Title: Concurrency: Deadlock and Starvation
1Concurrency Deadlock and Starvation
- know what deadlock is
- be able to describe the four necessary and
sufficient conditions for deadlock to occur - be familiar with deadlock prevention, avoidance,
and detection/recovery mechanisms
- Permanent blocking of a set of processes that
either compete for system resources or
communicate with each other - No efficient solution
- Involve conflicting needs for resources by two or
more processes - determine whether a program contains a potential
deadlock is a computationally unsolvable problem
4(No Transcript)
5Not Joking
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8Reusable Resources
- Used by one process at a time and not depleted
(used up) by that use - Processes obtain resources that they later
release for reuse by other processes - Processors, I/O channels, main and secondary
memory, files, databases, and semaphores - Deadlock occurs if each process holds one
resource and requests the other
9Example of Deadlock
10Another Example of Deadlock
- Space is available for allocation of 200K bytes,
and the following sequence of events occur - Deadlock occurs if both processes progress to
their second request
. . .
. . .
Request 80K bytes
Request 70K bytes
. . .
. . .
Request 60K bytes
Request 80K bytes
11Consumable Resources
- Created (produced) and destroyed (consumed) by a
process - Interrupts, signals, messages, and information in
I/O buffers - Deadlock may occur if Receive message is a
blocking call - May take a rare combination of events to cause
12Example of Deadlock
- Deadlock occurs if receive is blocking
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
Send(P2, M1)
Send(P1, M2)
13Conditions for Deadlock
- These 3 conditions must be present for a deadlock
to be possible (necessary conditions) - Mutual exclusion
- Only one process may use a resource at a time
- Hold-and-wait
- A process holds one resource while requesting
another resource - No Preemption
- No resource may be removed from a process by force
14Conditions for Deadlock
- Circular wait
- A closed chain of processes exists such that each
process holds resource needed by next
15All Conditions
- First three conditions lead to the fourth
condition - All four conditions are necessary and sufficient
for a deadlock to occur - All four of these 4 conditions must be present
for a deadlock to occur. If one of them is
absent, no deadlock is possible. - Design the system to exclude the possibility of a
16More on circular wait
- Circular wait does not imply deadlock if one of
the processes in the loop can obtain the resource
in another way
17Methods for Handling Deadlocks
- Ensure that the system will never enter a
deadlock state - Deadlock Prevention. Constrain resource requests
to prevent at least one of the four conditions of
deadlock - Deadlock Avoidance. Allow the three necessary
conditions, but make judicious choices to assure
that the deadlock point can never be reached - Allow the system to enter a deadlock state and
then recover - Ignore the problem and pretend that deadlocks
never occur in the system (the ostrich strategy) - used by most operating systems, including UNIX
18Deadlock Prevention
- Constrain resource requests to prevent at least
one of the four conditions of deadlock - Mutual Exclusion cannot be banned!
- Hold-and-Wait
- Preventing it requires that each process requests
all its required resources at one time and gets
blocked until all requests can be granted
simultaneously - Problems
- process may be held up for a long time waiting
for all its requests - resources allocated to a process may remain
unused for a long time. These resources could be
used by other processes - an application would need to be aware of all the
resources that will be needed
19Deadlock Prevention (ctd.)
- No preemption
- (1)To prevent deadlock, the following rule should
apply if a process is denied a further request,
the process must release the resources that it
already has (2) or ask the other process who
hold requested resource to meet the demand of the
requesting process - The OS must be able to restore the state that the
process had before releasing the resources.
Therefore, this method is only practical when the
state can be easily saved and resources restored
later (e.g., releasing the processor)
20Deadlock Prevention (ctd.)
- Circular wait
- define a linear ordering for resources
- once a resource is obtained, only those resources
higher in the list can be obtained - may deny resources unnecessarily
- (prevention strategies are not practical)
- A
- B ltltlt process2 (2) allow A only
- C
- D ltltlt process1 (1) allow A, B, C only
- E ltltlt process3
21Deadlock Prevention Summary
- We disallow one of the 3 policy conditions or use
a protocol that prevents circular wait - This leads to inefficient use of resources and
inefficient execution of processes
22Resource-Allocation Graph
- A set of vertices V and a set of edges E.
- V is partitioned into two types
- P P1, P2, ..., Pn, the set consisting of all
the processes in the system. - R R1, R2, ..., Rm, the set consisting of all
resource types in the system. - Request edge directed edge Pi -gt Rj
- Assignment edge directed edge Rj -gt Pi
23Legend of the Resource-Allocation Graph
- Process
- Resource type with 4 instances
- Pi requests instance of Rj
- Pi is holding an instance of Rj
24Example of a Graph With No Cycles
If graph contains no cycles ? no
25Example of a Graph With Cycles
- If graph contains a cycle
- ?
- if only one instance
- per resource type,
- then deadlock.
- if several instances
- per resource type,
- possibility of deadlock.
- must ask question is there a process that can
terminate and if so, which other processes can
terminate as a consequence?
26Resource allocation graph with deadlock
Cycles P1 ? R1 ? P2 ? R3 ? P3 ? R2 ? P1 P2 ? R3
? P3 ? R2 ? P2 cannot get out
27Deadlock Avoidance
- Prevention results in inefficient use of
resources - We can use deadlock avoidance in which first
three conditions still hold - A decision is made dynamically whether the
current resource allocation request will, if
granted, potentially lead to a deadlock - Requires knowledge of future process request
28Two Approaches to Deadlock Avoidance
- Do not start a process if its demands might lead
to deadlock - Do not grant an incremental resource request to a
process if this allocation might lead to deadlock
29Useful Data Structures
Let n number of processes, and m number of
resources types.
- Resource vector of length m. If Resourcej k,
there are totally k instances of resource type Rj
- Available vector of length m. If Available j
k, there are k instances of resource type Rj
available now - Claim n ? m matrix. If Claimi,j k, then
process Pi may request at most k instances of
resource type Rj. - Allocation n ? m matrix. If Allocationi,j
k then Pi is currently allocated k instances of
30Process Initiation Denial
- Refuse to start a new process if its resource
- requirements might lead to deadlock
- In other words, start a new process Pn1 only
if - Ri ? Claimn1, i ?1?k?n Claimk, i ?i
- i.e. the maximum claim of all current
processes plus those of the new process can be
- It is a worst case strategy because it assumes
the worst (all required resources will be needed
at the same time) so it is an inefficient approach
31Resource Allocation Denial
- Referred to as the bankers algorithm (Dijkstra
1965) - System is in safe state if there exists a safe
sequence of all processes. - Sequence lt P1, P2, ..., Pngt is safe if for each
Pi, the resources that Pi can still request can
be satisfied by currently available resources
resources held by all the Pj, with jlti. - If Pi resource needs are not immediately
available, - then Pi can wait until all Pj have finished
- When Pj is finished, Pi can obtain needed
resources, - execute, return allocated resources, and
terminate - When Pi terminates, Pi1 can obtain its needed
- resources, and so on.
Avoidance ensure that a system will never enter
an unsafe state.
32Determination of a Safe State
33Example of an Unsafe State
34Bankers Algorithm
struct state int resourcem int
availablem int claimnm int
boolean safe(state s) int currentavailm
process restltnumber of processesgt
currentavail available rest all
processes possible true while
(possible) find a Pk ?rest such that
claimk, allocationk, ?
currentavail if (found)
/ simulate execution of Pk,
and then collect the released resources /
currentavail allocationk,
rest - Pk else
possible false return
(rest null) Test for safety Algorithm
if (allocationi, request gt claimi, )
/ error since total request gt claim /
elseif (request gt available) /
suspend process because no enough
resource / else / simulate allocation
/ / define newstate by
allocationi, request
available - request / if
(safe(newstate)) / carry out allocation
/ else / restore original state
suspend process / Resource Allocation
35Deadlock Avoidance
- Maximum resource requirement must be stated in
advance - Processes under consideration must be
independent no synchronization requirements - There must be a fixed number of resources to
allocate - No process may exit while holding resources
36Deadlock Detection
- OS does not prevent deadlocks.
- OS grants resources whenever possible.
- Detection of deadlock is not obvious
- if the OS sees some processes that wait, it
cannot conclude that there is deadlock - OS checks for deadlock by checking for circular
waiting by either method - Checking at resource request
- early detection of deadlock
- frequent checks consume processor time
- Checking periodically
- There is recovery from deadlock
37Single Instance of Each Resource Type
- Maintain wait-for graph from the
Resource-Allocation Graph - Nodes are processes.
- Pi ? Pj if Pi is waiting for Pj.
- Periodically invoke an algorithm that searches
for a cycle in the graph. - An algorithm to detect a cycle in a graph
requires an order of n2 operations, where n is
the number of vertices in the graph.
38Resource-Allocation Graph and Wait-for Graph
Resource-Allocation Graph
Corresponding wait-for graph
39Several Instances of a Resource Type
- Available A vector of length m indicates the
number of available resources of each type. - Allocation An n ? m matrix defines the number
of resources of each type currently allocated to
each process. - Request An n ? m matrix indicates the current
request of each process. If Request i, j k,
then process Pi is requesting k more instances of
resource type Rj.
40Detection Algorithm
- 1. Let Work and Finish be vectors of length m and
n, respectively Initialize - (a) Work Available
- (b) For i 1,2, , n, if Allocationi, ? 0,
then Finishi falseotherwise, Finishi
true. - 2. Find an index i such that both
- (a) Finishi false
- (b) Request i, ? Work
- If no such i exists, go to step 4.
41Detection Algorithm (Cont.)
- 3. Work Allocation i, Finishi
truego to step 2. - 4. If Finishi false, for some i, 1 ? i ?
n, then the system is in deadlock state.
Moreover, if Finishi false, then Pi is
Algorithm requires an order of O(m ? n2)
operations to detect whether the system is in
deadlocked state.
42Example of Detection Algorithm
43Note to Detection-Algorithm
- When, and how often, to invoke depends on
- How often a deadlock is likely to occur?
- How many processes will need to be rolled back?
- If detection algorithm is invoked arbitrarily,
there may be many cycles in the resource graph
and so we would not be able to tell which of the
many deadlocked processes caused the deadlock.
44Deadlock Recovery after deadlock has been
- Abort all deadlocked processes
- one of the most common solution adopted in OS!!
- Back up each deadlocked process to some
previously defined checkpoint, and restart all
process - original deadlock may occur
- Successively abort deadlocked processes until
deadlock no longer exists - each time we need to invoke the deadlock
detection algorithm - Successively preempt resources until deadlock no
longer exists - a process that has a resource preempted must be
rolled back prior to its acquisition
45Selection Criteria for Deadlocked Processes(34)
- Least amount of processor time consumed so far
- Least number of lines of output produced so far
- Most estimated time remaining
- Least total resources allocated so far
- Lowest priority
- Starvation same process might (but not
definite) always be picked as victim, include
number of rollback in cost factor.
46(No Transcript)
47Dining Philosophers (Dijkstra)
- Five philosophers are in deep thought sitting
around a dining table - When they get hungry, they try to eat the
spaghetti - There is only one fork to the left of each
philosopher - Each philosopher must acquire two forks to eat
- One philosopher can begin eating if the neighbour
to the right has put down the fork - No deadlock, no snatching, no starvation
48Dining Philosophers Problem
Do you have any fantastic methods?
49Possible Methods
- Buy 5 another forks
- Teach them to eat using just one fork
- Or One by one
- All are not cost-effective
50Solution With Semaphores
- semaphore fork5 1
- void philosopher(int i)
- while (true)
- think()
- wait(forki)
- wait(fork(i1) mod 5)
- eat()
- signal(fork(i1) mod 5)
- signal(forki)
- All philosophers may starve to death!! Why?? (If
they pick their left fork at same time)
51The Dining Philosophers Problem
- A solution admit only 4 philosophers at a time
to the table - Then 1 philosopher can always eat when the other
3 are holding 1 fork - Hence, we can use another semaphore T that would
limit at 4 the numb. of philosophers sitting at
the table - Initialize T.count4
Process Pi while think wait(T)
wait(forki) wait(forki1 mod 5) eat
signal(forki1 mod 5) signal(forki)
52The dining philosophers problem
- Each process needs two resources
- Every resource is mutual to two processes - i.e.
every pair of processes compete for a specific
resource - Every process can either be assigned two
resources or none at all - Every process that is waiting for its two
resources should sleep (be blocked) - Every process that releases its two resources
must wake-up the two competing processes for
these resources, if they are interested.
53The dining philosophers problem
- define N 5
- define LEFT (i-1) N
- define RIGHT (i1) N
- define THINKING 0
- define HUNGRY 1
- define EATING 2
- int stateN
- semaphore mutex 1
- semaphore sN / per each philosopher /
- void philosopher(int i)
- while(TRUE)
- think()
- pick_sticks(i)
- eat()
- put_sticks(i)
54pick_sticks(i) , put_sticks(i), test(i)
- void pick_sticks(int i)
- wait(mutex) / enter CS /
- statei HUNGRY
- test(i) / try for 2 sticks /
- signal(mutex) / exit CS /
- wait(s i ) / block if sticks were not
acquired../ -
- void put_sticks(int i)
- wait(mutex)
- statei THINKING / finished eating../
- test(LEFT) / can left neighbour eat now ? /
- test(RIGHT) / .. RIGHT.. ? /
- signal(mutex)
- void test(int i)
- if(statei HUNGRY stateLEFT ! EATING
stateRIGHT ! EATING) - statei EATING
- signal(s i )
55Dining Philosophers Deadlocks Starvation
- the solution is deadlock-free because every
process has either two resources or none - for deadlock a process must have one resource and
block for the other that is owned by another
process (which is blocked waiting for the first) - Starvation is possible
- Process 1 2 3 4 5
- eating-state e e
- e e
- e e
- e e
56UNIX Concurrency Mechanisms
- Pipes
- Messages
- Shared memory
- Semaphores
- Signals
- Based on producer-consumer model
- A pipe is a FIFO queue written by one process and
read by another - Writing process is blocked if no room
- Mutual exclusion is enforced by UNIX
- E.G.
- ls -l grep mbox
- Ls l gt out.txt
- Each process has a mailbox, an associated
message queue - System calls are provided for message passing
- Process sending message to a full queue is
suspended - Int Msgget(key_t key, int msgflg) create a msg
queue - Msgsnd() send
- Msgrcv() receive
59Shared Memory and Semaphores
- Common block of virtual memory shared by multiple
processes - Fastest form of IPC
- UNIX kernel handles the semaphore operations
atomically - A semaphore contains
- Current value
- PID of last process that accessed it
- Number of processes waiting
- System calls are provided to handle semaphores
- A signal informs a process about an event
- Signals do not have priorities
- Some signals in UNIX
- SIGFPT Floating point exception
- SIGALARM Wake up after a time period
- SIGBUS Bus error
61Solaris Thread Synchronization Primitives
- Mutual exclusion (mutex) locks
- Semaphores
- Multiple readers, single writer locks
- Condition variables
- Implemented in KLT and ULT
- Once created, either enter or release
- Kernel does not enforce mutual exclusion and
unlocking on abort of threads
62Solaris Mutex Locks and Semaphores
- If a thread has locked a mutex, only this thread
will unlock it - If another thread approaches the mutex, it will
be either blocked or wait in a spin wait loop - Use mutex_tryenter() to do busy waiting
- Solaris provides sema_P(), sema_v() and
sema_tryp() primitives for semaphores
63(No Transcript)
64Readers/Writer and Condition Variables
- Readers/writer lock allows read-only access for
an object protected by this lock - If a thread is writing, all others must wait
- Condition variables are used with mutex locks
- Wait until a condition is true
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66Windows 2000 Concurrency Mechanisms
- Process
- Thread
- File
- Console input
- File change notification
- Mutex
- Semaphore
- Event
- Waitable timer
67W2K Summary
- Objects 5 through 9 are designed for supporting
synchronization - Each of these objects can be in a signaled or
unsignaled state - A thread issues wait request to W2K, using the
handle of the object - When an object enters signaled state, threads
waiting on it are released
68W2K Example
- A thread requests wait on a file that is
currently open - The thread is blocked
- The file is set to signaled state when the I/O
operation completes - The waiting thread is released
- Deadlock is the permanent blocking of a set of
processes either that compete for system
resources or communicate with each other - The necessary and sufficient conditions of
deadlock are Mutual exclusion, Hold-and-wait, No
preemption, and Circular wait - There are four general approaches to dealing with
deadlocak, i.e. prevention, avoidance, detection,
and ostrich, from conservative end to the most
liberal one - The deadlock state can be eliminated by some
extraordinary actions, such as killing one or
more processes or forcing one or more processes
to backtrack
- Problems 6.3 6.12 6.13
- ?? (optional)
- ????????????????,??????N????????,????????????????