Title: Life After Messier
1Life After Messier
- NGC or GCVS?
- Mike Simonsen
- C.E. Scovil Observatory
- Imlay City, MI, USA
2Evolution of a Stargazer
- Stars
- Constellations
- First telescope
- The Moon
- Planets
- Messier Objects
- Aperture fever!
- NGC catalog
- Fainter and fainter and fainter fuzzies
- Photography or CCD imaging
- Insanity and bankruptcy!
3Evolution of a Variable Star Observer
- Stars
- Constellations
- First telescope
- The Moon
- Planets
- Messier Objects
- Variable Stars!
- Aperture fever!
- Fainter and fainter and fainter variables
- CCD imaging
- "I feel it my duty to warn any others who may
show signs of star susceptibility that they
approach the observing of variable stars with the
utmost caution. It is easy to become an addict
and, as usual, the longer the indulgence is
continued the more difficult it becomes to make a
clean break and go back to a normal life. - Leslie C. Peltier
- Never were truer words spoken.
5M13 Hercules Globular Cluster
6W Her (Herculis)Mira 8.2-13.5v
7(No Transcript)
8M57 Ring Nebula in Lyra
9RX Lyr (Lyrae)Mira 10.9-lt15.5v
10(No Transcript)
11M31 Andromeda Galaxy
12(No Transcript)
13RX And/ U And
14RX And (Andromedae)
- Z Cam type variable
- Outbursts and standstills
- Very active!
- Can be followed nightly for signs of activity
- Magnitude range 10.3-14.0v
15U And (Andromedae)
- Mira
- Period 346 days
- Magnitude range 9.9-14.0v
- Bright stars in field make it easy to find and
16M33 Triangulum Galaxy
17V Tri (Trianguli)
- Eclipsing binary system
- You can observe an entire eclipse in one night
- Total duration approximately 4 hours
18TY Psc (Piscium)
- Outbursts and Superoutbursts
- Very handy, recognizable asterism in the field
19M42The Great Nebula in Orion
20M42, a giant stellar nurseryChock full of
21S Ori (Orionis)
22S Orionis
- Mira
- Period 419 days
- Magnitude range 8.4-12.9v
23M10 and M12Nice warm summer night targets
24Two globulars point to one nice variable star
25SS Ophiuchi
- Mira
- Period 180 days
- Magnitude range 7.8-14.5V
26Get close to SS Oph!
27M81 and M82 in Ursa Major
28Star hop to variables while everyone else is
looking at M82 for the 100th time!
29CI UMa UG 13.8-lt17.7v
30CH UMa UG 10.7-14.9V
31R UMa Mira 6.6-14.3v Period 301 days
32EvolutionSurvival of the Fittest
- Learn to star hop like a MONSTER observing
variable stars - The most interesting things to look at are those
that change - The Sun, planets, comets
- Are you looking for a challenge?
- Do you need a motivation to get that telescope
out of the closet? - Have fun, expand your horizons, and contribute to
science - Observing Variable Stars is Fun and Rewarding
- The AAVSO Wants YOU!