Title: Nessun titolo diapositiva
1The shadow of the graviton multiplet can be a
gravitino multiplet, suggesting a superHiggs
mechanism but...
2Conjecture Shadow SUGRAS
It seems that there exist more general N-extended
SUGRAS with SU(N0) symmetry where N0ltN
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6Structure of M-theory
AdS4 UIR relations
7Differential Geometry of X7 knows all the
relations implied by SUSY in AdS4
8There are 4 neutral scalars whose vev
s trigger superHiggs
modulus in N4 N3
R symmetry
9This multiplet is Universal in N3 KK
This suggests consistent truncation!
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12The value E03 realized in the Kaluza Klein
model is reached only at the boundary of moduli
space in N4 standard SUGRA
Lines of constant E0 over the disk
- Standard N4 SUGRA realizes SuperHiggs with E0lt3
- M-theory à la KK realizes SuperHiggs with E03
- This realization follows from a general shadowing
mechanism - Truncation to graviton massive gravitino should
be consistent since harmonics are constants - This hints to the existence of a new N4 shadow
supergravity based on the scalar manifold Msh and
an FDA describing superHiggs where E03 or bigger
is allowed. - Shadow SUGRAS exist also for other N?
- is shadowing true also in D5?
- We know the CFT interpretation of the universal
multiplet but there is no time.!
14- Work on
- the shadows is
- in progress...