1Hollywood Satanism How Modern Devil Worship is
a Myth
Misrepresentations of Symbols and Practices
The pentagram, or five pointed star, was
originally a symbol used in various pagan
traditions, and was representative of balance,
harmony, and nature. It was often used as a
pentacle, which is a traditional magical amulet
which was believed to have warding properties.
Satanism A Short and Bloody History
The idea of a small, secretive sect that engaged
in horrifying rituals and practices began in the
Roman Empire, where a growing religion was
reputed to sacrifice humans and drink their
blood, creating a widespread fear and paranoia.
This group was, in fact, the early Christians,
who conducted masses in private and repeated the
ritual of eating flesh and drinking blood in
remembrance of the last supper. In an attempt to
discredit the swiftly growing religion, the pagan
majority tried to portray the small church as a
group of bestial immoral individuals, who did not
follow the natural or supernatural laws set down
by the gods.
The version of a Pentagram Often used by the
Church of Satan
The inverted pentagram, often associated with
Satanism in movies and popular culture, does not
in fact have any particular negative
connotations aside from those proscribed by
major religions and general society.
A more pagan representation of a Pentagram, Image
courtesy of voxx.org
A representation of the methods used in
the Spanish Inquisition, courtesy of
Hundreds of years later the Christian church, now
a dominant religious organization, used the same
tactic to persecute pagans and heretics in an
attempt to convert the masses and sublimate
other forms of religious worship. Many old
religious practices were either incorporated or
vilified in order to promote the Christian
viewpoint. The first accounts of burning
heretics for witchcraft or devil worship was in
1022 A.D. in Orleans, France. From there,
things went downhill.
Animal Sacrifices are a common practice in many
major religions, Including Hasidic Judaism,
Islam, and older forms of Christianity. Such
rites are often misrepresented as Satanic ritual,
and so-called Satanists are often accused of the
grotesque sacrifice of livestock, Household pets,
and even humans usually babies or virgins.
An illustration of a purported Satanic Masonic
ritual by Leo Taxil
The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed in
Sun by William Blake
Depictions of the Devil
The modern representations of the Devil, or
Satan, are of a horned, goat legged man.
Sometimes red, or depicted as having batlike
wings, the familiar image of Satan bears
a striking resemblance to the Greek deity Pan,
keeper of Shepherds and livestock. It is also
very similar to the Greek depictions of satyrs
(lascivious followers of Dionysus) and the Roman
portrayal of fauns (protector spirits of the
Witch Hill by Thomas Slatterwhite.
The actor Harvey Keitel playing the role of the
Devil In the movie Little Nicky
1100s A.D. The Albigensian or Cathars became
a rising religious force 1184 A.D. An
Episcopal bull was issued giving the Dominican
order authority to perform inquisitions, in part
because of the Albigensian heresy. This began
the Episcopal inquisitions. 1230 A.D. The
Papal Inquisitions were instituted in response
to the failure of the Episcopal
inquisitions. 1478 A.D. The Spanish
Inquisition. Many heretics were accused of
being devil worshippers or indulging in
witchcraft. 1692 A.D. The Salem Witchcraft
Trials, in which many were accused and killed
for entering pacts with the devil. 1966
A.D. Foundation of the Church of Satan by
Anton LaVey.
Devil Costume based upon the South Park Movie,
courtesy of Images.buycostumes.com
The Infamous Anton LaVey.
Image of a Satyr, courtesy of www.mlahanas.de
Ashley Matrisciano Religion Magic and
Witchcraft Dr. Susan Stebbins Spring 2008
Image of a faun found on Myspace.com Original
source unknown.
The Satanic Bible Of Anton LaVey
Works Cited Aylesworth, Thomas G. Servants of the
Devil. Massachusetts Addison-Wesley, 1970.
Buckland, Raymond. Signs, Symbols Omens - an
Illustrated Guide to Magical Spiritual
Symbolism. St. Paul, Minnesota Llewellyn, 2003.
Clark, Lynn. From Angels to Aliens Teenagers,
the Media, and the Supernatural. New York Oxford
UP, 2003. Lea, Henry C. The Inquisition of the
Middle Ages. New York The Macmillan Company,
1961. Michelet, Jules. Satanism and Witchcraft
a Study in Medieval Superstition. New York The
Citadel P, 1939. Russell, Jeffrey B. The Devil
Perceptions of Evil From Antiquity to Primitive
Christianity. Ithaca Cornell UP, 1977. Victor,
Jeffrey S. Satanic Panic the Creation of a
Contemporary Legend. Chicago Open Court, 1993.