Title: Latterday
1Latter-day Prophets
Plan of Salvation
Gordon B. Hinckley
Articles of Faith
10 Point
10 Point
10 Point
10 Point
10 Point
20 Points
20 Points
20 Points
20 Points
20 Points
Final Jeopardy
30 Points
30 Points
30 Points
30 Points
30 Points
40 Points
40 Points
40 Points
40 Points
40 Points
50 Points
50 Points
50 Points
50 Points
50 Points
2He has been compared to Moses?
3Who is Brigham Young?
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4Lorenzo Snow taught diligently about this
5What is tithing?
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6He was shot in Carthage Jail with Joseph Smith.
7Who is John Taylor?
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8He was the son of Hyrum Smith.
9Who is Joseph F. Smith?
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10He had surgery on his vocal cords and had to
re-learn to speak.
11Who is Spencer W. Kimball?
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12Jesus Christs atoning sacrifice took place in
this garden.
13What is the Garden of Gethsemane?
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14Before we came to earth, we lived here.
15Where is with Heavenly Father? Or in Heaven?
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16Through the atonement, Jesus Christ redeems all
people from the effects of this.
17What is the Fall?
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18This kingdom is described as the glory of the
19What is the Terrestrial Kingdom?
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20What is the Spirit When we die, this is where we
go to await the resurrection.
21What is the Spirit World?
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22This document states that marriage between a man
and a woman is ordained of God.
23What is The Proclamation to the Family?
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24The declares your lineage in the house of Israel
and contains personal counsel from the Lord to
25What is a Patriarchal Blessing?
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26Through this prophet, it was revealed that all
worthy males may hold the Priesthood.
27What is Spencer W. Kimball?
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28The revelation found in DC 89 is called this.
29What is The Word of Wisdom?
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30The Doctrine and Covenants used to be called this.
31What is the Book of Commandments?
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32This is his wifes name.
33Who is Marjorie Pay?
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34The number of prophets in this dispensation
before he was called.
35What is 14?
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36He was born here.
37Where is Salt Lake City?
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38His middle name is this.
39What is Bittner?
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40He served his mission here.
41Where is Great Britain?
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42There are this many Articles of Faith.
43What is 13?
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44This Article of Faith states that We believe in
the same organization that existed in the
Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets,
pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth.
45What is the Sixth?
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46The Articles of Faith can be found in this book
of scripture.
47What is the Pearl of Great Price?
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48The 13th Article of Faith states that we follow
his Admonition.
49Who is Paul?
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50The Articles of Faith were written by Joseph
Smith in a letter to this newspaper editor.
51Who is John Wentworth?
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52Final Jeopardy
Make your wager
53The number of temples currently in operation
54What is 124?