Title: Geothermal Workshop, Jan 11, 2002
1Updated Database of Nevada Geothermal Resources
Lisa Shevenell Larry GarsideNevada Bureau of
Mines and GeologyGreat Basin Center for
Geothermal EnergyGeothermal Opportunities in
Nevada January 11, 2002
2 Funding
Department of Energy State Special Projects Power
Technologies Geothermal Resource
Assessments September 2001 through September
2003 Cooperative project among Nevada State
Agencies Nevada Bur. of Mines Geology, Nevada
State Energy Office, and Nevada Division of
3In Collaboration with Other DOE Sponsored
Projects to the Great Basin Center for Geothermal
Energy Accelerated Geothermal Resource
Development in the Great Basin through Enhanced
Public Awareness and Outreach to Stakeholders
PI James V. Taranik Expanding Geothermal
Resource Utilization in Nevada through Directed
Research and Public Outreach PI Lisa Shevenell
and James V. Taranik
4RFP open to UNR DRI
Soliciting proposals (due 2/15/02) for research
(1) Geothermal Resource Exploration, (2)
Geothermal Resource Assessment, (3)
Geothermal Reservoir Management. Industry
collaboration encouraged
5USGS Circular 790
6NBMG Bulletin 91
- Update NBMG Bulletin 91
- (considerable new data knowledge from power
plants) - Make data, maps, photos descriptions web
8NV map showing power plants and direct use sites
9Data Types Sources
Standard GIS layers roads, streams, DEMS, Topo
.tifs, county and quad boundaries, etc. Water
Chemistry, temperature, well locations
completion information Sources County
Files GEOTHERM Nevada Div. of
Health Nevada Div. of Minerals Published
literature NWIS, USGS Nevada State
Engineer Site operators
10Data gaps in spring chemistry and temperature
using WATSTORE and GEOTHERM (after Shevenell et
al., 2000).
11Example Links by Area
Chemical Analyses Temperatures Geologic Data
and Maps Geothermometer Calculations Gradient
Data Narrative Description Photos,
Maps References Spring Well Locations Links
to Geophysical, and other non-static data and
sites including leasing/land use data, GRC, etc.
12Links to Original Data
BLM Lease Maps http//www.nv.blm.gov/minerals/geot
hermal/images_geoth/ Heat Flow/Geothermal
Gradient Data http//wrgis.wr.usgs.gov/open-fil
e/of99-425/ http//www2.smu.edu/geothermal/ USGS
NWIS water quality http//water.usgs.gov/nv/nwis/
13Hot Springs at Mosquito Creek
14McGill Hot Springs
15Post-Database Construction (not currently funded)
- Evaluation of geothermometry
- Construct better geologic models to help ID new
and blind target areas - Preliminary and full assessments
350 known geothermal systems in NV gt30 do
not have modern, complete water analyses From
?2700 digitized springs from 7.5 Quads -
chemistry and temperature of ?1029 thermal
springs is unknown On-going work funded by DOE
to compile data, fill in some gaps update
Bulletin 91
17Request for Data Suggestions lisaas_at_unr.edu
18Preliminary assessment
(modified from Goudarzi 1984)
19Caithness Power Plant, Steamboat
20Brady Power Partners
21(No Transcript)
22Nevada Flash Power Plants
Plant Year Output Temp (MW) (?C) Beowa
we 1985 16.7 199 Bradys 1992 21.1 186 Cait
hness 1988 14.4 236 Desert Peak 1985 9.9 205
Dixie Valley 1988 66 250
23Nevada Binary Power Plants
Plant Year Output Temp Empire 1987 3.6 151
Soda Lake 1 1987 3.6 182 Soda Lake
2 1991 13 182 Steamboat (I,Ia) 1986 7.1 170
Steamboat (II,III) 1992 48 170 Stillwater 1
989 13 158 Wabuska 1 1984 0.6 107 Wabuska
2 1987 0.6 107