Title: Multiple Regression
1Multiple Regression
Can we predict Y from X1 and X2?
Y Dependent Variable X1 First Independent
Variable X2 First Independent Variable b Beta
Weight. Also called the regression
coefficient. C Constant (adjustment for
differences in scales). Sometimes also called
the intercept or just alpha. e error
Note There are differences between authors in
the style of expression for The multiple
regression equation. The elements, however,
remain the same.
2Notes for multiple regression
1 . If all variables are standardized (converted
to z scores) The b is expressed as a ß
ß is interpretable as a partial correlation
coefficient. The constant disappears.
Standardizing variables is generally automatic
with multiple regression software
2 . ß is typically tested for significance The
test is for the probability that the independent
variable does not explain any of the variation
in Y beyond what is explained by the other
independent variables.
3. Multicollinearity occurs because two (or more)
variables are strongly related they measure
essentially the same thing. Remove one Combine
them Increase sample size
3(No Transcript)
4Can you visualize having 6 or more independent
5Additional Notes
R² The multiple regression correlation
coefficient A measure of the proportion of
variance in Y explained by the set of
independent variables
Order of Entry. Since ßi is a partial with
representing the removal of the effects of other
independent variables already entered, ßi
changes depending on the order of entry into the
Stepwise Regression. When you want to know what
subsets of independent variables best predict
the dependent variable, you use a stepwise
selection process
1) Forward Selection Enter independent variables
based on the correlation with the dependent
variable after taking into account the
independent variables already included. Each
addition requires a recalculation of the
regression coefficients. Stop entering when
adding them fails to further "significantly"
explain residual variation in Y. 2) Backward
Selection Starting with all the variables in the
model successively drop the least "significant,"
until all that are left are only "significant"