Title: 6'2 Sum and difference Identities
16.2 Sum and difference Identities
cos(A B) cosA cosB sinA sinB
cos(A B) cosA cosB sinA sinB
sin(A B) sinA cosB sinB cosA
sin(A B) sinA cosB sinB cosA
2Find the exact value of cos 75
cos(A B) cosA cosB sinA sinB
cos30cos45 sin30 sin45
3Find the exact value of sin
sin(A B) sinA cosB sinB cosA
4(No Transcript)
5Tangent Sum and difference Identities
6Find the exact value of the following
7Find the exact value of the following
DRAW IT OUT, then use the identity !!!!
85 3 A
-2 B
9cos(A B) cosAcosB sinA sinB
10Find the exact value of sin(A B) if
11sin(A B) sinAcosB sinBcosA
12Homework pg 488 1-25 every other odd