
(customer-name, loan-number)
6Example Queries
- Find the largest account balance
- Rename account relation as d
- The query is
- ?account.balance lt d.balance (account x rd
account (account-number, branch-name, balance)
7Example Queries
- Find all customers who have an account from at
least the Downtown and the Uptown branches. - Query 1
- pCN(?BNDowntown(depositor account)) ?
- pCN(?BNUptown(depositor account))
- where CN denotes customer-name and BN denotes
branch-name. - Query 2
- ?customer-name, branch-name (depositor
account) ? ?temp(branch-name) ((Downtown),
8Example Queries
- Find all customers who have an account at all
branches located in Boston. pcustomer-name,
branch-name (depositor account) ?
pbranch-name (?branch-city Boston (branch))
9Buffer manager- Context
10Buffer Management in a DBMS
Page Requests from Higher Levels
disk page
free frame
choice of frame dictated by replacement policy
- Data must be in RAM for DBMS to operate on it!
- Buffer Mgr hides the fact that not all data is in
11When a Page is Requested ...
- Buffer pool information table contains
pageid, pin_count, dirtygt -
- If requested page is not in pool and no free
frame - Choose a frame for replacement.Only un-pinned
pages are candidates! - If frame is dirty, write it to disk
- Read requested page into chosen frame
- Pin the page and return its address.
- If requests can be predicted (e.g., sequential
scans) - pages can be pre-fetched several pages at a
12More on Buffer Management
- Requestor of page must eventually unpin it, and
indicate whether page has been modified - dirty bit is used for this.
- Page in pool may be requested many times,
- a pin count is used.
- To pin a page, pin_count
- A page is a candidate for replacement iff pin
count 0 (unpinned) - CC recovery may entail additional I/O when a
frame is chosen for replacement. - Write-Ahead Log protocol more later!
13Buffer Replacement Policy
- Frame is chosen for replacement by a replacement
policy - Least-recently-used (LRU), MRU, Clock, etc.
- Policy can have big impact on of I/Os depends
on the access pattern.
Why MRU? Consider the following access pattern
(page ids) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,1
Assume a buffer of 10 pages After the first 10
pages, MRU will replace 10 with 11, 11 with 12,
12 with 13, 13 with 14, 14 with 15. Next 9 pages
will be found in and we need no disk reads for
them. Compare this approach against LRU.
14LRU Replacement Policy
- Least Recently Used (LRU)
- for each page in buffer pool, keep track of time
when last unpinned - replace the frame which has the oldest (earliest)
time - very common policy intuitive and simple
- Works well for repeated accesses to popular pages
- Problems?
- Problem Sequential flooding
- LRU repeated sequential scans.
- buffer frames lt pages in file means each page
request causes an I/O.
15Clock Replacement Policy
- An approximation of LRU
- Arrange frames into a cycle, store one reference
bit per frame - Can think of this as the 2nd chance bit
- When pin count reduces to 0, turn on ref. bit
- When replacement necessary do for each page in
cycle if (pincount 0 ref bit is
on) turn off ref bit else if (pincount 0
ref bit is off) choose this page for
replacement until a page is chosen
Questions How like LRU? Problems?
16DBMS vs. OS File System
- OS does disk space buffer mgmt why not let
OS manage these tasks? - Some limitations, e.g., files cant span disks.
- Buffer management in DBMS requires ability to
- pin a page in buffer pool, force a page to disk
order writes (important for implementing CC
recovery) - adjust replacement policy, and pre-fetch pages
based on access patterns in typical DB operations.