Title: Freudian Impact on Art
1Freudian Impact on Art
2Freuds main theories
- Superego, ego, id
- Human dreams
- Repressed desires
3Impact on Art
- Pursuit of unconscious
- Expressionism
- Metaphysical Art
- Dada
- Surrealism
- Art that raises subjective feelings above
objective - 1905 several countries simultaneously
5Die Brücke
- The Bridge
- First of two movements
- Revival of graphic arts
- Hostile alienating world
6Berlin Street Scene
7Edvard Munch
- 1863-1944
- Norway
- Identified laid bare emotions associated with
dramatic human predicaments
8The Sick Child
9The Kiss
10Munch, The Scream, Expressionist, 1893
11Der Blaue Reiter
- World beyond sensory experiences
- Giorgio de Chirico Carlo Carra
- Semi-abstract figures with harsh light oblique
13Melancholy and Mystery of a Street
14di Chirico, The Nostalgia of the Infinite,
Metaphysical, 1914
15Marc Chagall
- 1887-1958
- Biography
- My art is an extravagant art
16Chagall, I and the Village, Fantasy, 1911
- Breaks with tradition
- 1916-1923
- No uniform characteristics
- Café Voltaire
- Improvisation
- Nihilist
- Tristian Tzara
19Marcel DuChamp
20The Fountain
21Duchamp, L.H.O.O.Q., Dadaism, 1919
- Coined by Apollinair in 1917
- Andre Breton, 1924
- Dreamlike, Psychic automatism, Spontaniety
- Do not judge images of subconscious
- Saw as suppression of consciousness
- Not burdened with meaning
24Veristic Surrealists
- Allow images to emerge to be analyzed
- Link between spiritual realities real world
25Joan Miró
- 1893-1983
- Style suggests childs representation
- Shapes have own life
- Imagery
26Paul Klee
- 1879-1940
- Impact on Miró
- Swiss
- Define analyze the primary visual elements
- Style
27Twittering Machine
28Park Near Lu(cerne)
29Klee, Fish Magic, Surrealism, 1925
30Rene Magritte
- 1898-1967
- Belgium
- Poetic painting
- Metamorphosis of images
31Le Jockey Perdu
32Magritte, The False Mirror, Surrealism, 1928
33Salvador Dali
- 1904-1989
- Biography
- 1929 first one man show
- Worked in all media
34The Persistence of Memory
35Frida Kalho
- 1907-1954
- Biography
- I hope the leaving is joyful and I hope I never
have to return.
36Kahlo, The Broken Column, 1944, Surrealism
37Two Fridas
38Broken Column
39Meret Oppenheim
- 1913-1985
- Many of objects paintings have been lost
- Nobody gives you freedom, you have to take it!
40Oppenheim, Object (Le Dejeuner en fourrure),
1936, Surrealism
41Surrealist Photography
42Hannah Höch
- 1889-1979
- It Girl
- Master practitioner of photomontage
43Höch, Cut with a Kitchen Knife, 1919, Surrealism