Title: Peter Cao, National Center for Supercomputing Applications
1HDF Web-Browser Plug-in
Peter Cao, National Center for Supercomputing
This work is supported in part by a Cooperative
Agreement with the National Aeronautics and Space
Agency (NASA) and National Center for
Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)
- Plug-in Basics
- Development issues
- An example windows plug-in for IE5
3What Is HDFView
- A browser plug-in is a software program that
extends the power of Web browser by adding more
features and supporting more types of content
than what the standard browser provides - An HDF browser Plug-in is a windowed Plug-in that
is launched from Web browser to display HDF4 and
HDF5 files
Web Browser
New Datatype
New Feature
4Reasons for a HDF Plug-in
- Click-and-view by clicking on or drag-drop a HDF
file, the browser will recognize and display the
file (much like the acrobat reader plug-in for
pdf files) - Easy install and update downloading and
installing the plug-in is just a simple click. No
uninstall and reinstall is necessary for new
release. Users will be asked for automatic update
when a new version is released - Browse remote files with predefined the MIME
type, the plug-in will take the advantage of the
web browser to browse HDF files over the internet
5How Plug-ins Works
- A standard set of plug-in APIs are defined for
communication between applications and the
browser - Netscape Plug-in APIs
- Microsoft ActiveX controls
Plug-in Java C C
Web Browser Internet Explorer Netscape
HDF Library
Browser Side Plug-in API
Plug-in Side Plug-in API
HDF File
6Implementation Challenge
- Plug-ins are platform and browser dependent
- Platforms
- Windows
- Mac
- Linux
- Solaris
- Browsers
- Internet Explorer
- Netscape or Mozilla
7Implementation Challenge continue
Since Microsoft has removed support for Netscape
plug-ins from IE 5.5 SP 2 and beyond, plug-ins
developed in Netscape Plug-in APIs will not work
on IE. Netscape/Mozilla does not support ActiveX
NS Plug-in APIs
Microsoft ActiveX
IE 5.5 SP 2
8Choice Microsoft ActiveX
- Pros
- Better performance (speed and memory)
- Easy installation (one piece software)
- Works best for IE, which has 80 of the users
- Cons
- Works only on IE and Windows.
- Maintenance and support
9Choice Java Pluglet API
A Pluglet is a Plug-in that is written in Java
and a close 11 implementation of the C
Plug-in API in Mozilla
Pluglet Engine (Java)
Pluglet Engine (C)
Plug-in API (NS API)
10Choice Java Pluglet API continue
- Pros
- Support all major platforms
- Easy maintenance (reuse HDFView code)
- Cons
- Lower performance (Java ? C)
- Requires Java Runtime Environment
- Installation (classpath, JNI path, security)
11Short Demo Plug-in For IE