Title: Childrens Sequoyah Masterlist
1Childrens Sequoyah Masterlist
2Trading Places with Tank TalbotBy Dori
Hillestad Butler
3Sarah SpecialBy Esme Raji Codell
4Gregor the OverlanderBy Suzanne Collins
5Granny Torrelli Makes SoupBy Sharon Creech
6RodzinaBy Karen Cushman
7Tale of DespereauxBy Kate DiCamillo
8The City of EmberBy Jeanne DuPrau
9Izzys PlaceBy Marc Kornblatt
10Leon and the Spitting ImageBy Allen Kurzweil
11The Meanest Doll in the WorldBy Ann M. Martin
Laura Godwin
12Meow Means MischiefBy Ann Whitehead Nagda
13Ghost GirlBy Delia Ray
14How Ben Franklin Stole the LighteningBy Rosalyn
15DonutheadBy Sue Stauffacher
16The Great Googlestein Museum MysteryBy Jean Van
17Crandalls CastleBy Betty Ren Wright
18Minn and JakeBy Janet Wong
19Voting Specifics
- In order to vote, children must have read or
listened to at least three titles. - Voting is in January.
- Online voting is available and recommended.
- Visit www.sequoyahbookaward.com to gain access to
promotional materials and vote reporting.
20Want to join the reading team?
- If you are interested in serving a three year
term on either the Childrens or Young Adult
Sequoyah Reading Teams contact Kay Boies at
21Any Questions???