Title: Farm Management
1Farm Management
- Chapter 9
- Cost Concepts in Economics
2Chapter Outline
- Opportunity Cost
- Costs
- Application of Cost Concepts
- Economies of Size
3Chapter Objectives
- To explain the importance of opportunity cost and
its use - To clarify the difference between short run and
long run - To discuss the difference between fixed and
variable costs - To identify fixed costs and show how to compute
them - To show how to compute average costs
- To demonstrate the use of costs in short run and
long run decisions - To explore economies of size
4Opportunity Cost
- The value of a product not produced because an
input was used for another purpose, or - The income that could have been received if the
input had been used in its most profitable
alternative use
5Everything Has an Opportunity Cost
Even if you use the input in its best possible
use, there is an opportunity cost for the item
you did not produce. (In this case, opportunity
cost will be less than the revenue actually
6Table 9-1 Opportunity Cost of Applying
Irrigation Water Among Three Uses
7How Does Opportunity Cost Relate to the
Equi-Marginal Principle?
With the Equi-Marginal Principle, we are choosing
to produce one product instead of another. The
opportunity cost is the revenue given up from
the crop not produced.
8Opportunity Cost of Operator Time
- Opportunity cost of operator's labor What the
operator could earn for that labor in best
alternative use - Opportunity cost of operator's management
Difficult to estimate - Total of opportunity cost of labor and
opportunity cost of management should not exceed
total expected salary in best alternative job
9Opportunity Cost of Capital
The opportunity cost of capital is often set
equal to what the capital could earn in a
no-risk savings account. Total dollar value of
the capital inputs is estimated and multiplied by
the interest rate for a savings account.
- Total Fixed Cost (TFC)
- Average Fixed Cost (AFC)
- Total Variable Cost (TVC)
- Average Variable Cost (AVC)
- Total Cost (TC)
- Average Total Cost (ATC)
- Marginal Cost (MC)
11Cost Concepts
These seven costs are output related. Marginal
cost is the cost of producing an additional unit
of output. The others are either the total or
average costs for producing a given amount of
12Short Run and Long Run
The short run is the period of time during which
the quantity of one or more production inputs is
fixed and cannot be changed. The long run is
the period of time in which the amount of all
inputs can be changed.
13Fixed Costs
- Fixed costs exist only in the short run.
- In the short run, fixed costs must be paid
regardless of the amount of output produced. - Fixed costs are not under the control of the
manager in the short run.
14Depreciation is a Fixed Cost
Annual depreciation using the
straight-line method is Original Cost
Salvage Value Useful Life
15Interest is a Fixed Cost
Cost Salvage Value
Interest ? r
r the interest rate
16Other Fixed Costs
Property taxes and insurance are also fixed
costs. Some repairs may be fixed costs, if
they are for maintenance. In practice, machinery
repairs are usually counted as variable costs,
while building repairs are counted as fixed.
17Computing Total Costs
- Total Fixed Cost (TFC) The sum of all fixed
costs - Total Variable Cost (TVC) The sum of all
variable costs - Total Cost (TC) TVC TFC
18Average and Marginal Costs
- Average Fixed Cost (AFC) TFC/Output
- Average Variable Cost (AVC) TVC/Output
- Average Total Cost (ATC or AC) TC/Output
- Marginal Cost ?TC/ ?Output or ?TVC/
?Output -
19Figure 9-1 Typical total cost curves
20Figure 9-2 Average and marginal cost curves
21Things to Notice
- AFC always decreases
- MC may decrease at first but it eventually must
increase - AVC and ATC are typically U-shaped
- MCAVC at minimum point of AVC
- MC ATC at minimum point of ATC
- ATC approaches AVC from above
22Figure 9-3 Cost curves for a diminishing
marginal returns production function
23Figure 9-4 Cost curves when marginal product
is constant
24Table 9-2 Illustration of Cost Concepts Applied
to a Stocking Rate Problem
25Graph of ATC, AVC, MC and AFC from Stocker
26Application of Cost Concepts
Cost concepts can be used in both short and
long-run decision making.
27Production Rules for the Short Run
- If Price gt ATC, produce and make a profit.
- If ATCgtPricegtAVC produce and minimize losses.
- If AVCgt Price, do not produce and limit your loss
to your fixed costs.
28Logic behind These Rules
Fixed costs must be paid whether you produce or
not in any given year. They are therefore
irrelevant to the production decision. You look
at variable costs. If you can cover those, you
should produce. If you cant, you dont produce.
29Producing at a Loss Example
Fixed Costs are 10,000. At the point where
MRMC, TVC are 8,000 and TR is 12,000. If
I dont produce, I will have a loss of
_______ If I do produce, I will have a loss of
_________ I should produce to minimize losses.
30If Losses Exceed Fixed Costs
Fixed Costs are 10,000. At the point where
MRMC, TVC are 15,000 and TR is 12,000. If
I dont produce, I will have a loss of
_______ If I do produce, I will have a loss of
_________ I should not produce
31Figure 9-5 Illustration of short-run production
32Dont Produce Graphical View
loses more than fixed cost
MR Price
33Produce at a Loss Graphical View
loses less than fixed cost
MR Price
34Produce at a Profit Graphical View
per-unit profit
MR Price
35Production Rules for the Long Run
- Price gt ATC. Continue to produce at the point
where MRMC. - Price lt ATC. Stop production and sell fixed
36Economies of Size
- What is the most profitable farm size?
- Can larger farms produce food and fiber more
cheaply? - Are large farms more efficient?
- Will family farms disappear and be replaced by
corporate farms? - Will farm numbers continue to fall?
37Figure 9-6Farm size in the short run
38Measuring Economies of Size
Percent Change in Costs Percent Change in
Output Value
39Figure 9-7Possible size-cost relations
40Causes of Economies of Size
- Full utilization of existing resources
- Technology
- Use of specialized resources
- Decreasing input prices
- Higher output prices
- Management
41Causes of Diseconomies of Size
- Management
- Labor supervision
- Geographical dispersion
- Special problems of large livestock operations
42Figure 9-8Two possible LRAC curves
This chapter discussed the different economic
costs and their use in managerial decision
making. An analysis of costs is important for
understanding and improving the profitability of
a business. An understanding of costs is also
necessary for analyzing economies of size.