Title: Blank Jeopardy
1Identifying organisms Part 1
Identifying organisms Part 2
1 pt
1 pt
1 pt
2 pt
2 pt
2 pt
3 pt
3 pt
3 pt
3 pt
3 pt
4 pt
4 pt
4 pt
5 pt
5 pt
5 pt
5 pt
2This is the name of this organism.
What are some terms used to describe this
3What is Penicillium? Eukaryote, fungi, mold
4This is the name of this organism.
What are some terms used to describe this
5What is Schistosoma mansoni? It is a eukaryote
and a helminth.
6This is the name of this organism.
What are some terms used to describe this
7What is Yeast? Eukaryote, fungi
8This is the cellular morphology of this organism.
9What is spirillium?
10This is the name of this organism.
These are some terms used to describe this
11What is Peridinium? Eukaryote, algae, protist
12This is the cellular morphology and arrangement
of this organism?
13What is staphylococci?
14This is the name of this organism.
What are some terms used to describe this
15What is Rhizopus? Eukaryote, fungus, mold
16This is the name of this organism.
What are some terms used to describe this
17What is Trypanosoma gambiensae? Eukaryote,
protozoa, protist
18What is the cellular morphology and arrangement
for this organism?
19What is streptobacilli?
20This is the name of this organism.
These are some names used to describe this
21What is Aspergillus? Eukaryote, fungi, mold
22Beaded, spreading and pointed are terms used to
describe this type of media.
23What is a slant?
24Pellicle and sediment are terms used to describe
this type of media?
25What is a broth?
26A deep is inoculated with this instrument.
27What is a needle?
28After inoculating organisms on a plate, this
instrument is used to complete the streaking of
the plate.
29What is a loop?
30If you were to describe the colony morphology of
fungi, You would use which of these
terms? Flat Circular Cocci Bacilli Filamentous
32These are some functions for heating your sliding
before staining.
33What are killing the organism, stopping autolysis
and adherence to the slide?
34Safranin is used for this stain(s)
35What is gram stain and spore stains?
36Methylene blue is used for this stain(s)
37What is the simple and acid fast stains?
38Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium
leprae (Leprosy)would stain positive with this
39What is the acid fast stain?
40These are two ways to determine if you
contaminated your culture.
41Look at the cellular morphology by looking at a
stained slide or look at the colony morphology on
a plate.
42Inorder to increase the resolution under the 100X
oil objective, you must open this part of the
43What is the diaphragm?
44If you look at an object under the 40X objective,
this isthe total magnification of the object.
45What is 400X?
46Number 2 below is called this.
47What is the illuminator?
48This is the part of the microscope that should
not be touched under high power.
49What is 3, the course adjustment knob?
50Oil has the __________ refractive index as glass.