- Presented and Updated by Debbie King NP
- A Lecture by Colette Frena, NP
- Darlene Brannon, NP
2Inspection of Head
- Size- Head erect and midline, circumference of
infants, expected size for age - Shape-Skull normocephalic, any bulges or edema
- Symmetry-symmetrical and smooth, no deformities
- Lesions-scabs, parasites, nits, scaliness,
crusting, unusual hairline, hair loss, thinning
3Inspection of facial features
- Symmetry- facial features symmetrical
- Shape- round, oval, diamond
- Characteristic facies- Cushing syndrome, Myxedema
facies, Down Syndrome, Bells Palsy, Fetal Alcohol
Syndrome - Tics- facial nerve issues or psychogenic
- Unusual features- brows, nose lips
4Palpate head scalp
- Symmetry smoothness, no depressions
- Fontanels anterior slightly depressed, some
pulsation. Bulging fontanel ICP? - Tenderness- sinuses, TMJ, temporal arteritis
- Scalp movement- should move freely, feel hair for
texture, brittleness
5Anatomy and physiology of the Neck
- Divide the neck into two triangles
- Anterior triangle
- Mandible above the sternomastoid laterally and
the midline of the neck medially - Posterior triangle
- The sternomastoid muscle, the trapezius, and
clavicle - Midline structures and thyroid gland
- Mobile hyoid bone
- Thyroid cartilage
- Cricoid cartilage
- The tracheal rings
- Thyroid gland
6Inspection of Neck
- Symmetry
- Alignment of trachea-midline
- Fullness
- Masses, webbing skin folds, thyroglossal duct
cyst, brachial clef cyst - Jugular vein distention
- Carotid artery prominence
- Full range of motion- torticollis, meningitis
7Palpate the neck
- Tracheal position
- Tracheal tug
- Movement of hyoid bone
- Movement of cartilages when swallowing
- Thyroid size, shape, tenderness, nodules
- Masses, goiters, lymphadenopathy, enlarged
salivary glands. - Always use gentle pressure when palpating neck.
8Neck Thyroid Gland
- Flex neck slightly forward
- Place fingers of both hands with index fingers
just below the cricoid cartilage - Ask patient to swallow feel for the thyroid
isthmus rising up under your finger pads (not
always palpable) - With swallowing, the lower border of this large
gland rises and looks less symmetric when there
is a goiter - Displace trachea to the right and palpate
laterally for the right lobe of the thyroid
repeat on the left side - Note the size, shape, and consistency
- Identify any nodules or tenderness
- If enlarged, listen over lateral lobes to detect
a bruit
9Auscultation of neck
- Temporal bone arteries bruits
- Carotid arteries bruits
- Thyroid - bruits
10Abnormalities of the neck
- Parotitis infection of the parotid gland.
- Cervical adenitis
- Lymphadenopathy
- Salivary gland infections
- Mononucleosis
- Cancers
11Inspection of ears
- Size genetic or abnormality
- Shape cauliflower, cysts, skin tags, tophi
(gout white deposits. - Symmetry
- Landmarks of outer ear
- Helix, antihelix, tragus, lobule, entrance to
canal - Color blueness, excessive redness, frost bite
- Position (draw imaginary line) low set ears may
indicate chromosomal abnormalities or renal
disorders - Lesions or deformities congenital
- Discharge or odor
- Piercings
12What does an ear do other than hold earrings?
- It is a sensory organ used for lateralization,
localization, interpretation of sound, maintains
equilibrium. - External ear- auricle to tympanic membrane moist
with cerumen. - Middle ear- transmits sound. Consists of 3 small
bones, malleus, incus and stapes. - Inner ear - transmits sound, vestibular
function. - Eustachian tube- ventilates the ear and equalizes
13Palpation of ears and mastoid area
- Tenderness infection, TMJ
- Swelling sebaceous cysts, otitis externa,
hematoma, mastoiditis - Nodules cysts
- Auricle should easily recoil
14Otoscopic exam
- Used to inspect the external auditory canal and
the middle ear - Use correct speculum size for adult and child
- Pull auricle up and back on adults
- Pull auricle downward and back on small children
and infants - Stabilize ear and slowly insert speculum
- Avoid touching bony wall- YEOW
15Normal finding on otoscopic exam
- Minimal cerumen, no impaction
- Uniformly pink-canal
- Hairs in the outer canal
- No lesions, discharge, foreign body, masses
- Myringotomy tubes- white or blue tubes
16Tympanic membrane
- Landmarks- umbo, handle of malleus, light reflex
- Color- translucent pearly gray, yellow, red or
blue indicates blood and/or infection. White
spots are healed inflammation. - Perforations- d/t infection or trauma. Patient
feels air coming out. - Pneumatic otoscope- checks for mobility
- Mobility bulging, retracted, thickened,
negative pressure.
17Ear infections
- Acute otitis media pain, retracted TM, red,
yellow or blue bulging TM. - Chronic otitis media- recurrent infections.
Consider myringotomy with tubes. - External otitis media pain on palpation of
auricle, edema, erythema and discharge in the
canal. - Serous otitis media- fluid in the middle ear.
Cant always see fluid. Tympanogram is
diagnostic. - Mastoiditis - ear infection that enters the
mastoid bone. CT of temporal bone is diagnostic.
18Treatment for acute otitis media
- Controversy over treating. Treatment should be
age specific. - Antibiotics
- Decongestants
- Nasal steroid sprays help ventilate the ears
- Pain medication, Auralgan ear drops
19Treatment for otitis externa
- Antibiotic ear drops
- Sometime oral antibiotic and steroids- depends on
the severity - Pain medication
- Ear wicks are helpful
- No water in ears during treatment
20Treatment for serous otitis media
- Decongestants- varies on effectiveness
- Nasal steroid sprays
- Antihistamines
- Increase fluids
- Tympanogram shows increase in negative pressure.
21Ears - Hearing
- Auditory acuity
- Test one ear at a time
- Whisper test, standing 1-2 feet behind patient,
softly say nine-four, baseball - Ticking Watch
- Air and bone conduction
- Weber
- Lateralization of sound to impaired ear suspect
unilateral conductive hearing loss - Rinne
- Compare time of air vs. bone conduction
- If bone conduction is equal or greater than air
conduction, then suspect conductive loss
22Assess Hearing CN VIII
- Loud noise exposure history
- Response to questions during history
23Hearing loss
- Conductive hearing loss sound transmission is
impaired through the external or middle ear d/t
infection, cholesteatoma, growth or mass,
structural problems. - Sensorineural hearing loss nerve damage,
misinterpretation of speech. - Tinnitus- ringing. Can be early sign of high
frequency hearing loss. - Otosclerosis hereditary condition. More common
in women. A fixation of the stapes.
24Eyes - Inspection
- Lacrimal apparatus in the medial canthus
- Lacrimal gland and sac for swelling
- Sclera covered by conjunctiva
- Color, vascular pattern
- Cornea and lens - opacities
- Iris markings clearly defined
- Pupils size, shape, symmetry, reaction to light
(direct and consensual)
- Position and alignment of eyes
- Eyebrows - quantity, distribution
- Eyelids
- Width of palpebral fissures
- Edema, color, lesions
- Condition and direction of eyelashes
- Adequacy of closed eyelids
- Lateral canthus
25Review cross section of the eye
- Iris
- Pupil
- sclera
- Vitreous body
- Choroid retina fovea
- Central retinal artery and vein
- Optic nerve
- Physiologic cup
- Extraocular muscle
- Inner eye
- Optic disc
- Physiologic cup
- Fovea
- Macula
- Artery vein
26Eyes Techniques of Examination
- Visual acuity
- Central vision Snellen eye chart position
patient 20 feet from the chart - Patients should wear glasses if needed
- Test one eye at a time
- Near vision hand-held card (can also use to test
visual acuity at the bedside) hold 14 inches
from patients eyes - Light tests
- Light reflex test
- Red light reflex test
27Eyes Techniques of Examination (cont.)
- Visual fields
- Screening by Confrontation
- Both eyes at same time start in the temporal
fields - Further testing
- If a defect is found, test one eye at a time
- Extraocular movements/six cardinal directions of
gaze - Normal conjugate movements
- Nystagmus
- Lid lag
- Convergence
28Tips for Using the Ophthalmoscope
- Darken the room and have the patient look off in
the distance - Switch the ophthalmoscope light and turn the lens
disc to the large round beam of white light - Turn lens disc to the 0 diopter
- Hold the ophthalmoscope in your right hand to
examine the patients right eye with your right
eye hold it in your left hand to examine the
patients left eye with your left eye - Stand directly in front of the patient, 15 inches
away, and start at an angle of 15 degrees lateral
to the patients line of vision - Shine the beam of light onto the pupil and look
for an orange glow this is the red reflex - Follow the red reflex and move inward towards the
nasal aspect of the visual field
29Variations and Abnormalities of the Eyes
- Ptosis-drooping of the upper lid
- Entropion-inward turning of the lid margin
- Ectropion-margin of the lower lid turns outward
- Lid retraction and exophthalmos-wide eyed stare,
eye balls may protrude forward - Pinguecula- harmless yellowish triangular nodule
in the bulbar conjunctiva - Episcleritis- localized ocular redness from
inflammation of the episcleral vessels - Chalazion-subacute nontender and usually painless
30Inspection of the nose
- Shape- flaring (O2 hunger), deviations,
asymmetry, nasal injury, fx, transverse crease,
nasal valve collapse. - Outer landmarks
- Bridge, tip, anterior naris, vestibule, ala nasi
- Size self explanatory
- Color
- Evaluate patency of nares nasal valve collapse,
deviated septum, foreign body, infection - Palpate ridge and soft tissue
31Inspection of inner nose
- Discharge
- Hair
- Septum- deviation, perforation
- Drug use Afrin, cocaine
- Turbinates anterior, middle inferior. Purpose
to humidify and filter air. - Color- red, pale, bluish
- Boggy
- Nasal polyps, folliculitis
- Sense of smell- anosmia, putrid, dead animal
32Inspect and palpate sinuses
- Frontal forehead
- Ethmoid between the eyes
- Maxillary - cheeks
- Sphenoid center of head
- Swelling, redness, tenderness
- May transilluminate area- absence of glow
indicates sinus is filled with fluid or infection
or sinus never developed.
33Treatment of sinusitis
- Controversy over treatment
- Antibiotics, pain medication, decongestants,
mucus thinners, nasal steroid sprays. - Recurrent sinus infections- ENT referral
34Inspection of lips
- Symmetry
- Color- cyanosis, pallor, circumoral pallor,
cherry red, bluish gray, yellow (jaundice,
cigarettes) - Edema
- Surface abnormalities herpes, plaques, lesions,
cleft lip, cleft palate - Remove lipstick
- Dry, cracked (cheilitis)
- Fissures, allergies ,angioedema
- Drooling
35Abnormalities of the lips
- Angular Cheilitis-starts with softening of the
skin at the angles followed by fissuring - Actinic Cheilitis-results from excessive exposure
to sunlight and affects primarily the lower lip,
it loses its normal color and becomes scaly and
thickened and everted - Angioedema- diffuse nonpitting tense swelling of
the dermis and subcutaneous tissue
36Inspection of mouth
- Gingivae
- Color- hyperpigmentation
- Lesions- thrush, herpes, cancer, Koplik spots
- Tenderness
- Teeth- dental caries, loose, missing, baby bottle
syndrome, grinding, discolored, Epstein pearls - Tongue color, moisture, symmetry, swelling,
macroglossia - Palate, tonsils, and uvula
- Elicit gag reflex
37Findings in or under the tongue
- Geographic tongue- benign condition, dorsum
shows scattered smooth red ares denuded of
papillae, gives a maplike pattern - Hairy tongue- benign hairy yellowish to brown or
black elongated papillae - Smooth tongue or Atrophic Glossitis-smooth and
often sore tongue-vitamin B deficiency - Tori Mandibularis- rounded bony growths on the
inner surfaces of the mandible are harmless
38Inspection of oropharynx
- Moisten tongue blade
- Tonsils
- Size grades I-IV
- I-visible
- II-halfway between tonsillar pillars and the
uvula - III- nearly touching the uvula
- IV- touching each other
- Shape
- Symmetry abscess, cancer
- Cryptic
- Tonsillolith
- Peritonsillar abscess
39Inspection of oropharynx
- Uvula
- length
- bifurcated
- Palatal bulk
- Cleft lip and or palate
- Choanal Atresia congenital nasal obstruction of
the posterior nares resulting in respiratory
distress in infants- cant breath through nose. - Torus Palatinus bony overgrowth on palate
40Common or Concerning Symptoms
Head Headache, history of head injury
Eyes Visual disturbances, spots (scotomas), flashing lights, use of corrective lenses, pain, redness, excessive tearing, double vision (diplopia)
Ears Hearing loss, ringing (tinnitus), vertigo, pain, discharge
Nose Drainage (rhinorrhea), congestion, sneezing, nose bleeds (epistaxis)
Oropharynx Sore throat, gum bleeding, hoarseness,
Neck Swollen glands, goiter