Title: The Decline of the Ottoman Empire
Bismarks Germany 1871 A nation of the
Germanic peoples
2- Some features of successful nationalist
movements - We versus Them easy to identify the Other
- Common culture, easily drawn boundaries
- Unites people of different social classes
- What kind of nationalism is it?
- Does it build larger units or tear apart
multi-national units? - Does it claim racial or cultural superiority over
others? - Does it give national minorities equal rights or
exclude them?
3Corn and Wheat
Commerce and Banking
Largest population in Europe Economy grows
fastest in Europe Bismarks State socialism
Govt helps industry grow Social benefits to
German people Few democratic rights Main
military power in Eur
Iron and Coal
4The British Empire 1871
5Partition of Africa 1914German territory
6Partition of Africa 1914Belgian Congo
7(No Transcript)
8The British Plan for Africa from Egypt to South
9Partition of Africa 1914German territory
South Africa
10Ottoman Empire 1580
11Ottoman Empire, 1699
12Strengths become weaknesses
- Tolerance of ethnicities and religions
- Leadership (sultan) appointed by god
- Elite janissary corps helps rule the state
- Nationalism tears state apart - ethnic and
religious strife - Modernization conflicts with religious precepts
- Elites resist efforts to modernize - whats in it
for them?
13Ottoman Empire 1797
14Ottoman Empire 1871
15Ottoman Empire 1885
16Ottoman Empire 1914
17The Eastern Question How should the Ottoman
Empire be dismantled? Who should benefit?
Ottoman Empire 1914
18Austrian Empire
19(No Transcript)
20Muhammad Ali
of Louisville of Albania
21Muhammad Ali
of Louisville of Albania
World Heavyweight Champion
Ruler of Egypt
22Muhammad Alis EgyptStrengths Weaknesses
- Agricultural breadbasket - wheat and cotton
- Egyptian autonomy from Ottomans
- Modernization efforts begin in education,
agriculture, industry (textile mills - cotton is
right there! )
- Peasants resist modernization
- Hard to be an Egyptian nationalist as an Albanian
- Lack of coal, iron
- Europeans demand free trade, Egyptians cant
compete with cheaper English goods
23- Some features of successful nationalist
movements - We versus Them easy to identify the Other
- Common culture, easily drawn boundaries
- Unites people of different social classes
- What kind of nationalism is it?
- Does it build larger units or tear apart
multi-national units? - Does it claim racial or cultural superiority over
others? - Does it give national minorities equal rights or
exclude them?