Title: ???-210: S?ed?as
1???-210 S?ed?asµ?? ??f?a??? S?st?µ?t???e?µe????
???µ??? 2008
- VHDL ??a S?ed?asµ?????????a??? ?????µ?t??
??d?s???sa ?a??a ?. ???a??
?a?ep?st?µ?? ??p??? ?µ?µa ??e?t??????? ???a?????
?a? ???a????? ?p?????st??
- VHDL Processes
- ??t???? If-Then-Else ?a? CASE
- ?e????af? Flip-Flop µe VHDL
- ?e????af? ????????a??? ?????µat?? (ß?se?
p??a?a/d?a???µµat?? ?atast?se??) µe VHDL - S???????sµ?? µeta?? Processes
3VHDL Process
- ??a s????? ap? e?t???? VHDL t? ?p??? e?te?e?ta?
?ta? ??a signal (ap? ??a s???e???µ??? s?????)
a????e? t?µ?. - ? ???µ?? (body) e??? process ???p??e? ??a
se???a?? (sequential) p????aµµa, d??. ?? t?µ??
t?? signals a?a?e????ta? µ??? ?ta? ?????????e? ?
e?t??es? t?? p?????µµat??. - ?p??e? ep?s?? ?a ???s?µ?p???se? variables, t??
?p???? ? t?µ? a?a?e??eta? aµ?s??.
4????te?t????? VHDL
architecture name_arch of name is begin
end name_arch
Signal/Variable declaration Component declaration
?? ???e process pe????e? a???????a??? e?t????
(sequential statements), a??? ??a ta processes
e?te????ta? ta?t?????a
?a?t?????e? e?t???? (concurrent statements)
Process 1
?a?t?????e? e?t???? (concurrent statements)
Process 2
?a?t?????e? e?t???? (concurrent statements)
5VHDL Process
P1 process (ltsensitivity listgt) ltvariable
declarationsgt begin ltsequential
statementsgt end process P1
- ??sa se ??a process
- ????es? µetaß??t?? (variables)
- µe ?a? ?µes? e??µ???s?.
- ????es? s?µ?t?? (signals) µe lt ?a? ?
e??µ???s? ???ete st? - t???? t?? process.
6Signals Vs Variables se ??a Process
- Te??e?ste ?t? A, B, ?a? C e??a? a???a??? µe A1,
B5, ?a? C10. - A, B, C signals A, B, C variablesbegin
process begin process B lt A B
AC lt B C B end
process end process B 1 ?a? C 5 B
1 ?a? C 1( ???s?µ?p??e? t?? ( ???s?µ?p??e?
t?? - a????? t?µ? t?? ??a t?µ? B (5)
?ta? t?? B (1) ?ta? ?p??????e? t? C )
?p??????e? t? C )
7??t??? If-Then-Else
- if_label
- if boolean_expression then
- sequential_statement
- elsif boolean_expression then
- sequential_statement
- else
- sequential_statement
- end if if_label
- S?µßas?
- -- p??a??et???
- epa?????? d??at?
8??t??? CASE
- case_label
- case expression is
- when choice gt sequential statement
- when others gt sequential statement
- end case case_label
9?e????af? Flip-Flop µe VHDLTet???
??µ?p???d?t??µe?? D-FF µe ?s??????? ??????p???s?
- ????s? ??t?t?ta?
- -- Positive Edge-Triggered D Flip-Flop with
Reset - -- VHDL Process Description
- library ieee
- use ieee.std_logic_1164.all
- entity dff is
- port(CLK, RESET, D in std_logic
- Q, Q_n out std_logic)
- end dff
10?e????af? Flip-Flop µe VHDLTet???
??µ?p???d?t??µe?? D-FF µe ?s??????? ??????p???s?
- ????te?t?????
- architecture pet_pr of dff is
- -- Implements positive edge-triggered bit state
storage - -- with asynchronous reset.
- signal state std_logic
- begin
- Q lt state
- Q_n lt not state
- process (CLK, RESET)
- begin
- if (RESET '1') then
- state lt '0'
- else
- if (CLK'event and CLK '1') then
- state lt D
- end if
- end if
- end process
- end pet_pr
11????????a?? ?????µa se VHDL?????e?t?? ????????a?
- T?µ??e?te t? pa??de??µa t?? a????e?t? t??
a???????a? 0101, µe µ?a e?s?d? (X) ?a? µ?a
???d? (Z). - ?????aµµa ?atast?se??
12?????e?t?? ????????a? se VHDL (s??.)
- ???s?µ?p????µe 3 ?e????st? processes, ta ?p??a
e?te????ta? pa??????a. - ? s???????sµ?? µeta?? t?? d?af???? processes
ep?t?????eta? ap? t?? a?????ep?d?as? ??????
signals. - 3 processes
- St???e?a ???µ?? (storage cct) state_register
- ?????? ??s?d?? FFs (next state logic)
next_state_func - ?????? ???d?? (primary output logic)
13?????e?t?? ????????a? se VHDL (s??.)
- ??????µe ??a scalar enumeration type ??a
a?apa??stas? t?? 4?? ?atast?se?? - type state_type is (A, B, C, D)
- ?????????, d??????µe signals ? variables ??a t??
pa???sa ?a? t?? ep?µe?? ?at?stas? - signal state, next_state state_type
- state ?a? next_state µp????? ?a p????? µ??? t??
t?µ? A, B, C, ? D. ???sp??e?a a???es??
?p??asd?p?te ????? t?µ?? ?a d?se? ????? st??
14????s? ??t?t?ta? ????te?t??????
- -- Sequence Recognizer VHDL Process Description
- library ieee
- use ieee.std_logic_1164.all
- entity seq_rec is
- port(CLK, RESET, X in std_logic
- Z out std_logic)
- end seq_rec
- architecture process_3 of seq_rec is
- type state_type is (A, B, C, D)
- signal state, next_state state_type
- begin
- end
15Process ??a St???e?a ???µ?? (State Register)
- -- Process 1 - state_register implements
positive edge-triggered - -- state storage with asynchronous reset.
- state_register process (CLK, RESET)
- begin
- if (RESET '1') then
- state lt A
- else
- if (CLK'event and ClK '1') then
- state lt next_state
- end if
- end if
- end process
- ??sa FFs ??a?t?ta? ap? t?? a???µ? t?? t?µ?? p??
µp????? ?a p????? ta signals state next_state!
G?a a?t? t?? pe??pt?s?, ?p?????? 4 d??at??
?atast?se?? (A, B, C, D) ?a?, ep?µ????, ?a
???s?µ?p??????? 2 FFs.
16Process ??a S??a?t?se?? ?p?µe??? ?at?stas?? (Next
State Functions)
- -- Process 2 - next_state_function implements
- -- next state as function of input X and state.
- next_state_func process (X, state)
- begin
- case state is
- when A gt
- if X '1' then
- next_state lt B
- else
- next_state lt A
- end if
- when B gt
- if X '1' then
- next_state lt C
- else
- next_state lt A
- end if
- when C gt
- if X '1' then
???a?a? ?atast?se??
next_state next_state Z Z
state X1 X0 X1 X0
A B A 0 0
B C A 0 0
C C D 0 0
D B A 1 0
17Process ??a S????t?s? ???d?? (Output State
- -- Process 3 - output_function
- -- implements output as function of
- -- input X and state.
- output_func process (X, state)
- begin
- case state is
- when A gt
- Z lt '0'
- when B gt
- Z lt '0'
- when C gt
- Z lt '0'
- when D gt
- if X '1' then
- Z lt '1'
- else
- Z lt '0'
- end if
- end case
?p???e? µ??t??? Mealy
???a?a? ?atast?se??
next_state next_state Z Z
state X1 X0 X1 X0
A B A 0 0
B C A 0 0
C C D 0 0
D B A 1 0
18S???????sµ?? µeta?? t?? processes
- state_register process (CLK, RESET)
- state a?a?e??eta? ß?se? t?? CLK ?a? RESET
- next_state_func process (X, state)
- next_state a?a?e??eta? ß?se? t?? X ?a? state
- output_func process (X, state)
- Z a?a?e??eta? ß?se? t?? X ?a? state
19S???????sµ?? (s??.)
- Te??e?ste t?? a??????? pe??pt?s?
?????? t0 ?????? t1 ?????? t2
state D X0 X1
Z1 next_state A next_state ?
???s?µ?p??e? t?? t?µ?? t?? state ?a? X st?? ?????
t0 ??a ?a ?p?????se? t? next_state
20S???????sµ?? (s??.)
- Te??e?ste t?? a??????? pe??pt?s?
?????? t0 ?????? t1 ?????? t2
state D X0 X1
Z1 next_state A next_state A
???s?µ?p??e? t?? t?µ?? t?? state ?a? X st?? ?????
t0 ??a ?a ?p?????se? t? next_state af?? CLK ? ?