Title: Yehuda Koren
1Collaborative Filtering with Temporal Dynamics
2Recommender systems
We Know What You OughtTo Be Watching This Summer
3Collaborative filtering
- Recommend items based on past transactions of
users - Specific data characteristics are irrelevant
- Domain-free
- Can identify elusive aspects
- Two popular approaches
- Matrix factorization
- Neighborhood
4Movie rating data
Training data
Test data
5Achievable RMSEs on the Netflix data
Global average 1.1296
Find better items
User average 1.0651
Movie average 1.0533
Cinematch 0.9514 baseline
Static neighborhood 0.9002
Static factorization 0.8911
Time effects
Leader 0.8558 10.05 improvement
Inherent noise ????
6Something Happened in Early 2004
7Are movies getting better with time?
8Multiple sources of temporal dynamics
- Item-side effects
- Product perception and popularity are constantly
changing - Seasonal patterns influence items popularity
- User-side effects
- Customers ever redefine their taste
- Transient, short-term bias anchoring
- Drifting rating scale
- Change of rater within household
9Temporal dynamics - challenges
- Multiple sources Both items and users are
changing over time - Multiple targets Each user/item forms a unique
time series ? Scarce data per target - Inter-related targets Signal needs to be shared
among users foundation of collaborative
filtering ? cannot isolate multiple problems - ? Common concept drift methodologies wont
hold.E.g., underweighting older instances is
10Basic matrix factorization model
A rank-3 SVD approximation
11Estimate unknown ratings as inner-products of
A rank-3 SVD approximation
12Estimate unknown ratings as inner-products of
A rank-3 SVD approximation
13Estimate unknown ratings as inner-products of
A rank-3 SVD approximation
14Matrix factorization model
- Properties
- SVD isnt defined when entries are unknown ? use
specialized methods - Can easily overfit, sensitive to regularization
- Need to separate main effects
15Baseline predictors
- Mean rating 3.7 stars
- The Sixth Sense is 0.5 stars above avg
- Joe rates 0.2 stars below avg
- ?Baseline predictionJoe will rate The Sixth
Sense 4 stars - No user-item interaction
16Factor model correction
- Both The Sixth Sense and Joe are placed high on
the Supernatural Thrillers scale - ?Adjusted estimateJoe will rate The Sixth Sense
4.5 stars
17Matrix factorization with biases
Baseline predictors µ global average bu
bias of u bi bias of i
User-item interaction pu user us factors qi
item is factors
?Minimization problem
18Addressing temporal dynamics
- Factor model conveniently allows separately
treating different aspects - We observe changes in
- Rating scale of individual users
- Popularity of individual items
- User preferences
Baseline predictors
User factors
19Parameterizing the model
- Use functional forms bu(t)f(u,t), bi(t)g(i,t),
pu(t)h(u,t) - Need to find adequate f(), g(), h()
- General guidelines
- Items show slower temporal changes
- Users exhibit frequent and sudden changes
- Factors pu(t) are expensive to model
- Gain flexibility by heavily parameterizing the
20Achievable RMSEs on the Netflix data
Global average 1.1296
Find better items
User average 1.0651
Movie average 1.0533
Cinematch 0.9514 baseline
Static neighborhood 0.9002
Static factorization 0.8911
Time effects
Dynamic factorization 0.8794
Grand Prize 0.8563 10 improvement
Inherent noise ????
21Neighborhood-based CF
- Earliest and most common collaborative filtering
method - Derive unknown ratings from those of similar
items (item-item variant)
22Neighborhood modeling
Use item-item weights - wij - to relate items
Need to estimate rating of user u for item i
Deviation from baseline estimate for item j
Baseline predictor
Weight from j to i
Set of items rated by u
learned from the data through optimization
23Optimizing the model
Minimize the squared error function
24Making the model time-aware
- A popular scheme instance weightingdecay the
significance of outdated events within cost
time decay
Dont do this!
25Why instance weighting isnt suitable?
- Not enough data per user need to exploit all
signal, including old one - The learnt parameters wij represent time
invariant item-item relations. Can be also
deduced from older actions. - Two items are related when users rated them
similarly within a short timeframe, even if this
happened long ago - How to do it right?
26Time-aware neighborhood model
- Decay item-item relations based on time distance
- User-specific decay rate controlled by ßu
- All past user behavior is equally considered,
through cost function
27Temporal neighborhood model delivers same
relative RMSE improvement (0.0117) as temporal
factor model (!)
Global average 1.1296
Find better items
User average 1.0651
Movie average 1.0533
Cinematch 0.9514 baseline
Static neighborhood 0.9002
Static factorization 0.8911
Dynamic neighborhood 0.8885
Time effects
Dynamic factorization 0.8794
Grand Prize 0.8563 10 improvement
Inherent noise ????
- Modeling temporal effects is significant in
improving recommenders accuracy - Allow multiple time drifting patterns across
users and items - Integrate all users within a single model to
allow crucial cross-user collaboration - Model user behavior along full history, do not
over-emphasize recent actions - Separate long term values, while excluding
transient fluctuations from the model - Sudden, single-day effects are significant
- Modeling past temporal fluctuations helps in
predicting future behavior, even though we do not
extrapolate future temporal dynamics
29Yehuda Koren Yahoo! Research yehuda_at_yahoo-inc.com