Title: Miniaturization
- - simply to provide some means of handling the
device -
- Advantages of current systems
- smaller and lightweight
- no heater requirement or heater loss
- more rugged construction
- more efficient
- not requiring a warm-up period
- quality of the semiconductor material
itself - network design technique
- limits of the manufacturing and processing
3Definition of terms
normally applied to a range of levels midway
between two limits
this term is applied to any material that will
support a generous flow of charge when a voltage
source of limited magnitude is applied across its
4Definition of terms
it is a material that offers a very low level of
conductivity under pressure from an applied
voltage source
It is a material that has a conductivity level
somewhere between the extremes of an insulator
and a conductor
5The higher the conductivity level, the lower the
resistance level
- Two materials used in the development of
semiconductor devices
Germanium (Ge) and Silicon (Si)
6Reasons that Ge and Si have received the
- They can be manufactured to a very high purity
- The ability to change the characteristics of the
material significantly through the process known
as doping
- Their characteristics can be altered
significantly through the application of heat or
7Why do Ge Si have these characteristics?
- the atoms of both materials form a very definite
pattern that is periodic in nature
- Their characteristics can be altered
significantly through the application of heat or
8- one complete pattern is called a
- periodic arrangement of the atoms
- any material composed solely of repeating
crystal structures of the same kind
- those semiconductors that have been carefully
refined to reduce the impurities to a very low
- when the temperature of a semiconductor is
increased - it can result to a substantial increase in the
number of free electrons in the materials
- thereby increasing the conductivity index and
result in a lower resistance level
10Positive vs. Negative Temperature Coefficient
- Negative Temperature Coefficient
- semiconductor materials such as Ge and Si that
show a reduction in resistance with increase in
- Positive Temperature Coefficient
- resistance of most conductors will increase w/
- a semiconductor material that has been subjected
to the doping process
- how is the n-type created?
- by introducing those impurity elements that have
five valence electrons
- diffused impurities with 5 valence electrons-
since the inserted impurity atom has donated a
relatively free electron to the structure
- how is the p-type formed?
- by doping a pure germanium or silicon crystal
with impurity atoms having three valence electrons
- absence of a negative charge
- diffused impurities with 3 valence electrons-
called as such because the resulting vacancy will
readily accept a free electron
15majority minority carriers
- electron majority carrier
- electron minority carrier
- represent the basic building blocks of
semiconductor devices