15th WORLD WATER FORUM Session on Waterborne
Transport Istanbul, 17th March 2009
How MRC is helping to develop the
Mekong waterways in a sustainable manner with
minimum infrastructure development By Mekong
River Commission
2The presentation will give you a better insight
of what Mekong Navigation offers and how we apply
technology to assist in developing the Mekong as
a modern waterway with minimum infrastructure
3According to the 1995 Agreement, MRCs role is to
On the basis of equality of right, freedom of
navigation shall be accorded throughout the
mainstream of the Mekong River without regard to
the territorial boundaries,
MRC AGREEMENT Article 9 Freedom of Navigation
5- Overview of Navigation on the Lower Mekong River
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92 main trade pockets
10Importance of inland waterway transport for the
local communities
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17So how does MRC apply modern technology to
assist in developing the Mekong Navigation in a
sustainable way ?
18Basic principles when formulating and
implementing the Navigation Programme
- Adapt vessels and operations to the waterway
rather than the waterway to vessels and
operations - - Aids to navigation (channel markers,
communication systems, real-time data etc.) are
the most environmentally sustainable navigation
improvements - - Design the waterway transport system to be
integral with other land-based transport modes
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21Standard Specifications for Ship Locks on Mekong
Mainstream Dams
Courtesy of the Pakbeng Hydroelectric Power
Project in the Lao PDR
23Design of Channel Markers
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25Prevention, management, and control of navigation
emergencies from Mekong navigation based on the
analysis of risks, preparation of technical
guidelines and detailed outlines for contingency
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Can Inland Waterborne Transport provide a cost
effective and sustainable transport system for
developing nations ?
Yes, but in a river basin covering different
riparian states, IWT can only achieve sustainable
success when
29a) The sector is developed through integrated
water resource management
River Navigation is a water resource sector that
forms part of the integrated work by MRC to
cooperate in all fields of sustainable
development, management and conservation of water
and related resources of the Basin.
By preparing a Regional Basin Development Plan we
can consider the overlaps and possible areas of
conflict, identify potentials and, utilise the
links, and formulate mitigation measures.
30- There is cross-border trade and the potential
- is being utilised
Regional trade is increasing. The river
represents a significant transport artery linking
the Mekong River Basin with P.R China and with
their overseas trading partners.
MRC is promoting the use of information
technology to increase navigation safety and
Possible mainstream hydropower projects may
significantly increase the barge size on the
Upper Mekong stretches. MRC will provide
Guidelines on Standard Specifications for Ship
Locks on Mekong Mainstream Dams
31- There are powerful and well enforced navigation
agreements between the riparian states
Freedom of Navigation can only be guaranteed
through a comprehensive navigation agreement.
Such an agreement will standardise and harmonise
all regulations, facilitate operations and
provide a stimulus for investors.
Such a convention will regulate transport of
dangerous cargo. That is why MRC will formulate
a strategy for prevention and control of
navigation emergencies.
32d) There is an open line of communication between
the governmental planners and the industries
In many river basins, the private sector takes
the lead in urging the governments to improve
safety on the river, even at cost to the
The Mekong Basin needs port and fleet
associations, terminal and cargo associations,
and other private sector groups so that their
representatives can have a voice in the
sustainable development of inland waterborne
33Thank you for your attention