Title: Juergen Kaschig
1RIP 3.2-2 Testing the Draft cTGD from the
Manufactures Perspective Stabiliser for
polymers (HALS)
Juergen Kaschig Arona network meeting,
Brussels, August 30/31, 2007
2Characterising the Substance HALS
HALS is used in production of plastics in primary
forms (NACE 20.16) and of glues (NACE 20.52) as
stabiliser (UC 49) by processing operations with
manual interventions (Operational Unit 1.2)
3Characterising the Substance HALS
Stabiliser (UC 49) Substances used to prevent or
slow down spontaneous changes in, and ageing of,
- Stabilisers in a polymer matrix entering the
life cycle stage of downstream users and waste
disposal do not need to be evaluated or
considered in Chemical Safety Assessments. - OJ L136, 29.5.2007 p.7
- OJ L136, 29.5.2007 p.19
- OJ L136, 29.5.2007 p.20
4Characterising the Substance HALS
5Local Emission to Wastewater (Input)
6Local Emission to Wastewater (Input cont.)
7Local Emission to Wastewater (Output)
8Local Predicted Environ. Concentrations
1. Calculation of partition coefficients and
Simple Treat model (algorithms and defaults
according to EU TGD 2003, Chapter 3)
9Local Predicted Environ. Concentrations
2.Calculation of PEClocal for surface water after
STP (algorithms and defaults according to EU TGD
10Risk Characterisation (Local Fresh Water)
The emissions to water has also been calculated
by EUSES Relevant tonnage 900
tyr-1 Fraction of main local source (default)
0.05 Number of emission days per year (default)
Risk Characterization Ratio for the local
fresh-water compartment 0.0127
12Algorithm for Scaling
13Key Experience and Conclusion
- Standardised descriptor system and RMMs with
numbering system important needs to be extended - Operational units and RMMs of limited
use/incomplete - Link to NACE document missing, legal impact?
- (Editorial / structural / didactical deficits)
- Format of ES hard to implement
- Missing guidance for ES in terms of manufacturing
- Missing guidance for tox/eco-tox data format
- Missing guidance for ES in terms of life stages
in the context of the substance definition
concept (stabilisers, waste)
The new requirements like development of
exposure scenarios and the chemical safety
assessment / report can as a rule not be
sufficiently reflected in the dossiers without
interaction in the supply chain.
The interactions need much more than just
handling of questionnaires.