Title: Evolution Among Populations
1Evolution Among Populations
2Evolution occurs on the Genetic Level
- Scientists combined Mendels work with Darwins
- Focused on how populations change (evolve)
3Because Members of a Population Interbreed They
Share a Common Gene Pool
- The combined genetic information of an entire
4Genetic Evolution
- Populations evolve (change) as gene pools change.
5Gene Pool Green genes, red genes, blue genes
6Variety is key to a populations ability to adapt
- Phenotypic variation (looks) is the result of
genetic variation. - So a bigger gene pool healthier population
7Two Main Sources of Genetic Variation
- Mutations- newly formed genes made by random
changes in DNA - Genetic Shuffling from sexual reproduction
8Natural Selection works to Change a Populations
Gene Pool
- Genes that produce adaptations become more
common. - This is known as directional selection.
10Genetic Drift can lead to loss of Variation in
Small Populations
- Rare genes that can be preserved in large
populations are lost in small ones
11Genetic Drift
12When populations get smaller, the gene pool gets
- Some genes are completely lost.
- This is known as the bottleneck effect.
13Bottleneck Effect
- Results is a loss in genetic variation.
- Ex. cheetahs
14Bottleneck Effect
- Even if a population recovers (increases in size)
it will never be as healthy, because its genetic
variation is lost - Has less ability to adapt.
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16If a population becomes segregated, it can evolve
into two separate species
- process by which a new species comes about
- Requires a portion of the population to become
18Isolating Mechanisms
- Geographic Isolation- population becomes
seperated by geographic barriers
19Isolating Mechanisms
- Behavioral isolation groups develop different
habits, mating rituals, etc.
20Isolating Mechanisms
- Temporal Isolation groups reproduce at
different times
21Geographic Isolation
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23Speciation Occurs when the two Groups can No
Longer Interbreed
- Isolation means the two groups dont share genes
- As a result traits become increasingly different