Title: Water Movement, Translocation and Nutrient Uptake
1Water Movement, Translocation and Nutrient Uptake
Chapters 36 and 37
2Introduction flow of substances
- Driving force
- Concentration gradients
- Electrical gradients
- Pressure gradients
- Pathway
- Length
- Resistance
3Ficks Law
- fx F/(dR)
- Where
- fx flux
- F gradient
- d distance
- R resistance
4Establishing a gradient - Components of Water
potential (the potential for water to do work)
- ? (total water potential)
- ?s (osmotic or solute potential)
- ?p (pressure potential)
- ?m (matric potential)
- ?g (gravimetric potential)
- ? ?s ?p (?m ?g)
- generally not considered in plant water balance
5Interaction of the components of water potential
- I
6Interaction of the components of water potential
- II
Pressure potential
decreasing cell volume
Total water potential
Osmotic potential (solute potential)
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8Total water potential
Difference between lines equals pressure potential
Theoretical ? potential
Turgor loss potential
9Flow in soil, plant, atmosphere continuum
- Electrical circuit analogy Ohms law
- Where
- V voltage
- I current
- R resistant
- Rearranged I V/R
- Ficks law
- fx F/dR
- Where
- fx volumetric water flow through plant
- F water potential gradient between atmosphere
and soil - dR resistances to water movement in plant
10Water potential of atmosphere at various
relative humidities
Minimal WP values for various plants
10 bars 1 MPa
11Soil water relations - films and adhesion
10 atms is approximately 1 MPa
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13Movement of water within plant - films and
cohesion and adhesion
15Direction and mechanism
- Flow is from a source (region of production) to a
sink (region of use). - Sieve tubes actively loaded at source lowering
water potential drawing in water. - Pressure drives water and materials through
tubes. - Sieve tubes actively unloaded at sink raising
water potential resulting in loss of water. - Water goes into xylem to be returned.
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17Water balance and sap-flow in red alder and big
leaf maple
18The Team
David W.
David H.
Tara and Megan
Angela and Seth
19Measurement of gas exchange and water potential
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21Measuring Sap-flow
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23Measuring Hydraulic Conductance
24big leaf maple
red alder
25Nutrient Uptake
26Transfer across membranes
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30Soil structure - Clay particles
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32Movement locations in transfer of material
- Apoplast area outside cell membrane including
the cell wall - Symplast area inside cell membrane
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35Solutions to the Nutrient Problems
- Nitrogen fixation
- Mycorrhizae
- Parasite/saprophyte
- Carnivory
36Nitrogen fixation
40The End