Title: There are three irrefutable
1There are three irrefutable rules for
fundraising. Unfortunately nobody knows what
they are!
2Raise money for life transformation. not
institutional survival.
See lives being changed by the power and glory of
3People give to People and Causes, not to
institutions and programs.
The ultimate end is for people to become like
4Repeat donors must be both inspired and persuaded.
There is no hot-spot! Develop the head, hand
and heart. Build a foundational stewardship mind
set. The foundations are Trust - Integrity -
Mutual benefit. Dont start from scratch for
every project.
5There is no substitute for absolute
integrity. None!
Honesty, transparency, accessibility are
essential for a great stewardship campaign.
Take the high road - avoid sharp practice.
6A visionless church is an impoverished church.
Repeatedly articulate Gods vision for your
7People give to winners, tell your stories.
Balance humility and pride, give God the
glory. Allow people to recognize His presence,
His caring His partnership. People want to
connect with God.
8Fundraising is a means to an end. Focusing on
the end facilitates the ministry
Count on the ministry, before you count on the
9Dream big, pray big, ask big, minister big.
God never fails Himself, get in touch with
His vision, His will and His calling for you and
your church, and hold on for the ride of your
life. Resources will be the least of your
10Ministry donors don't just give. They invest!
Lead the church so that peoples investment
is Realized, and demonstrates a wise decision.
11Stewardship is a lifestyle not an event.
Help people to move from wondering if God blesses
to wondering about how much he blesses.
12Listen carefully, respond strategically thank
people sincerely.
The stewardship relationship is a sensitive
one it requires that one concentrate ones
13Use the Pastor Appropriately.
The Pastor should not be the primary fund
raiser. But must embrace the process, model it,
teach it, help prepare and endorse the campaign.
14People appreciate useful information.
If taught in a sensitive, practical and bible
based way, people are grateful for information
that helps them to know how to fulfill their
responsibilities as believers. Stewardship is a
relief from consumerism.
15Let love, compassion and servanthood not money be
your motivation.
Dont get caught in the chase. Ministry is the