Title: Fast Facts
1Fast Facts
- Leo F. Buscher Jr.
- Director, Office of Grants Administration
- National Cancer Institute
- Rockville, Maryland
- February 16, 2006
2Fast Facts about NIH
Building 1, National Institutes of
Health (Building 1 houses the Office of the NIH
Director and key NIH staff)
3Birthplace of the NIH Circa 1887
The NIH began in 1887 as a one-room Hygienic
Laboratory in this Marine Hospital on Staten
Island, New York. The Hygienic Laboratory was
located here until 1891, when it was moved to
Washington, D.C.
4NIH Moves from Washington D.C. to Maryland
On October 31, 1940, President Franklin Roosevelt
dedicated the first six buildings located on
NIHs new Maryland campus in Bethesda.
5NIH Campus 1940
NIH Budget in 1940 707,000
6NIH Campus Now
NIH Budget in FY 2006 28.6 Billion
7NIH Campus Now
- The main campus of NIH is located in Bethesda,
Maryland (approx. 20 miles NW of Washington,
D.C.). - 17 miles of sidewalk
- 42 acres of parking lots
- 12.5 miles of road
- 497 building entrances
8NIH Now A Premier Research Organization
- NIH Bethesda is the largest research organization
in the world. - 6,000 scientists
- Over 50 members of the National Academy of
Sciences 5 Nobel Prizes - NIH Extramural Research Program
- Over 105 Nobel Prize winners trained funded by
NIH. - Over half of all American Nobel prizes.
9Building 31
Building 50 (Stokes)
Building 1 (Shannon)
Building 45 (Natcher)
Building 10 (Clinical Center)
10(No Transcript)
11In an Effort to PreventOvercrowding at NIH and
12NIH Grants Administration Off-Campus
- One of the primary off-campus buildings is the
Rockledge Building located in Bethesda, MD. - Center for Scientific Review (CSR).
- Office of Extramural Research (OER).
- National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institutes
(NHLBIs) Grants Management Branch.
Rockledge Building
- One of NCIs primary off-campus buildings is
located at 6116 Executive Blvd. - Division of Extramural Activities (DEA).
- Office of the Deputy Director for Extramural
Science (ODDES). - Administrative Resource Centers (ARCs).
6116 Executive Blvd.
13OGAs Satellite OfficeFairview Center, Rm 300
Frederick, MD
NCI Office of Grants Administration Locations
OGAs Main OfficeEPS, Room 243 Rockville, MD
Documentation for OGA Frederick Staff can be sent
via interoffice mail box/shelf located in EPS
243 or by fax to 301-846-5720.
14NCI Frederick
- The National Cancer Institute-Frederick is one of
two NCI campuses for conducting research
Located on Ft. Detrick Army Base in Frederick,
MD - The NCI-Frederick campus is comprised of approx.
68 acres and more than 70 buildings.
15Did You Know?...
16Did You Know
- NCI is one of 27 Institutes and Centers (ICs)
that make up the National Institutes of Health
(NIH). - NIH is one of 12 agencies that make up the
Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). - DHHS is one of 15 executive departments that are
included in the Presidents Cabinet.
17NIH Office of the Director
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
National Institute of Arthritis
and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
National Cancer Institute
National Institute on Aging
National Institute of Child Health and
Human Development
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive
and Kidney Diseases
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Rese
National Institute on Drug Abuse
National Institute of Environmental Health
National Institute on Deafness and
Other Communication Disorders
National Eye Institute
National Human Genome Research Institute
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
National Institute of Mental Health
National Institute of Neurological Disorders
and Stroke
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
National Institute of Nursing Research
National Center for Complementary and
Alternative Medicine
National Center on Minority Health and Health
National Library of Medicine
Fogarty International Center
National Center for Research Resources
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and
Center for Information Technology
Center for Scientific Review
Clinical Center
No funding authority
18Did You Know NIH FY 2006 Budget 28.6 Billion
Research Project Grants 53 15.3 billion
Training 3 761 million
19Did You Know NIH NCI FY 2006 Budget Levels
- NIH FY 2006 budget 28.6 billion.
- NCI FY 2006 budget 4.842 billion.
- However.
- There is a 1 percent across-the-board reduction
that reduces the NIH and NCI budget amounts by
286 million and 48 million, respectively. - The revised amount for NCI is 4.793 billion,
which is 32 million less than what NCI obligated
last year.
20(No Transcript)
21OGA Reorganization
22Fast Facts aboutNCI
23Fast Facts about NCI
- NCI staff occupy approximately 35 buildings.
- NCI staff numbered 2,854 in FY 2005 (FTEs).
24Fast Facts about NCI
- In FY 2005, OGA awarded 7,726 grants and
cooperative agreements totaling nearly 3.2
billion, which represents approximately 66 of
the total NCI budget. - 75 of NCIs grant dollars went to 76 grantees.
- In FY 2005, OGA staff processed in excess of
10,217 grant actions (awards, supplements,
revisions, and transfers), with our average
specialist portfolio increasing to an all time
high of 74.4 million. - In FY 2006, the number of grant actions is
projected to increase to over 11,000.
25Fast Facts about NCI
- In FY 2005, our grants management specialists
awarded grants ranging from 1,000 to 28
million. - In FY 2006, OGA will award a projected 3.2
billion in grants and cooperative agreements. - For FY 2006, a typical portfolio for an NCI
grants management specialist is projected to be
approximately 180 grants involving approximately
250 grant actions totaling approximately 72
26Fast Facts about NCI
- NCIs grants management specialists, working with
a series of deadlines throughout the entire
fiscal year, work with over 745 grantee
organizations. - NCIs grants management specialists work with 237
NCI program directors and program analysts,
meaning there are over 5 program
directors/analysts for every one grants
management specialist.
27Fast Facts about NCI
- NCI Office of Grants Administration (OGA) staff
has to have a working knowledge of programmatic
and fiscal requirements spanning 42 NCI cancer
programs (radiation, epidemiology, cancer
biology, etc.) - OGA staff work with 58 funding mechanisms (P30,
P50, P01, U01, R01, R25, Ks, Ts, etc.). - OGA staff also review and approve over 50 Program
Announcements and Requests for Applications per
28NCI Grants Process Book
Available on OGAs website at
29Working Together
American Public
Weare Making a Difference.