Title: Habitat Gardening for Birds
1Woody Plants of The Aransas National Wildlife
2(No Transcript)
3Photo by Ernie Edmundson
4Preserve Native Landscape
Photo by Ernie Edmundson
5Poison IvyToxicodendron radicans
- Deciduous vine or low shrub
- Greenish yellow flowers in Spring
- Creamy fruit
- All parts are poisonous on contact
- Native to Eastern half of US Arizona
- Anacardiaceae family
Photo by Clint Edmundson
6Yaupon HollyIlex vomitoria
- Evergreen small tree to 25 ft.
- Fall fruit for 14 species birds
- Nectar larval host plant Henrys Elfin
- Sun/Part Sun
- Low to high water
- Native to South Central Southeast Texas
Southeastern U.S. - Aquifoliaceae family
Photos by Ernie Edmundson
7GroundselBaccharis halimifolia
- Deciduous shrub
- To 7 feet tall
- White blooms in Fall
- Frequent in low moist places
- Native from Texas, Southern states to New York
- Asteraceae family
William S. Justise _at_USDA-NRCS Plants Database
Photo from - http//plants.usda.gov/
8Bushy Sea Ox-EyeBorrichia frutescens
- Evergreen shrub to 2 ½ feet
- Yellow blooms spring fall
- Ripe seeds eaten by birds
- Native to coastal areas from Texas to Maryland
- Family Asteraceae
William S. Justice _at_ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database
Photo from - http//plants.usda.gov/
9Marsh ElderIva frutescens
- Bushy perennial or subshrub
- White blooms Summer Fall
- High water use
- High salt tolerance
- Native along coast from Texas, Southeast to New
England - Asteraceae family
_at_ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database Photo from -
10Maritime Saltwort, TurtleweedBatis maritima
- Semi deciduous shrublike plant
- Marshes tidal flats
- Native to Texas, Southeastern States California
- Bataceae family
Larry Allain _at_ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database
Photo from - http//plants.usda.gov/
11AgaritoBerberis trifoliolata
- Evergreen Shrub to 8 feet
- Sun/Part Sun-Very low water
- Yellow blooms in Spring
- Summer red berries
- Young leaves eaten by deer
- Fruit, nesting and cover for birds including
quail, cardinals, mockingbirds - Fruit eaten by raccoons and opossums
- Native from Texas to Arizona
- Berberidaceae family
Photo by Ernie Edmundson
12Trumpet CreeperCampsis radicans
- Deciduous vine to 40 feet
- Hummingbirds
- Nectar plant
- Sun/Part Sun
- Native to Eastern half of US
- Bignoniaceae family
Photo by Ernie Edmundson
13AnacuaEhretia anacua
- Evergreen tree to 50 feet
- Sun/Part Sun
- Low/medium water
- Fast growing
- South Texas native
- Family-Boraginaceae
Photo by Ernie Edmundson
14AnacuaEhretia anacua
- Blooms in Spring
- Nectar plant for bees butterflies
- Yellowish-orange fruit, nesting, loafing and
roosting for quail, white-winged dove,
chachalaca, coyotes, raccoons feral hogs
Photos by Ernie Edmundson
15Devils HeadEchinocactus texensis
- Cactus
- 3 inches high x 8 inches wide
- Spring blooms
- Native to Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico
- Cactaceae family
Thomas G. Barnes _at_ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database
Photo from - http//plants.usda.gov/
16Grassland Plains Prickly PearOpuntia macrorhiza
- Yellow blooms Spring, sparingly till fall
- Pads fruit eaten by deer, javelina, feral hogs,
- Fruit eaten by rodents, rabbits, squirrels,
coyotes, raccoons, turtles - Native from Texas Southwest through Midwest and
Mountains - Cactaceae family
Larry Allain _at_ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database
Photo from - http//plants.usda.gov/
17Tasajillo Opuntia leptocaulis
- Evergreen shrub to 3 feet
- Early summer blooms
- Fruit eaten by wildlife
- Native to Texas Southwest
- Cactaceae family
W.L. Wagner _at_ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database
Photo from - http//plants.usda.gov/
18Texas PersimmonDiospyros texana
- Slow Growing Evergreen tree to 50 feet
- Full Sun
- Very low to medium water
- Fall fruit nesting for 9 species of birds,
mammals - Larval host- Henrys Elfin, Gray Hairstreak
- Native to Western two-thirds of Texas Mexico
- Ebenaceae family
Photos by Ernie Edmundson
19Farkleberry Vaccinium arboreum
- Evergreen or deciduous small tree to 30 feet
- Fall fruit for 7 species of birds
- Larval plant elfin hairstreak
- Sun/Part Sun
- Blooms Spring
- Medium water
- East South Central Texas Southeastern U.S.
- Ericaceae family
Photo by Ernie Edmundson
20BlackbrushAcacia rigidula
- Deciduous thorny shrub, 3-15 feet
- Larval plant skipper, Mexican yellow
- Hummingbirds, bobwhite quail, cactus wren,
scissortails - Browse for deer
- Sun/Part Sun-Low water
- Texas native
21HuisacheAcacia miniata
- Deciduous thorny tree to 30 feet
- Nesting, cover food for doves quail
- Fruit eaten by deer javelina
- Larval plant skippers
- Sun-Very low water
- Blooms Spring
- Native Southern US California to Florida
- Fabaceae family
Photo from http//aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/orn
22Wild IndigoBaptisia bracteata
- Perennial shrub to 2 ft.
- Sun
- Yellow blooms in early Spring
- Native from Texas north throughout the Midwest
- Fabaceae family
Photos by Ernie Edmundson
23Partridge PeaChamaecrista fasciculata
- Annual to 3 feet
- Ripe seeds gamebirds songbirds
- Larval plant 6 sulphur butterflies-little
yellow, cloudless sulphur - Sun/Part Sun - Very low water
- Blooms Summer-Fall
- Fabaceae family
- Native to Eastern half of US
Photo by Ernie Edmundson
24Coral BeanErythrina herbacea
- Deciduous prickly shrub to 5 feet
- Nectar for hummingbirds orioles
- Sun/Part Sun - Low water
- Blooms Spring
- Native Texas to North Carolina
- Fabaceae family
Photos by Ernie Edmundson
- Annual subshrub to 8 ft.
- Orange-scarlet blooms summer - fall
- Native to Texas Southeastern US
- Fabaceae family
Larry Allain _at_ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database
Photo from - http//plants.usda.gov/
26RetamaParkinsonia aculeata
- Deciduous tree to 30 feet
- Seeds for birds, browse for deer
- Legumes for deer mammals
- Sun/Part Sun - Very low water
- Blooms Spring-Fall
- Fabaceae family
- Native to Southern US
- Florida to California
Photo by Ernie Edmundson
27MesquiteProsopis glandulosa
- Deciduous tree to 35 feet
- Food, nesting shelter for 6 bird species
- Browse for deer, beans for mammals
- Larval plant ceraunus blue, Reakirts blue
butterflies - Sun - Very low water
- Native to Southwestern US
- Fabaceae family
Photos by Ernie Edmundson
28RattlebushSesbania drummondii
- Shrub to 10 feet
- Hummingbirds
- Larval host sulphur, hairstreak, duskywing
butterflies - Sun - High water
- Blooms Summer
- Native Texas to Florida
- Fabaceae family
Photo by Ernie Edmundson
29Laurel OakQuercus laurifolia
- Deciduous or Semi-evergreen small tree to 15 feet
- Sun/Part Sun- Low water
- Acorns for wildlife
- Native to Texas Southeastern US
- Family-Fagaceae
Photo by Ernie Edmundson
30Blackjack OakQuercus marilandica
- Deciduous tree to 15-45 ft.
- Food for 11 species of birds
- Sun
- Low water
- Native to Eastern half of US
- Family-Fagaceae
Photos from http//aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/or
31Post OakQuercus stellata
- Deciduous slow growing tree
- In deep sand, interior of the peninsula
- Native from Texas to Southeastern US
- Fagaceae family
Photos by Will Cook - http//www.duke.edu/cwcook/
32Live OakQuercus virginiana
- Spreading Evergreen tree to 60 feet
- Food for 20 species of birds
- Acorns browse for deer, birds, mammals
- Larval plant duskywing, hairstreak butterflies
- Sun -low water
- Native to Texas S.E. U.S.
- Family-Fagaceae
Photos by Ernie Edmundson
33Red Bay, SweetbayPersea borbonia
- Evergreen tree to 25 feet
- Food for songbirds
- Larval plant- palamedes swallowtails
- Sun/Part Sun
- Low to medium water
- Native Southeastern US
- Lauraceae family
Photos by Ernie Edmundson
34Saltmarsh Mallow Kosteletzkya virginica
- Perennial to 5 feet tall
- Moist soil
- Pink blooms Summer Fall
- Native from Texas along coast to New York
- Malvaceae family
Jim Stasz _at_ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database
Photo from - http//plants.usda.gov/
35Turks CapMalvaviscus drummondii
- Evergreen shrub to 4 feet
- Part Sun/ Shade
- Blooms Summer-Fall
- Very low to medium water
- Native to Texas Southeastern US
- Malvaceae family
Photos by Ernie Edmundson
36Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Photo by Ernie Edmundson
37Turks CapMalvaviscus drummondii
- Hummingbirds
- Fruit eaten by birds
- Nectar plant sulphur, swallowtail
- Larval plant gray hairstreak, turks cap white
Photo by Ernie Edmundson
38Wax MyrtleMyrica cerifera
- Evergreen tree to 20 feet
- Fruit for 40 species of birds
- Larval plant hairstreak
- Sun/Part Sun/Shade
- Low water
- Native to Texas Southeastern U.S.
- Myricaceae family
Photos by Ernie Edmundson
39Tanglewood, Elbowbush Forestiera angustifolia
- Semi-Evergreen shrub to 9 feet
- Fruit for quail, doves, songbirds
- Browse for deer
- Fruit eaten by raccoons, foxes, ringtails,
rabbits, squirrels, rats mice - Sun/Part Sun-low water
- Blooms Spring
- Native in South Texas to the coast
- Oleaceae family
Photo by Ernie Edmundson
40BrasilCondalia hookeri
- Evergreen thorny tree to 15 feet
- Fruit for 8 species of birds
- Fruit for coyotes, squirrels, raccoons, gray fox,
opossums - Sun/Part Sun/Shade
- Low water
- Rhamnaceae family
- Native to South Texas, Hill Country Mexico
Photo by Ernie Edmundson
41Wildgoose PlumPrunus munsoniana
- Deciduous shrub to 10 feet
- Early spring white blooms
- Purple red fruit
- Rosaceae family
- Native to Texas
Photo by Ernie Edmundson
42Southern Dewberry Rubus riograndis
- Evergreen perennial to 6 feet
- Fall fruit for 34 species of birds
- Larval plant mourning cloak
- Food for coyotes box turtles
- Part Sun/Shade - Low water
- Native to Southeastern US
- Rosaceae family
Photos by Ernie Edmundson
43ButtonbushCephalanthus occidentalis
- Deciduous Shrub, to 20 feet
- Sun/Part Sun
- Moist to Boggy area
- Blooms Spring-Fall
- Native to Eastern half of US
- Rubiaceae family
Photo by Darlene Locke
44ButtonbushCephalanthus occidentalis
- Birds- 25 species including waterfowl, cardinals,
finches, sparrows - Hummingbirds
- Nectar for Butterflies including Skippers,
Swallowtails, Monarchs, Painted ladies
Photo by Darlene Locke
45Texas TorchwoodAmyris texana
- Evergreen shrub to 6 feet
- Fall fruit for birds
- Sun/Part Sun/ Shade
- Blooms Spring-Summer
- Host plant - giant swallowtail
- Very low water
- South Texas Mexico native
- Rutaceae family
Photo by Ernie Edmundson
46Colima, Lime Prickly AshZanthoxylum fagara
- Spiny evergreen shrub or small tree to 30 feet
- Nesting, cover berries for white-winged doves
passerine birds - Browse for deer
- Larval food-giant swallowtail butterfly
- Sun/Part Sun - low water
- Native to Texas Florida
- Rutaceae family
Photos by Ernie Edmundson
47Tickle-Tongue, Prickly AshZanthoxylum hirsutum
- Prickly deciduous or semi-evergreen shrub to 12
feet - Larval plant 3 swallowtail butterflies
- Nectar plant purple hairstreak
- Sun/part sun - Low water
- Native to Texas Oklahoma
- Rutaceae family
Photo by Ernie Edmundson
48Swallowtail Butterfly
Photos by Ernie Edmundson
49CottonwoodPopulus deltoides
- Deciduous tree to 90 feet
- Larva mourning cloak
- Seed eating birds
- Dead trees-nesting for woodpeckers
- Sun - Medium water
- Native- Eastern ¾ of US
- Salicaceae family
Photos from http//aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/or
50Black WillowSalix nigra
Larry Allain _at_ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database Photo
from - http//plants.usda.gov/
- Deciduous tree to 100 feet
- Catkins, willow bark eaten by birds
- Larval plant mourning cloak
- Sun/Part Sun
- Native to Eastern half of US
- Salicaceae family
Photo by Ernie Edmundson
51SoapberrySapindus saponaria var. drummondii
Photos by Ernie Edmundson
- Deciduous tree to 42 feet
- Larval plant hairstreak
- Sun/Part Sun
- Blooms Spring Fall
- Very low water
- Sapindaceae family
- Native in Texas Southwest
52Mexican BuckeyeUngnadia speciosa
- Deciduous tree to 15 feet
- Sun, part sun
- Blooms in Spring
- Very low water
- Attracts hummingbirds
- Larval plant-Henrys Elfin
- Native-Texas New Mexico
- Sapindaceae family
Photo by Ray Kirkwood
53La Coma, Ironwood Sideroxylon celastrinum
- Spiny evergreen tree to 15 feet
- Fruit - chachalacas, doves, raccoons, coyotes
- Leaves browsed by deer
- Nectar plant for butterflies
- Nesting cover
- Sun/Part Sun-Low water
- Native to Texas Florida
- Sapotaceae family
Photo by Forrest Smith - http//www.southtexasnat
54CenizoLeucophyllum frutescens
- Evergreen shrub to 8 feet
- Nectar for hummingbirds butterflies
- Larva Theona checkerspot
- Browse for deer
- Sun-Very low water
- Blooms Spring-Fall
- Texas native
- Scrophulariaceae family
Photo by Ernie Edmundson
55Berlandiers WolfberryLycium berlandieri
- Summer Deciduous shrub to 7 ft
- Sun/Part Sun
- White or lavender Blooms
- Red Berries for birds, small mammals, raccoons,
insects - Browse for deer
- Native from Texas to Arizona
- Solanaceae family
Photos from http//aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/or
56Carolina WolfberryLycium carolinianum var.
- Evergreen shrub to 6 feet
- Food for whooping cranes, hummingbirds, other
birds - Sun-Low water
- Native Texas to Mississippi
- Solanaceae family
Photo by Ernie Edmundson
57Texas Sugarberry Celtis laevigata var. laevigata
- Decidous tree to 50 feet
- Larval plant 5 species of butterflies,
including Snout, Tawny Emperor - Summer Fall fruit for 18 species of birds
many mammals - Sun/Part Sun
- Very low to high water
- Native in 29 states
- Ulmaceae family
Photos by Ernie Edmundson
58Netleaf HackberryCeltis laevigata var. reticulata
- Deciduous tree to 45 ft.
- Fall fruit for 13 species of birds small
mammals - Larval plant 4 species of butterflies
- Sun/Part Sun- Low water
- Native in 14 states
- Ulmaceae family
Photo from http//aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/orn
59Spiny Hackberry Celtis pallida
- Spiny evergreen shrub or small tree to 12 feet
- Fruit for 18 species of birds, small mammals
coyotes, raccoons, rabbits - Larval plant snout, question mark, desert
hackberry - Sun/Part Sun - Very low water
- Native in Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona
- Ulmaceae family
Photo by Ernie Edmundson
60American BeautyberryCallicarpa americana
- Deciduous shrub to 6 feet
- Dappled shade/Part Shade/Sun
- Very low to medium water
- Purple fruit in Fall eaten by cardinals,
mockingbirds, brown thrasher, wood thrush,
American robin, rufous-sided towhee, bobwhite,
finches, catbirds - Native to Southeastern US
- Verbenaceae family
Photo by Ernie Edmundson
61Texas LantanaLantana urticoides
- Evergreen shrub to 5 feet
- Larva painted lady
- Nectar - swallowtails, buckeye, sulphurs, julia,
skippers, zebra longwing, dorantes longtail - Seeds-cardinal, quail
- Hummingbirds
- Sun/Part Sun-Very low water
- Blooms Spring-Fall
- Native to southern states
- Verbenaceae family
Photo by Ernie Edmundson
62PeppervineAmpelopsis arborea
- Deciduous woody vine
- Black fruits
- Native to Texas, New Mexico Southeastern US to
Great Lakes - Vitaceae family
J.R. Manhart, Vascular Plant Image Library, TAMU
Herbarium, TAMU
63Mustang GrapeVitis mustangensis
- Deciduous vine to 60 feet
- Fruit for 30 species of birds
- Food for deer, gray fox, rabbits, opossums,
raccoons - Sun/Part Sun/Shade
- Low water
- Texas Southeastern US native
- Vitaceae family
Photo by Ernie Edmundson
64White-Rim YuccaYucca tenuistyla (constricta)
- Evergreen shrub to 2 feet
- Sun
- White to pale green blooms in late Spring
- Native to South Texas
- Agavaceae family
65Spanish DaggerYucca treculeana
- Evergreen shrub to 15 feet
- Nesting for doves, Harriss hawks, mockingbirds,
shrikes, cactus wren - Sun/Part Sun
- Spring white blooms
- Native to Texas
- Agavaceae family
Photo by Ernie Edmundson
66Dwarf PalmettoSabal minor
- Evergreen shrub to 5 feet
- Cover nesting for small birds
- Fruit for birds mammals, including
yellow-rumped warbler - Part Sun/Sun - Low water
- Native to Texas Southeastern states
- Arecaceae family
Photo by Ernie Edmundson
67GreenbriarSmilax bona-nox
- Prickly evergreen vine
- Spring bloom, Fall black fruit favored by birds
- Smilacaceae Family
- Native from Texas Midwest to Southeastern US.
Robert H. Mohlenbrock _at_ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database
/ USDA SCS. 1991. Southern wetland flora Field
office guide to plant species. South National
Technical Center, Fort Worth, TX. Photo from -
68Invasive Plants
69Chinese TallowSapium sebiferum
- Very invasive tree
- Taking over native areas along the coast and
South Texas - Short lived tree
Photo by Ernie Edmundson
70Brazilian Pepper
- Very invasive large shrub or small tree!
- Spread by birds friends
- Outlawed in Florida because it is so invasive
Photos by Ernie Edmundson
71Salt Cedar, AthelTamarix aphylla
- Extremely invasive
- Taking over water courses all over Texas
- Invasive root system
Photo by Ernie Edmundson
72ChinaberryMelia azedarach
- Invasive tree
- Short lived tree 20-25 years
- Dense shade eliminates growth under tree
- Messy, soft brittle wood
- Spread by birds
- Found in Southern half of US
- Introduced from Asia
Photo by Ernie Edmundson
73Japanese HoneysuckleLonicera japonica
- Evergreen woody vine
- White to yellow blooms in Spring
- Aggressive invasive
- Native of Asia
Highlands/photographs_of_flowering_plants_L.htm h
132hlenstart1prev/images3Fq3D2522 Lonice
74White Mulberry, Silkworm Mulberry Morus alba
- Deciduous tree to 30 ft.
- Fruit for birds and other wildlife
- Native to China
- Found throughout US
- Moraceae family
David E. Lemke, Vascular Plant Image Library, TAMU
- Vascular Plants of Texas, Correll Johnston
- Flora of the Texas Coastal Bend, Jones
- Plants of the Texas Coastal Bend, Lehman,
OBrien, White - Aransas, A Naturalists Guide, McAlister and
McAlister - Matagorda Island, A Naturalists Guide, McAlister
and McAlister - Trees, Shrubs, Cacti of South Texas, Everott
Drawe - A Field Guide to Common South Texas Shrubs,
Taylor, Rutledge Herrera - Plants of the Rio Grande Delta, Richardson
- Attracting Birds to Southern Gardens, Pope,
Odenwald, Fryling - Texas Wildscapes Gardening for Wildlife, Damude
Bender - Native Texas Plants, Wasowski Wasowski
- The Garden Book, Corpus Christi Area Garden
Council, Inc.
76Photographs by
- Ernie Edmundson, Ray Kirkwood, Clint Edmundson,
Texas Master Naturalists - Darlene Locke Former Aransas County Extension
Agent - Internet websites