Title: I'Douglas, P'Eng' City of Ottawa
1I.Douglas, P.Eng. City of Ottawa
Quantifying Microbiological Risks in Drinking
Canadian Water Network Victoria, B.C. June
25th, 2008
- Stephanie McFadyen Health Canada, Microbiology
- Water, Air, Climate Change Bureau
- Emma Hartnett Decisionalysis Risk Consultants
3a step back in time
- Do ye hear the children weeping, O my
brothers? - For what? for a glass of cold water, fresh from
the tap. But that would make them ill, poor
creatures, give them chills and typhoid. Only
today a woman said to me, My little son had the
fever for several weeks. He is such a boy for
drinking water, and, it has given him the fever - signed, ONE WHO CAN VOTE
- Letter to editor, Ottawa Journal
December 24th, 1888
P.S. Ottawa 1911-1912 waterborne outbreak of
typhoid gt140 deaths
4How can we quantify microbial risks in drinking
microbial pathogens
health risk
tolerable level of risk ?
5microbiological safety of drinking water
- detection of pathogens in treated drinking water?
nearly impossible, reactive at best - historical use of indicator organisms in treated
water ? spatial temporal challenges! eg.
99.9999998 - outbreaks of waterborne illness, even in the
absence of adverse indicators - move towards preventive design/barrier approach,
rather than reactive - apply risk concepts from food pharmaceutical
industry (HACCP, QMRA)
risk-based management
cant test every drop ! cant do product recall !
6Water treatment applied to reduce pathogen risk
to safe or acceptable levels
acceptable risk level (WHO)
level of detection reportable GI
raw waters
treated waters
high risk
low risk
Health Risk
7What is QMRA?
QMRA Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment
- Method to evaluate the risks of microbial
pathogens in a drinking water supply, and
estimate the impact on population health
How much illness can be attributed to drinking
water? What is the effect of treatment?
lab analysis
population health
log removals
CT disinfection
8 WARNING you are now entering the world of
uncertainty probability
- Prevention of death is quite difficult. In
fact, the probability of dying is approaching
100 - ( Dr.L.Bonneux, Netherlands )
9 What about uncertainty? fuzzy cloud
pathogen recovery?
sample right time?
particle clumping?
water consumption?
virulence of strain?
health status?
juice, coffee, tea?
10Key steps in QMRA
Conc. of pathogens in raw water
Calc. overall treatment log-removal
Pathogen conc. in treated water
Pathogens ingested per day
P (infection) given dose
Annual illnesses in population
Annual health impact
P(illness) given infection
11Choose a number of index or reference pathogens
choose (5) reference pathogens
Raw Water
E.coli O157
- source water data
- present in most surface impacted ground waters
- vary in size, Cl2 resistance, treatment removal
- dose-response data
NRC images
12Health Canada QMRA Model
- Consider risks from (5) pathogens
- Cryptosporidium parvum
- Giardia lamblia,
- Rotavirus,
- pathogenic E.coli,
- E.coli O157H7
- (4) physical removal methods\
- conventional (coag/sed/filtration)
- slow-sand filtration
- microfiltration
- ultrafiltration
- (5) primary disinfection methods
- chlorine
- chloramine
- ozone
- chlorine dioxide
- ultra-violet (UV)
- Literature references used for specific pathogen
removals inactivation
13Health Canadas QMRA Model User Input Screen
Crypto Giardia Rotavirus E.coli default tables
treatment conditions (CT, pH, T, Cl2 residual)
14part 1 probability that a microbial pathogen
will pass from source water to tap
1 .0 L/day sample
pathogens ingested
removal through treatment
pathogen conc. In raw water
15part 2 probability of infection, given a dose of
16Health impacts in the population?( cases of
illness, burden of disease)
Microbial risks usually expressed in number of
illnesses in population
17Estimating Burden of Disease DALYs
- but, different pathogens can have a range of
health outcomes with very different implications - ? severity (0-1) x duration (time)
- World Health Organization has developed the DALY
metric to express health outcomes in terms of the
human impact DALY Disability Adjusted Life Year
A few comparisons DALYs per case Crypto
1.7 x 10-3 Rotavirus
8.5 x 10-3 E.Coli ENT 25 x
10-3 Colon cancer 3.4 Liver cancer
population health target of 10-6 DALYs per year
per person (drinking water)
18How does the 10-6 DALY risk level compare?
- 10-6 DALYs per year per person is equivalent to
- GI Illness
- 5.9 x 10-4 annual risk of Cryptosporidium
illness - 1.2 x 10-4 annual risk of Rotavirus illness
- 0.4 x 10-4 annual risk of E.coli O157 illness
- Cancer
- 2.0 x 10-5 lifetime (70 yr) risk of colon
cancer - 6.4 x 10-6 lifetime (70 yr) risk of liver
19QMRA Case Study evaluate effects of water
treatment on waterborne illness in City of Ottawa
- Microbial risk level for current treatment
- Which pathogen is driver of risk?
- Impact of individual treatment barriers
(failure?) - Health impact of future treatment changes
20Q1 Which pathogen is driving the health risk
in Ottawa?
21 Q2 What is the relative importance of each
treatment barrier?
10-6 DALYs/pp/yr
22Q3 What level of pathogens can we handle in the
raw water?
23Estimated annual illnesses for normal treatment
and failure events
- annual risk of illness 7.7 x 10-8
- DALYs per year (individual) 1.3 x 10-10
- WHO health target (individual) 1.0 x 10-6
4 orders of safety
- partial FF (14) filters 5.5-log (4) at 2.6-log
- full FF (18) filters 1.6-log
24Reportable GI illnesses in City of Ottawa all
causes(2000 2006)
- Number of annual cases
- Crypto 15
- Giardia 143
- E.Coli Verotox 22
- Amebiasis 74
- Campylobacter 256
- Salmonella 147
- Shigella 52
- Yersinia 15
- Total GI 725 confirmed
- cases per year
Ottawa population 725 cases/yr of acute GI
reported x 313 actual for each (1) reported
case 227,000 cases/yr or if we use Canada
estimate of 1.3 cases pp/yr of acute GI
illness 1,040,000 cases/yr Contribution from
drinking water 0.06 cases/yr
25Q4 Compare the risk of illness during normal
treatment and failure events
Estimated annual illnesses for various treatment
- partial FF (14) filters 5.5-log (4) at 2.6-log
- full FF (18) filters 1.6-log
26 Q5 How does the microbial risk vary as we apply
treatment (eg. chlorine disinfection) ?
27Advantages of Using QMRA
- Science health-based approach literature
values - Case specific uses actual pathogen levels and
treatment conditions to calculate risk - Flexible tolerable risk level can be adjusted
for a given population - Transparent risk assessment and assumptions are
clearly laid out - Wide application can be used to provide insight
for many risk-based decisions (source, treatment,
public health, inspection, etc.)
28Challenges with QMRA
- Source water pathogen data for best results,
require data for Crypto, Giardia, virus
concentrations - Distribution system risks not yet defined
- Uncertainty order of magnitude results
require care in interpreting health impacts
29Next Steps
- Model validation using data from waterborne
outbreaks - near misses
- Web-based version of Health Canadas QMRA model
- Compare microbial with chemical risks using
DALYs to optimize treatment for minimizing
overall population health risk
DBPs (cancer)
pathogens (GI illness)
health risk (DALYs)
30Thank you
Ian Douglas City of Ottawa ian.douglas_at_ottawa.ca
31Probabilistic approach vs. single-point
calculation (eg. Giardia)
90th percentile
raw water Giardia conc.
treatment log-removal
pathogens ingested
probability of infection
1 in 10,000 risk of infection
32What is health?
- Individuals capability to function
- well physically, mentally, and socially
- (Havelaar Melse, World Health Organization)
33What is an acceptable level of health risk?
level of acceptable risk is a value judgement,
depends on culture, societal values, and other
risk factors such as economy, security,
war, health care, hunger, etc.
WHO has set 1x10-6 DALY/yr/pp as an acceptable
health target for drinking water
1 in 10,000 risk of GI illness 10-5 to 10-6
lifetime risk of cancer
34Applications of QMRA
- Treatment Engineering - assessment of treatment
barriers - Operations impact of normal vs. upsets, trigger
levels - Public health population impacts, boil
advisory, health policy - Capital planning cost/benefit for new or
additional treatment - Regulatory guidelines, micro. vs. chemical,
treatment requirements - Inspection evaluation of system risks,
prioritization - Source Water Protection impact of reducing
pathogen levels
35 What is the relative importance of each
treatment barrier?
10-4 Illness risk
10-6 DALYs/pp/yr
36WHO health loss measured in DALYs (disability
adjusted life years) severity (0 ? 1.0) and
(Havelaar Melse, 2003)
37Examples of severity weights for selected health
outcomes ( 0 1 ) scale
The Global Burden of Disease - Murray C.J.L,
Lopez A.D.(World Health Organization, 1996)
A few comparisons DALYs per 1,000
cases Crypto 1.7 x
10-3 Rotavirus 8.5 x 10-3 E.Coli
ENT 25 x 10-3 Colon cancer
3.4 Liver cancer 11.0
38Why are we here?
The primary purpose of drinking water
treatment is the removal of waterborne pathogens
and the management of risks that arise from
their removal
39Internationally - QMRA in Drinking Water
- Dutch Drinking Water Decree (2001) Owners of
water supply must demonstrate less than 1 per
10,000 risk of infection per year from
Cryptosporidium, Giardia, and Enterovirus - Australian Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality
- WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality (2004)
- European Unions Microrisk project (2006)
- Health Canada develop QMRA model (2006) QMRA
used in new guidelines for Protozoa Viruses - Others (UofT, Guelph, Montreal)
40QMRA Model User Input Screens
source water pathogens (5) default table (eg.
pristine, heavily impacted, etc.)
treatment conditions (CT, temp, pH, dose,
41How does QMRA work?
42todays presentation
how does QMRA work?
drinking water contribution?
what is a DALY?
how we can apply QMRA?
how much diarrhoea in Canada?
43Public health surveillance tip of the iceberg
GI cases reported vs. actual (2005 Public
Health Agency of Canada survey in Ontario B.C.)
- 1 positive case
- reported
- 1.24 positives reported locally
- 1.56 stools positive
- 14 stools tested
- 15 submit the stool
- 19 have stool samples requested
- 73 cases visit physician
- 313 community cases of GI illness
in Canada, estimated 1.3 cases of acute GI
C.Majowicz et al, 2005 Can.J.Public Health
44What is the health benefit to communityof water
In Canada, estimated cost of 1,089 per case
acute GI illness Majowicz et al, 2006
2.0 million cases of acute GI illness/yr
0.06 cases of acute GI illness/yr
45How does pathogen risk change with seasons?
46Estimated annual illnesses for normal treatment
and failure events
- partial FF (14) filters 5.5-log (4) at 2.6-log
- full FF (18) filters 1.6-log
47What is the impact of a treatment failure? (eg.
loss of Cl2 disinfection for 12 hoursMar.11th)
7 cases (E.coli-ENT)
what is an appropriate trigger for plant
48remember ?
microbial pathogens
health risk
tolerable level of risk ?
49What is the impact of adding UV as an additional
treatment barrier?
current CT
50What is the impact of adding UV as an additional
treatment barrier?
current CT
with UV
51Next Steps
- Model validation using data from waterborne
outbreaks - near misses
- Web-based version of Health Canadas QMRA model
- Compare microbial with chemical risks using
DALYs to optimize treatment for minimizing
overall population health risk
52one final thought
- drinking water is
- essential for health
- revitalizing, cleansing
- sparkling clear refreshing
- sustains us
- feel good about it !
- drinking water quality of life
53What is the probability of ingesting x
pathogens,given a mean tap water concentration ?
Poisson PDF
0.1 per Litre
1 per Litre
10 per Litre
54Ottawas water supply
Britannia W.P.P. 360 ML/d
Ottawa River - pristine, wilderness
- soft, high colour/TOC - microbial pathogens
Lemieux Island W.P.P. 290 ML/d
55Example Cryptosporidium
- (2) typical outcomes diarrhoea or death
- calculate severity duration for each outcome
A few comparisons (DALYs per case) Crypto
0.0017 Rotavirus 0.0085 E.Coli
ENT 0.025 Colon cancer 3.4 Liver
cancer 11.0
56(5) microbial reference pathogens
- present in most surface GUDI waters
- vary in size, Cl2 resistance, treatment removal
- dose-response data available
NRC images
Photo credits protozoa, H.D.A Lindquist, U.S.
EPA Rotavirus, F.P. Williams, U.S. EPA
57Dose-Response for Pathogens in QMRA Model
E.coli ENT
E.coli NON
58 probabilistic nature of model (eg. Crypto)
Raw water risk
treated water risk
59Overview of model
60Ottawa typhoid epidemic of 1911/1912
Typhoid death rate in City of Ottawa (1905 1917)
waterborne outbreak (141 deaths)
61a long time agoin a galaxy (not) so far away!
- Water, water everywhere nor any drop to drink.
- Skilful analyst and microscopists have taken
water obtained from our tapsconclude that the
presence of an unusual number of vegetable and
animal organisms render it unfit to be used as a
beverage. In must be boiled, and well boiled, to
render it safe to be drunk. - Do ye hear the children weeping, O my brothers
- For what? for a glass of cold water, fresh from
the tap. But that would make them ill, poor
creatures, give them chills and typhoid. Only
today a woman said to me, My little son had the
fever for several weeks. He is such a boy for
drinking water, and, it has given him the fever - signed, ONE WHO CAN VOTE
- Ottawa Journal December 24th, 1888
62How does each pathogen respond to disinfection
treatment ?
63Applying QMRA case studyPopulation
800,0001.0 L/day daily water consumptiondata
for normal plant operation
1Primary Disinfection t45 min Cl20.62 mg/L
pH6.0, Temp10C
64Probability of illness, Pill
- probability of illness (symptoms), given
infection - P(ill) P(inf/dose) x P(ill/inf)
- determine of illnesses in population
values from health literature and analysis of
past waterborne outbreaks
65Q1 Is the current treatment process adequate?
Total per year
illnesses per year (population)
0.06 annual risk of illness (individual)
7.7 x 10-8 DALYs per year (population) 1.0
x 10-4 DALYs per year (individual) 1.3 x
10-10 WHO health target (individual) 1.0 x
4 orders of safety
66(No Transcript)
67Model Screens
literature values used, equations, references
68Probabilistic model key steps
Lognormal dist.
- Pathogen conc. (mean,std.dev)
- in raw water
- Treatment log (define barriers
- Reduction operating
- conditions)
- Pathogen conc. (mean conc.)
- In treated water
- pathogens (Poisson dist.)
- ingested(daily)
- Pinfection, daily (dose-response)
69Estimating Burden of Disease What is a DALY?
- DALY Disability Adjusted Life Years
- Expresses health impact in terms of both quality
quantity of life - DALY YLD LYL
- aggregate measure that takes into account the
duration and severity of the illness - 1 DALY is equivalent to 1 year of healthy life
A few comparisons DALYs per 1,000
cases Crypto 1.7 Rotavirus
8.5 E.Coli ENT 25.0 Colon cancer
3,400 Liver cancer 11,000
70Public health surveillance for reportable
diseaseseg. Giardia
71Public health data for reportable
72What is an acceptable level of health risk for
drinking water?
- 10-4 annual risk (1 in 10,000) of GI illness
- (US-EPA, Netherlands)
- 10-5 to 10-6 lifetime cancer risk
- (Health Canada, US-EPA, WHO)
- 10-6 DALYs per year per person
- (World Health Organization)
73What is a negligible level of illnessin the
population? Can we achieve risk level below
that detected?
- Cryptosporidium in New York City (10 million
pop.) - 10-4 risk level 1 in 10,000 infections per year
- people infected 1,000
- symptomatic cases/yr 600
- cases that consult doctor 200
- cases with stool analysis 50
- cases w. adequate test selected 5
- test perform. data handling 3
- PHAC level of GI illness reporting, etc.
74City of Ottawa detectable illness
ratespopulation 750,000
- Crypto 10-6 DALY pp/yr risk level 5.9x10-4
risk of illness pp/yr - 441 cases/yr in population
- But, 24 cases normally reported/yr (2 per month)
- 7,512 cases/yr actual (PHAC figure of 3131)
- If assume 50 increase in case rate to barely
detectable - 36 cases/yr reported (3 per month)
- 11,268 cases/yr (PHAC)
- Difference in cases (if allocated to drinking
water) 11268 7512 3756 - additional actual cases/yr caused from drinking
water - 3,756 / 750,000 5.0 x10-3 risk of illness
multiply by DALY/case (1.7x10-3) - 8.5 x 10-6 DALY/pp/yr level 10x higher than
WHO target to be barely detectable
75City of Ottawa detectable illness
ratespopulation 750,000
- Giardia 10-6 DALY pp/yr risk level 5.9x10-4
risk of illness pp/yr - 441 cases/yr in population
- But, 216 cases normally reported/yr (18 per
month) - 67,608 cases/yr actual (PHAC figure of 3131)
- If assume 50 increase in case rate to barely
detectable - 324 cases/yr reported (27 per month)
- 101,412 cases/yr (PHAC)
- Difference in cases (if allocated to drinking
water) 33,804 additional cases/yr (caused by
drinking water) - 33,804/750,000 0.045 risk of illness
multiply by DALY/case (1.7x10-3) - 7.6 x 10-5 DALY/pp/yr level 100x higher
than WHO target to be barely detectable
- of deaths in Canada by cause (1994)
- cardiovascular diseases 37.9
- cancer 28.2
- respiratory diseases 8.9
- external causes 6.4
- digestive diseases 3.7
- endocrine others 3.2
- nervous system 2.9
- genito-urinary diseases 1.6
- infectious diseases 1.5
- other diseases 5.7
- Shark attacks vs. lightning
- Average per year
- (from 1959 1994 stats reported in North
Americacoastal states only to make comparison) - lightning strikes 179.7
- lightning fatalities 44.9
- shark attacks 11.4
- shark attack fatalities 0.5
- Mode of travel chart (auto, motorcycle, bus,
etc.) - Mountain climbing, parachuting, boxing, scuba,
snowmobiling, hiking, skiing racing, etc.
78What is health?
- Individuals capability to function
- well physically, mentally, and socially
- (Havelaar Melse, World Health Organization)
- ability to perform activities of everyday life
- procreation, occupation, education, and
recreation - (Global Burden of Disease Project, WHO 1996)
79reduction of Bacillus coli with chloramine
treatment(J.Race Ottawa, 1916)
Historical use of water treatment to reduce
pathogens to a threshold level reliance on
indicator organisms
3.0-log inactivation
80(No Transcript)