- About ZSU
- About OEMT State Key Lab
- Progress on Joining ASM-02
3A Brief Introduction to
Sun Yat-Sen University (Zhongshan University)
4 The Location of Sun Yat-Sen University
?1.5h train from Hong Kong
5Sun Yat-Sen (Zhongshan) University
- founded in 1924 by Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, the great
leader of our democratic revolution in China - Named Zhongshan
- University in 1926 in
- memory of Dr. Sun
- (Zhongshan being his alias)
Dr. Suns motto located at the University
6- The site of Canton Medical School (1866)
- 1866?????????
The site of Lingnan University Medical
College ?? ?????
7The picturesque campus on the south north bank
of Pearl River Guangzhou (Canton) , China
8The campus (Guangzhou campus)
- Total area 6.24 km2
- Guangzhou South 1.17 km2
- Guangzhou North 0. 39 km2
- Guangzhou East 1.2km2
- (under construction)
- Zhuhai 3.48 km2
9New buildings on campus (Guangzhou)
10The picturesque Zhuhai campus (3.48 km2)
The 571 meters long (77,000m2) main
building housing classrooms labs for 20,000
11The Zhuhai campus
12The Zhuhai campus at night
13The student dormitory buildings
14The Universitys Vision
- Overall goal
- - To perform at the top level among first
class universities in China - - To become an internationally renowned
research university
15The academic strength
- One of the major universities in China
- the largest and most prestigious in South China
- A multi-disciplinary institution
16Teaching capacity
- A complete BA-MA-PhD education
- 21 schools plus
- Graduate School
- School of Network Education
- School of Continuing Education
- 142 doctoral programs
- 196 MA programs
- 79 undergraduate programs
- 8 programs leading to special
- master degrees
- Staff total 11850
- Staff for teaching 6950
- CAS academicians 4
- CAE academicians 3
- Professors 673
- Associate Professors 1400
- Total enrollment 42,505
- Postgraduates 10,400
- Doctoral 2,482
- Master 6,642
- Undergraduates 18,700
- Oversea students 480
- Associate-degree 418
- Network education 2,558
- Full-time on-the-job 2,306
- Part-time 8,919
19Affiliated Hospitals(Beds 5770)
- The First Affiliated Hospital Huangpu Hospital
- The Second Affiliated Hospital (Sun Yat-Sen
- Memorial Hospital) Ruibao Hospital
- The Third Affiliated Hospital
- The Fifth Affiliated Hospital (Zhuhai Hospital)
- Zhongshan Ophthalmologic Center (including
- Ophthalmology Hospital)
- Tumor Control Center (including Tumor Hospital)
- Guanghua Stomatology Hospital
20First School of Clinical Medicine
21Lingnan Medical College
Lingnan Medical College
22Huangpu Hospital of SUMS
Ophthalmic Hospital
23Space Information Service
- Total area of buildings 1,828,000 m2
- Collection of the library 4,340,000 volumes
- Campus network service 1G connection
between campuses
24Research Capacity
- Key Disciplines
- - State-level 20
- - Provincial 31
- Key Laboratories 114
- National key labs 2
- National special labs
2 - Ministerial-level key labs
6 - Provincial key labs
5 - Humanities research centers 4
25University Analysis Center for Research
- Equipped with over 25 sets of state-of-art
26- Natural Science
- Tropical and Subtropical Biological Science and
Technology - Polymer Chemistry and Physics
- Crude Substance Chemistry
- Optics and Photoelectric Materials Physics
- Tropical and Subtropical Resources Environment
and Human Geography - Digital Communication and Computing
27Humanity and Social Science
- Ancient Chinese Literature and Traditional
Culture - Modern Chinese History
- Modern Industry Administration and International
Economics - Marxist Philosophy and
- China Modernization
28Medical Science
- Ophthalmology
- Nephropathy
- Pathogenetic Biological Science
- Surgical Science
- Oncology
- Neurology
- Pharmacology
- Epidemiology
- Molecular Medicine
29Toward an International University
- International Exchange
- Over 100 well-known universities and
institutions in different countries - An initiative to use foreign textbooks in various
faculties in their original language (mostly
English) - Digital storage of data and documents in the
University - Recruiting personnel from abroad
- Attracting Alumni support from overseas
30Some Examples
- IMBA Program jointly run with MIT, USA
- CHEMBA Program jointly run with University
- of Minnesota, USA
- MPA and MBA Program co-operated with
- University of Oxford, UK
- EMBA Program jointly run with Manchester
Business - School and UC Berkeley
- DESS Program jointly run with EM Lyon and Lyon
III - Student Faculty Exchange Program with
Universities - in Hong Kong , Macao, Japan and South Korea
31Local Interests
- Guangdong Province has been regarded a pioneering
region for modernization reforms - Sun Yat-Sen University has being jointly
supported by Guangdong Provincial Government and
by Ministry of Education of China.
- Adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao, where is
regarded as one of the biggest finance and free
trade centers in the world. - The GDP of Guangdong Province in 2003s first ten
months was 1.07 trillion Yuan (120 billion US),
1/9 of the GDP of China. - The Pearl River Data area is the richest region
in Guangdong and one of the richest regions in
the country. Its productivity portion of the GDP
amounts to 80 of the provincial GDP. - The Pearl River Data area has become an important
area for manufacture industry in the world.
33The State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic
Materials and Technology
- Built in 1984, one of the earliest State Key
Laboratory in China - It has 8400 m2 in area
- 47 research staff, including 22 professors.
- More than 200 postgraduates
- Director Prof N S Xu
- Chairman of AC CAS Zhizhan Xu
35Main Research Directions
- Optical communication science and technology
- Display materials and technology
- Ultra-fast phenomena in optoelectronic materials
- Characterization technologies
- Nanomaterials for optoelectronic application
- Related Theories
36Good Team
Was he making something for AMS-02?
37Thin Film Deposition
Home made
38Thick Film Preparation
Home made
41Project 1 Flat Panel Displays
Convention FPD
Novel FPDs
42Field Emission Display
44Screen Printed
45Array of Triodes
46Real Time Display of a Prototype
48New Approach
49New Materials
50 Project 2 Mass Spectrometer for Space
(Tech Digest of IVMC 2000, JVST,(2001) )
51 Cold-Cathode Electron Source
(ZSU and RAL)
Thin Coated (2nm)
52Controlled Depositon
Single Tip
53Very Localized Deposition
54Progress on Joining AMS-02
56First visit to CERN
57Proposal to Guangdong Province
58- 2003.11.26 Governor Mr Hua-Hua Huang met
- Professor S C C Ting
59(No Transcript)
602004.1.7Recievce Approval
2004.1.2 Handed in Application
Fax of the approval notice of the International
Application form of the International cooperation
61Investment of University for Project
- Laboratory in Zhuhai Campus
- 10 million yuan RMB
62The laboratory building in Zhuhai Campus
63A corner inside the laboratory
64View from inside the laboratory
65Thank you for your attention!