Title: Casting Process
1Casting Process
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3After it is poured, the zinc quickly cools and
solidifies in the moulds as they travel along to
the discharge end of the moulding conveyor.
The ingots are dislodged from the moulds by an
automatic hammer machine. The ingots are then
carried on a double chain conveyor through a
shallow water trough to cool them down.
4A special stacking machine then assembles and
straps the ingots into bundles of 40 ingots.
Since an ingot weighs 25kg this means that each
stack weighs 1tonne.
The ingot bundles are transported by
heavy-haulage truck to the Townsville Port
5The ingots are loaded into ships and taken to our
customers around the world. We currently hold
the world record for the largest single shipment
of zinc - 50,000tonnes.
- In the Electrolysis Process the zinc is plated
out onto - aluminium cathodes. The zinc sheets are
stripped off - the cathode plates and sent to the Casting
area for - moulding into 25kg ingots.
- The spent solution is returned to the Leaching
Plant to - leach more calcine.
- The zinc sheets are melted, cast as ingots and
- assembled into 1tonne stacks ready for