Title: Trophic cascades in the Middle Rio Grande, NM
1Trophic cascades in the Middle Rio Grande, NM
- Hugo A. MagaƱa
- USDA Forest Service/UNM
- Bosque Hydrology Group
- Water Quality Summit
- Oct. 25, 2004
- The decline of native fishes in New Mexico over
the past century has been attributed to five
major causes - Water impoundment
- Water diversion
- Timber harvest
- Introduced exotics
- Cattle grazing
3Rio Grande silvery minnow
- Historic range
- Mainstream habitats of the Rio Grande downstream
from Velarde to the Gulf of Mexico - Pecos River from near Santa Rosa downstream to
its confluence with the Rio Grande - Present range
- Middle Rio Grande
- Angostura diversion to Bosque del Apache
4Study Objectives
- Spatial and temporal evaluation of nutrients,
algae, aquatic invertebrate, and fish populations - Compare energy transfer dynamics of identified
RGSM habitats in northern and southern portions
of the Rio Grande - Establish seasonal and annual baselines for
stream and sediment nutrients - Feeding trials with Rio Grande silvery minnow
5Field Sampling ProtocolUSGS Revised Protocol
- Water quality parameters (NAWQA)
- Water parameters and sampling
- Measure flow
- Sediment sampling
- Algae sampling
- Invertebrate sampling
- Fish sampling
6Study Sites
Angostura Diversion
Bernalillo Bridge
Rio Bravo
7Study Sites
Los Lunas Floodplain
8Lab Methods Materials
- Nutrient analysis
- Isolate and identify
- Isotopic signature for each species
- Measure algal standing stock as chlorophyll a
- Identify and enumerate aquatic invertebrate
species - RGSM fecal contents
- RMSM feeding trials
9Middle Rio Grande nutrient concentrations summer
10Los Lunas 5th Mesohabitat Summer 2003
May 17th 650 cfs
May 19th 275 cfs
May 16th
May 23rd190 cfs
May 28th 400 cfs
May 31 550 cfs
June 4th 350 cfs
June 7th 100 cfs
June 26th 0 cfs
11Results Summer 2003
12Diatom Algae 2003
13Filamentous Algae 2003
14Aquatic Invertebrates 2003
15Return to Rio Grande May-July 2004
June 3rd
June 9th
May 27th
June 21st
June 15th
June 17th
June 24th
July 7th
July 16th
16Los Lunas overflow channel/pool Summer 2004
17Middle Rio Grande subsurface nutrient
concentrations Summer 2004
18Diatom Community Shirk 2004
19Diatom Algae 2004
20Aquatic Invertebrates Summer 2004
21Larval light trap
22Los Lunas Ichthyofauna
River carpsucker 123
Common carp 102
Western mosquitofish 3
Rio Grande silvery minnow 231
23Productivity and respiration
24Possible questions to be answered by study
- Identify autecological characteristics for
diatoms (bioassessment) - Is there a nutrient gradient or nutrient flux in
RGSM habitats? - Do these fluxes affect algae or aquatic
invertebrates? - Will increased algae and invertebrates increase
population size of RGSM? - Do restored floodplains increase fish recruitment
and population size? - Does the algal community structure and standing
stocks differ in constrained versus unconstrained
(restored) segments of the Rio Grande? - Does flow influence colonization of algae?
- Is the aquatic invertebrate community more
abundant and diverse in the restored river reach
versus constrained reach? - Are fish numbers and diversity greater in the
restored versus constrained river reach?