Title: Closing the Vocabulary Gap:
1CEC April, 2009
Closing the Vocabulary Gap Current Issues in
Vocabulary Intervention and Research Michael D.
Coyne, Ph.D. Associate Professor mike.coyne_at_uconn.
Center for Behavioral Education
Research www.cber.org Department of Educational
Psychology Neag School of Education University of
2Vocabulary Instruction
- Acknowledgements
- Betsy McCoach, Paige Pullen, Sharon Kapp, Susan
Loftus, Richard Zipoli, Maureen Ruby, Yvel
Crevecoeur, Athena Lentini, Chrissy Civetelli,
Sharon Ware, Ashley Capozzoli, Karen Rambo - Division for Research, CEC
3Research Conduct school-based research on
developing and evaluating evidence based
practices in literacy, behavior supports, and
assessment Translating Research to Practice
Support schools, districts, and states in
adopting, implementing, and sustaining evidence
based practices
4Vocabulary Instruction
- Research Questions
- How do we best provide direct vocabulary
instruction? - Is vocabulary knowledge gained through direct
instruction maintained over time? - Does systematic review help students maintain
vocabulary knowledge - Does direct vocabulary instruction have benefits
beyond learning target words? - Is vocabulary instruction equally effective for
all students? - Can Tier 2 vocabulary intervention increase the
word learning of students at risk of language and
learning difficulties?
5Project VITALVocabulary Intervention Targeting
At-risk Learners
Funded byInstitute of Education SciencesU.S.
Department of Education
- Research Summary
- Six studies
- Four school districts
- Five elementary schools
- Approximately 300 kindergarten students
6A Conceptual Framework for Reading/Literacy
7A Conceptual Framework for Reading/Literacy
8Project VITAL
- Implications
- Many students begin school at risk for language
and comprehension difficulties. Instruction and
intervention focused on code based skills will
not be sufficient to meet these students needs. - Instruction and intervention in meaning based
skills (e.g., language, vocabulary, listening
comprehension) should start at the beginning of
schooling. - This instruction should often be separate from
code based instruction, especially in the early
grades. (i.e., within oral language activities)
9Direct Vocabulary Instruction The Challenge
- It is impossible to teach directly all that words
that students need to know.
How can we best leverage scarce instructional
10Vocabulary Instruction
- Given limited instructional time, do we
- Teach more word meanings but spend less time on
each word? - or
- Teach fewer word meanings but spend more time on
each word?
11Vocabulary Instruction
- Two Approaches to Vocabulary Instruction
- Embedded Instruction
- Simple explanation within the context of the
story. (e.g., Biemiller Boote, 2006 Penno
et al., 2002) - Time efficient allows for introduction of many
words (breadth). - Few exposures to target words, limited to context
of the story - Extended Instruction
- Robust approach that offers rich information
about words and their uses. (e.g., Beck,
McKeown, Kucan, 2002 Coyne, Simmons,
Kameenui, Stoolmiller, 2004) - Time intensive limits instruction to fewer
words (depth). - Many encounters with words in varied contexts
beyond the story.
12Project VITAL
- Research Question
- What are the effects of Extended Instruction vs.
Embedded Instruction vs. Incidental Exposure?
13Project VITAL
- Methodology
- Participants included kindergarten students from
schools with large at-risk populations. - Within subjects design with different sets of
target words taught with different instructional
approaches. Words were counterbalanced across
groups. - All participants listened to multiple readings of
storybooks in small groups over two weeks.
14Effects of Instruction
- Results
- Statistically significant effect for type of
vocabulary instruction across all measures in all
studies - Extended Instruction gt Embedded Instruction gt
Incidental Exposure - Effect Sizes
- Extended vs. Incidental (d .91 2.57)
- Extended vs. Embedded (d .38 1.70)
- Embedded vs. Incidental (d .24 .87)
15Effects of Instruction
16Tri-level Approach
- Incidental Exposure
- Read storybooks to children that contain varied
and complex vocabulary. - Much of childrens vocabulary development occurs
as the result of incidental and cumulative
exposure. - Embedded Instruction
- Provide embedded instruction on a subset of
words from the storybook. - Target words that students are unlikely to know
and that they will continue to encounter in
school and in texts. - Extended Instruction
- Provide extended instruction on a subset of
words from the storybook. - Target words that are essential for understanding
important ideas and concepts in the story and
that students need to make immediate use of.
17Vocabulary Instruction
- Question
- Is vocabulary knowledge gained through direct
instruction maintained over time?
18Vocabulary Instruction
- Research Evidence
- In our research, weve found that vocabulary
knowledge is durable, but higher and more
complete levels of word knowledge may be more
susceptible to deterioration over time
19Vocabulary Instruction
20Vocabulary Instruction
21Vocabulary Instruction
- Question
- Does systematic review help students maintain
vocabulary knowledge - Research Evidence
- Review Conditions Target words were assigned to
1 of 3 types of review that varied in intensity
no review, embedded review, or semantically-relate
d review.
22Vocabulary Instruction
- Implications
- Findings suggest that systematic review or at
least continued encounters of target words in
supportive contexts are needed to reinforce and
maintain strong and complete lexical
representations - Review provides a large educational benefit for a
modest amount of instructional time
23Vocabulary Instruction
- Question
- Do the effects of vocabulary instruction and
intervention transfer to other areas of language
and literacy? - A much stronger case could be made for the worth
of vocabulary instruction if there was evidence
to suggest that there were benefits beyond just
learning the meanings of words targeted for
instruction. -
- Possible impacts
- Listening/reading comprehension
- Generalized vocabulary knowledge
24Vocabulary Instruction
- Possible mechanisms to explain transfer effects
- Listening/reading comprehension
- Instrumentalist hypothesis (Anderson Freebody,
1981 Stahl, 1991). - Teaching the meanings of words that appear in a
story or passage should improve students
comprehension of that passage. - Generalized vocabulary knowledge
- Metalinguistic hypothesis (Nagy, 2007).
- Rich vocabulary instruction may increase
students ability to reflect on and manipulate
language in an active and considerate manner. - Connectionist models of word learning (Landauer
Dumais, 1997) - Learning new word meanings helps refine and
consolidate the lexical constraints of other
partially known words that are semantically
associated with the newly learned words.
25Vocabulary Instruction
- Elleman, A. M., Lindo, E. J., Morphy, P
Compton, D. L. (2009). The impact of vocabulary
instruction on passage-level comprehension of
school-age children A meta-analysis. Journal of
Research on Educational Effectiveness. - Impact of vocabulary instruction
- Standardized measures of comprehension (d 0.10)
- Custom measures of comprehension (d 0.50)
- Standardized measures of vocabulary (d 0.29)
26Vocabulary Instruction
- Research Evidence
- 124 kindergarten students (80 treatment, 44
control) - Students were taught the meanings of 54
vocabulary words over 36 half-hour instructional
lessons (two lessons per week over 18 weeks).
27Vocabulary Instruction
- Transfer Measures
- Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test PPVT-III Norm
referenced measure of generalized receptive
vocabulary. - Listening Comprehension Factual inferential
questions about a story that contained target
words (18 target/395 total words). Adapted from
the SNAP.
28Vocabulary Instruction
Research Evidence
29Vocabulary Instruction
- Implications
- Findings suggest that extended vocabulary
instruction implemented with kindergarten
students can result in statistically and
educationally significant differences on both
proximal measures of target word knowledge and
transfer measures of generalized language and
30Vocabulary Instruction
- Question
- Is vocabulary instruction equally effective for
all students? - Initial level of receptive vocabulary knowledge
- Language status (ELL, EOL)
31Vocabulary Instruction
32Vocabulary Instruction
33Vocabulary Instruction
34Vocabulary Instruction
35Vocabulary Instruction
- Language Status
- Post hoc determination
- ELL status if any language other than English
was - primary language spoken at students home
- students dominant language at school
- Treatment EOL 49, ELL 31
- Control EOL 26, ELL 17
36Vocabulary Instruction
Target Words
37Vocabulary Instruction
Listening Comprehension
38Vocabulary Instruction
PPVT Spring
39Vocabulary Instruction
Mediating Variable
PPVT-Fall (centered)
Independent Variable
Dependent Variable
Language Status
Target Word Measure
40Vocabulary Instruction
- Implications
- Response to the vocabulary instruction was
moderated by overall receptive vocabulary
knowledge assessed at pretest - ELLs, on average, did not respond as strongly to
the vocabulary intervention as EOLs - After controlling for initial English receptive
vocabulary knowledge, language status was not
related to outcomes
41Project IVIIntensifying Vocabulary Intervention
Funded byInstitute of Education SciencesU.S.
Department of Education
- Purpose
- Draw on validated principles of instructional
design and delivery to intensify vocabulary
instruction/ intervention to optimize its
effectiveness with kindergarten students most at
risk of learning disabilities.
42Vocabulary Instruction
- Question
- Can Tier 2 vocabulary intervention increase the
word learning of students at risk of language and
learning difficulties? - Research Evidence
- All students received whole class Tier 1
vocabulary instruction - Students with lower levels of vocabulary
knowledge (PPVT lt 92) received additional Tier 2
intervention on half the target vocabulary words
43Vocabulary Instruction
- Research Evidence
- Students at risk for language and learning
difficulties learned words that receive both Tier
1 Tier 2 instruction to a greater extent than
words that received only Tier 1 instruction. - The word learning of students at risk for
language and learning difficulties who receive
both Tier 1 Tier 2 instruction was approached
the word learning of their peers who were not at
risk who received only Tier 1 instruction.
44Vocabulary Instruction
45Vocabulary Instruction
46Vocabulary Instruction
- Implications
- It is likely that vocabulary instruction will be
more beneficial for students with higher levels
of vocabulary knowledge - Students at risk of language and learning
difficulties will likely require additional
instruction at higher levels of intensity to make
gains similar to their peers who are not at risk. - The vocabulary gap will be extremely difficult to
47Vocabulary Instruction
- What we know
- Students can learn the meanings of sophisticated
vocabulary through direct instruction - Greater investment in instructional time
intensity leads to increased word learning
(breadth depth) - e.g., extended instruction, systematic review,
Tier 2 instruction for students at risk - What we may know
- In addition to increases in target word learning,
direct vocabulary instruction may lead to
generalized gains in language and literacy skills
and knowledge.
48Vocabulary Instruction
- What were still working on
- What words should we teach?
- How do we best assess vocabulary knowledge?
- What are the long term effects of a systematic
program of vocabulary instruction and
intervention? - How do we combine direct vocabulary instruction
with instruction in other areas of meaning based
skills? (e.g., listening comprehension,
morphology, syntax, figurative language, etc.) - How do we best support vocabulary development for
the entire range of learners? (e.g., ELLs, SLI,
Tier 3 etc.,)
49Vocabulary Instruction
- What words should we teach?
- Tier II words (Beck McKeown)
- Content area vocabulary (Hiebert)
- Developmental sequence of root words (Biemiller)
50Vocabulary Instruction
- How do we assess vocabulary knowledge?
- Current measures are either too proximal or
distal - Current measures are not effective or efficient
for different purposes for assessment - Screening, progress monitoring, diagnostic
- Current measures are not sensitive to different
levels of word knowledge
51Vocabulary Instruction
Measure 1
Student C
Student A
Student B
52Vocabulary Instruction
Measure 1
Measure 2
Measure 3
Measure 4
Student C
Student B
Student A
53Vocabulary Instruction
Current approaches to measuring the impact of
vocabulary instruction/intervention are either
too proximal to or too distal
Standardized Measures Of Language Literacy
Measures of Individual Word Knowledge