Title: SSA in exclusive 2 pion production
1SSA in exclusive 2 pion production
H. Avakian, L.Elouadrhiri
Jefferson Lab
SON meeting Feb. 27
- Physics Motivation
- Exclusive 2 pion production
- r0 and r SSA in e16
- Summary Outlook
2Physics Motivation
Extract the systematic error in epX SSA due to
exclusive r background Study transition from
exclusive to semi-inclusive domain
Exclusive r studies
- Study angular distributions in exclusive 2 pion
production - Study beam SSA for r0 and r
3Large p- SSA triggered studies of r contamination
in epX sample
Sivers and Collins effect measurements at HERMES
Sivers effect
Collins effect
42 pion electroproduction Kinematics
5SSA with Transversely Polarized Target
- Significant SSA asymmetry predicted both for
exclusive r0, r
Important observable by itself with transversely
polarized target
- Pythya 6 updated by HERMES to describe also the
exclusive r production . - Includes radiative photons.
- String fragmentation VMD
Ratio of L/T cross sections
With some tune of major exclusive channels r,w,f,
PYTHIA could become a very important tool in
exclusive and semi-inclusive studies at CLAS at
6 GeV
7Contamination of SIDIS p from PYTHIA-MC
In the range 0.5ltzlt0.8 15-20 of p from r
8Exclusive r at 6 GeV
9Vector mesons in GPD framework
- 0 and w can also proceed through a two gluon
exchange. - r measurements will provide additional
information on the relative contribution.
10Vector mesons in GPD framework
Longitudinal cross section for r, r and w
involve Different flavor combinations of GPDs
Measurements of different channels will allow to
make a flavor decomposition
11r from e16
r measurements possible!
Fit by a simple BWpolin.background
12Beam SSA for exclusive pp0
Missing mass
Invariant mass
Significant positive beam asymmetry in the r
13Beam SSA for exclusive pp-
Simple BW fit with polin.backgroun.
14Beam SSA for exclusive pp-
PYTHIA-6GSIMRECSIS shows reasonable agreement
with e16
15Beam SSA for r
HERMES r80.2/-0.1
striking difference with p0,p,r
16Beam SSA for exclusive events
Beam SSA for p0,p,r are consistent
- Exclusive r background to SIDIS p studied
- Contamination from r extracted using PYTHIA
- Beam asymmetries extracted for pp- and pp0
exclusive production.
- Further tune the PYTHIA MC to describe exclusive
production of r. - Measure angular distributions of r0,r and
compare with existing predictions. - Estimate the systematic uncertainty of pion SSA
in SIDIS due to exclusive vector meson production.
18cosq for exclusive pp-
p fraction of r momenta