Title: chaper15 Matrix Form of Circuit Function
1chaper15 Matrix Form of Circuit Function
- matrix is fit for Complex circuit-analyze with
- Brief
- Cut set idea
- Incidence matrix?circuit matrix?cut set matrix
- Circuit current equation?node voltage
equation?matrix of cut set voltage equation - equation of state
215-1 Definition of Cut Set
1?whats meaning of cut set?
2 ?Direction of cut set?
33 ?independent cut set
4 ?Basic cut set confirm single branch cut set
in term of tree
We usually think basic cut set as independent
one, how to define basic cut set through the
concept of tree
5Tree a connected subfigure, including all node,
but no circuit
415-2 Associated Matrix, Loop Matrix, Cut Set
??incidence matrix, kcl and kvl matrix of
1?incidence matrix matrix to show the related
character of branch and pot
Whats meaning connection of branch and
pot? definition of related matrix? Such as
P335 reduced associated matrix
2?incidence matrix
5?? Loop Matrix and KCL\KVL Matrix Function
Expressed With Loop Matrix
1?Circuit matrix matrix express
Basic circuit matrix Bf
2?KVL matrix equation expressed by circuit
matrix 15-5 KCL matrix equation expressed by
circuit matrix 15-6
?? Cut Set Matrix and KCL\KVL Matrix Function
Expressed With Cut Set Matrix
615-5 Matrix Form of Function Cut Set
Voltage Function
Matrix Form of Node Voltage Function
1?think about two restrictions when list matrix
form of cut set voltage spur track
restrictionspur track equation
Compare matrix of circuit current(15-16) to
matrix of cut set voltage(15-17) QfAto some
graph, QfA When we select independent cut set
which is connected to the same node, we also call
cut set voltage method node voltage method.
715-8 State Function
8as parameter ,we can change the above equations
If think
9get matrix of equation
Input quantity v
State vector X
10examplefor the network
Get KCL equation of single capacitance tree
Get KVL equation of single inductance link
11(No Transcript)
13delete u5?i6
14Supplementary example