Title: DiplomaMaster Thesis
1Diploma/Master Thesis
Precoding Design with Limited Feedback in
Multiple Antenna Systems
One of the most scarce resource in current and
future communication systems is the bandwidth.
Multiple antenna systems are a promising approach
to increase the spectral efficiency. In this
technology, multiple antennas are employed at the
transmitter (Tx) and the receiver (Rx), resulting
in a communication channel with multiple inputs
and multiple outputs (MIMO).
Benefits of multiple antennas are realizable when
the receiver alone knows the communication
channel. The data rate can be further increased
when the transmitter also knows the Channel State
Information (CSI). The necessary CSI at the
Transmitter (CSIT) is often obtained via a finite
rate feedback link. To meet this rate constraint,
the CSI has to be quantized at the receiver
before feedback. The data rate improvement is
proportional to the amount of feedback bits
available. However, the penalty paid for it is
the overhead that feedback introduces as it
consumes bandwidth on the feedback link. In order
to increase the spectral efficiency of the
feedback link, one intuitive solution is to
exploit the statistical property of the fading
channel, such as the spatial and temporal
To exploit the CSIT, a precoder is employed to
adapt the transmitted signal to the fading
environment. The design of precoder depends on
the quantized feedback.
This work requires theoretical analysis as well
as Monte Carlo simulation via Matlab.
If you are interested in this topic, you are more
than welcome to come to my office and I am glad
to provide more information for you.
Contact Dan Zhang, Room Nr. 24 A 202, Tel
80-27884, Email Dan.Zhang_at_iss.rwth-aachen.de