Title: Neutral ZUFOs in CAL
1Long-lived neutral hadrons
Faridah Mohamad Idris Wan Ahmad Tajuddin Wan
Abdullah Zainol Abidin Ibrahim Burhanudin
Kamaluddin Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur
- Feasible?
- n (c? 1011 m), K0L (c? 15 m)
- neutrons baryon production, isospin symmetry w
proton?, as decay daughters - K0L as decay daughters, cf K0S, cf K, CP?
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- Neutral Zufos objects
- Uncharged object-i tufo(4,i)31
- 0 track, 1 island, use CAL
- Hadrons
- ZufoEemc(i) lt 0.3ZufoEcal(i)
- More than 70 of Zufos energy should be
deposited in HACs - In barrel region
- 17o lt ? lt 163o
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6Data_07p_GR reconstructed variables of LLNH
What happens at 10 Gev?
7BeautyDIS067p_GR reconstructed variables of LLNH
Beauty067p_GR reconstructed variables of LLNH
8CharmDIS067p_GR reconstructed variables of LLNH
DijetLF05GR reconstructed variables of LLNH
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11Candidate psi from Beauty067p_GR
Comparison with Monte Carlo varible when
fmck_prt85 (psi)
12Candidate psi from BeautyDIS067p_GR
Comparison with Monte Carlo varible when
fmck_prt85 (psi)
13Candidate psi from CharmDIS067p_GR
Comparison with Monte Carlo varible when
fmck_prt85 (psi)
14Candidate psi from DijetLF05GR
Comparison with Monte Carlo varible when
fmck_prt85 (psi)
- Feasible
- Refine ? search
- Baryon production - compare n production with
rates in MC models - Compare n vs p production
- Compare K0L vs K0S production
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19Beauty067p_GR reconstructed variables of LLNH
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21DijetLF05GR reconstructed variables of LLNH