Title: Tube Thoracostomy: Supplement to NEJM Video
1Tube ThoracostomySupplement to NEJM Video
2Credentialing Process at SBUH
- Watch the video and the 2 supplements
- 20-30 min total
- Post test
- 80 to pass
- Demonstrate skill in Simulation Center
- Drape/prep station
- Insertion station (s)
- Removal station
- Post Insertion Documentation and CXR Review
- Complete supervised procedures
3Supervised Procedures
- Purpose of supervision is education, validation
of performance and patient safety. - Your first CT insertion should not be done in an
emergency situation - Submit credentials to your residency program
coordinator. They will update computerized
4Tube Thoracostomy
- 300 CT placed at SBUH per year
- Complications have included improperly placed
and improperly positioned tubes, solid organ
injury, skin infection, empyema, recurrent PTX,
and failure to drain hemothorax - This program is intended to
- standardize the insertion of Chest Tubes
- reduce complications
5Pre Insertion
- Communication
- Discuss with Attending the contemplated procedure
and technique - Inform the nursing staff
- If you are not credentialed, the nurse will stop
you - Consent
- Required for all procedures
- Emergency Consent is for true emergencies only,
and must be documented as such - Equipment
- ED Trauma Combo Tray or Tube Thoracostomy Tray
- Chest tube of appropriate size
- Suture, blade, LidocaineTM, , syringes and
needles, Vaseline gauze, 2 inch tape, gauze,
sterile gown/ gloves/ drapes - PleurevacTM (will need H2O to fill chambers)
- Suction
6Example of Informed Consent For Chest tube
7Tube Selection
- Disease process determines tube size
- Chest tubes
- 28F or larger to drain blood
- In children, tube should be diameter of little
finger - Pigtail Catheters
- Patient comfort
- Used for large pneumothorax, or simple effusions
- Contraindicated in Trauma
- Contraindicated for hemothorax
- When a loculated collection is suspected consider
pigtail placement under ultrasound or CT
8Pigtail Catheters for Pleural Drainage
Small catheter pigtail shape Comprehensive
Insertion Kit Seldinger Insertion
Techniquemust be credentialed in CVC
Needle /syringe and local anesthetic agent
Skin Prep
Kelly Clamp
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11Insertion of CT
- It may be necessary to move breast tissue from
the site of insertion to avoid injury to the
tissue. Use the infra mammary crease or fold as
a guide for insertion. - Thin patients (children) need careful tunneling
of the tube in the subcutaneous tissue (to reduce
risk of recurrence after removal).
12Insertion of Pigtail or Chest Tube
- Universal Protocol (Time Out) to confirm patient,
procedure site and side - Hand washing
- Sterile technique is required
- Hat, mask, sterile gown, gloves and drapes
- Unless the patient is in extremis
- Local anesthesia
- Unless the patient is in extremis
- Always through a new skin incision
- Secure with suture
- Do not tape over nipple
13Pigtail Catheters
- ArrowTM Kit
- Advance needle cephalad
over the top of the rib
at a 60 degrees angle - Stop advancing the needle when the pleural space
is identified by the aspiration of air or fluid
into the syringe - Insert the guide wire into the pleural space
through the needle
14- The needle is removed while stabilizing the guide
wire - A small incision is made in the skin
- Pass the dilator over the guide wire
- Remove the dilator
15- Thread the catheter over the guide wire
- Remove the guide wire
- Secure the catheter to the skin
16Post Insertion of Chest Tube or Pigtail
- Assessment
- Tape connection to drainage system and ensure
functioning - Place patient on supplemental O2
- Assess patient by auscultating lung fields
- Documentation
- Procedure Note or Trauma Critical Care Preprinted
Note must be completed - Order and interpret post insertion CXR
- Document review of CXR in the chart
- Complete credentialing card
17Obtain a Post Insertion CXR
18Post Insertion Paperwork
- Procedure Note Must be Written
- Indication for CT, Size of tube placed, location
- Technique (time out, sterile technique, wide
local anesthesia, etc) - Any complications
- Interpretation of post insertion radiographs
19This is NOT an adequate procedure note
20Incorrect and improper note Bilateral chest
tubes were placed, Not bilateral thoracotomies
21Incomplete post procedure note No tube
size No location No indication of
complications No equipment reconciliation
- Patient verification, site verification
- Hand washing
- Preparation
- Administer O2
- Connect drainage system to suction
- ChuxTM under/around tube
- Prepare occlusive dressing taped on 3 sides
- Patient instruction/education
- Three deep breaths and hold
- Removal
- Pull at inspiration
- Pull fast, pull completely, simultaneously
placing dressing - Helpful to have an assistant
- Post removal CXR
- Order it, review it, document the results in the
23Simulation suggestions
- Some things are hard to simulate
- Over talk. Say out loud everything that you
would do in a real situation. - Assume nothing
24Once again, the process
- Watch the video and the supplements
- You are done with this now!
- Post test
- On-line
- In Simulation Center
- Drape/prep station
- Insertion stations
- Pigtail insertion
- Removal
- CXR interpretation
- Complete 2 supervised procedures
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