Title: CU Tomorrow
1CU Tomorrow December 10, 2009
2Goal Review
3Attracting Young Professionals
4Attracting Young Volunteers
5Attracting Young Professionals
6Gen Y Brainstorming
- 1981 summer job 2/3 of tuition Todays
1-year job 1 year of school - 36 of Millennial employees stay less than a year
at first job - 30 see finances as most important problem
- 18-34 year-olds trust banks more than credit
7(No Transcript)
8(No Transcript)
9(No Transcript)
10Credit Union Differentiators
- Socially responsible employer.
- Opportunities to work with senior managers from
day one. - Opportunities to influence strategy immediately
(especially appealing to MBA recruits).
11Credit Union Differentiators
- Travel for job- related training.
- Reasonable hours that allow for good work/life
balance. - Education reimbursement (for full- time hires).
12Campus Recruiting Tips
- Make contact in the right places
- Be specific about what you want
- Offer a meaningful job
- Manage the credit unions salary expectations
- Make the process move quickly
- Emphasize work/life balance
13Campus Recruiting Tips
- Play up growth opportunities
- Sell recruits on high-level opportunities
- Work your networks
- Consider night/weekend students
- Use college career offices
14Recruiting on a budget
- Host resume critiques or mock interviews
- Send engaging senior execs
- Send a Good Luck card or small gift
15Attracting Young Volunteers
16Ages of Existing Credit Union Directors
25 lt49 6 lt39
17Existing networks 54
18Existing volunteer 25
19Newsletters, Web sites, flyers 13
20To do
Nominating committee actively recruits 4
21Proactive succession plan 4
22Young Board Members
23Altruism I serve because ____________
24RésuméI serve because ____________
25Propensity to Volunteer ()
26Propensity to Volunteer ()
27Propensity to Volunteer ()
28Propensity to Volunteer ()
297 Selling Points
- Altruism
- Emphasize history and mission
- Highlightcredit unions community contribution
- Describe individual directors influence
- Résumé
- Sales call
- Trust
- Benefits
- Close
- Directors achievements
- Financial experience
- Fiduciary experience
30Tactical Tips
- Take prospects out to dinner
- Offer a tour of branches, headquarters
- Invite to participate in a board meeting
- Make a firm invitation, with a response date
- Submit the invitation in writing with benefits
and responsibilities listed - Invite to advisory position
31Tactical Tips
- Ask for referrals
- Community leaders
- Candidates who decline
- One referral per director per year, emphasis on
targeted groups
32Ben Rogers 301.910.6272 benrogers_at_filene.org
Lois Kitsch (800) 356-9655 ,16770 lkitsch_at_ncuf.coo