Title: The Swedish Prescribed Drug Register and dispensed
1The Swedish Prescribed Drug Register and
- 2009-11-04
- Andrejs Leimanis
Centre for Epidemiology - National Board of
Health and Welfare
2Drug utilization data in Sweden
3The Swedish Prescribed Drug Register
- The legislation of the Prescriptions Register
(19961156) - First new health data register since the Health
Data Register Law in 1998 (1998543) - The Swedish Prescribed Drug Register is regulated
according to legislation SFS (2005363) issued by
the Government
4For reasons of integrity,the Swedish Prescribed
Drug Register is only to be used for
- research
- epidemiological investigations
- production of statistics
- within the area of health and welfare
5Aspects of integrity to be regarded
- Integrity of the patientBack-way
identification - Integrity of the prescriberAvoid one-prescriber
workplaces - Integrity of the juridical person
- Business secrecy
6The Swedish Prescribed Drug Register
Hospital sales
Drug industry
Hospital records and Acquisitions in In-patient
Dispensed prescriptions
OTC sales
7The Swedish Prescribed Drug Register
- comprises
- All purchases of prescribed medicine at
pharmacies (dispensed drugs) with personal
identification number (PID)
8The Swedish Prescribed Drug Register
- exceptions
- Drugs within In-patient Care
- Drugs dispensed within, e.g. service homes,
nursing homes - Drugs that are used in ambulatory care but
administered in day-care at hospitals such as
TNF-alfa-inhibitors for the treatment of RA and
cytotoxics - Vaccines
9Total amount DDD and cost 2008
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11 of patients in the register
12Amount of substances (ATC-7)
13Drugs per person in Sweden 2008.
Källa Socialstyrelsens läkemedelsregister
14Prescription Information
- Personal ID-number (PID)
- missing number 0.29
- Place of residence - county, municipality, parish
- missing info 0.60
15Contents of register
- Prescribed and dispensed drugs
- Date of prescribing and dispensing
- Generic substitution
- Dosage in free text
- Volume - number of items, prescriptions DDD
- Expenditures total reimbursed
16Prescriber information
- No prescriber code !!!!
- Professiondoctors 96 , nurses 2
- Professional code - SUN-kod
- Specialist training code
17Workplace Information
- Workplace cannot be revealed !!!
- OwnershipCounty 73 , Private (contracted) 16 ,
Private 2 - Form of carePrimary care 58 Specialist 29
- Type of careGeneral Medicine 63, Internal
Medicine 8 ,Psychiatry 4
18Personal identification number (PID) enables
- Prevalence/incidents
- Combinations/interactions
- Polypharmacy
- Double medication
- Order of medication
- Dispensing intervals (as a measure of compliance)
- Linkage to other health registers
19National Health data registers
- Cancer register 1958-
- Medical Birth and congenital malformations
register (1964) 1973- - Hospital patient register 1964/1987/2001-
- Cause of death register 1952-
- Other registers
20Whats missing?
- Reason for prescription/diagnoses
- Acquisitions in In-patient care (Ambulatory care)
- In-patient drugs
- Dispensed in service/nursing homes
- Compliance
- No-pharmacological therapy
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