EC Contract: FI6RCT2004508847 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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EC Contract: FI6RCT2004508847


EC Contract: FI6RCT2004508847 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: EC Contract: FI6RCT2004508847


Risk Characterisation
Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear
For the ERICA project
Table of Content
  • What is risk characterisation?
  • What are the methods to characterise the risk?
  • ERICA Tiered Approach and Risk Characterisation
  • Definitions of Benchmarcks
  • How to derive those  safe levels ?
  • Principles and assumptions of SSD
  • The two methods adapted for radioactive
  • Methodology Applied To FRED Data
  • Application to FRED(ERICA) data
  • Illustration Chronic g external exposure
  • Comparison of the benchmarks values obtained with
    the two methods
  • ERICA screening values (SSD method)
  • Conclusions for Tiers 1 and 2
  • Tier 3 Effect analysis towards more realistic
    estimates to reduce the uncertainty

What is risk characterisation?
Exposure analysis (pathways, transfers, dosimetry)
Effect analysis (dose-effect relationships, safe
PED(R) Predicted Exposure Dose (rate) (Gy or
Gy/time) Or PNEC Predicted Exposure Concentration
(Bq/L or Bq/kg)
PNED(R) Predicted No-Effect Dose (rate) (Gy or
  • Risk characterisation is the final step of any
    Ecological Risk Assessment.
  • It represents the synthesis of information
    obtained during risk
  • assessment for use in management decisions.
  • It includes an estimation of the probability (or
    incidence) and
  • magnitude (or severity) of the adverse effects
    likely to occur in
  • an ecosystem or its sub-organisational levels,
    together with
  • identification of uncertainties.

What are the methods to characterise the risk?
Predicted Exposure Dose (rate)
Predicted No-effect Dose (rate)
  • Deterministic method

The risk index is expressed as the ratio
  • Semi-probabilistic method

Uncertainty is introduced only in the exposure
estimate. The risk index is expressed as a
probability that the exposure estimate exceeds
the PNED(R).
  • Probabilistic method

A statistical distribution is also alsigned to
PNED(R) (e.g. a species sensitivity
distribution). This allows to calculate the
probability of the risk.
ERICA Tiered Approach and Risk Characterisation
  • Tiers 1 and 2 use deterministic method through
    the Risk Quotient.
  • Risk characterisation requires risk assessment
  • the so called PNED(R) Tier 2, and the
  • environmental media limiting activities Tier
  • Tier 3 uses probabilistic method.

Problem Formulation
Fixed values in Tiers 1 and 2 (PNED(R ) for
acute(chronic) exposure conditions)


Tier 1 media-specific benchmarks are
backcalculated (the lowest environmental media
limiting activity concentration (water,
sediment, soil) Tier 2 Direct use of PNEDR
corresponds to biota limiting benchmarck
Tier 1 Screening


Tier 2 Generic Assess.

Methods to derive appropriate risk

Tier 3 Full Assess.
Tier 3 no fixed value - Receptor/site-specific


Definitions of Benchmarcks
  • Benchmarks are numerical values used to
  • guide risk assessors at various decision
  • points in a tiered approach.
  • These values need to be provided by a
    transparent and scientific
  • reasoning.
  • They correspond to screening values when they
    are used in
  • screening tiers (e.g. ERICA Tiers 1 and 2).
  • These screening values are concentration, dose
  • dose rate that are assumed to be safe based
  • exposure response information (e.g.
    ecotoxicity test
  • endpoints found in FREDERICA). They
    represent  safe
  • levels  for the ecosystem.
  • For radioactive substances, concentration are
    expressed in Bq per
  • unit of volume or mass, dose in Gy and dose
    rate in Gy per unit
  • of time.

How to derive those  safe levels ?(1/2)
  • Methods recommended by EC for chemicals,
  • adapted for radioactive substances
  • The EC recommends to develop an assessment of
    effect and to characterise
  • risk on ecosystems with the minimum amount of
    empirical information while
  • using extrapolation methodology (Technical
    Guidance Document TGD, EC
  • 2003).
  • All existing approaches are based on available
    ecotoxicity data, typically EC50
  • for acute exposure conditions (short-term) and
    EC10 (preferred to NOEC) for
  • chronic exposure conditions (long-term).

Exposure-response relationship from ecotoxicity
tests (stressor, species, endpoint)

Effect ()
Observed data
Regression model
LOEC Lowest observed effect concentration
NOEC No observed effect concentration
Concentration (Bq/L or kg) Dose (Gy) Dose Rate
EC50 ED50 EDR50
EC10 ED10 EDR10
How to derive those  safe levels ?(2/2)
  • Methods recommended by EC for chemicals,
  • adapted for radioactive substances
  • Whatever the method, the ecotoxicity data
    selection is of major importance
  • as the benchmark values greatly depend on their
    relevancy, their quality and
  • their quantity.
  • Two main methods, recommended by EC (TGD,
    revised in 2003) to derive
  • PNEC for chemicals.
  • Safety Factor Method (SF method)
  • based on the application of safety factors to
    ecotoxicity data stringent method as the PNEC
    value is obtained by dividing the lowest critical
    data by an appropriate SF ranging from 10 to 1000.

(2) Species Sensitivity Distribution Method
(SSD) based on a statistical extrapolation model
to address variation between species in their
sensitivity to a stressor.
Principles and assumptions of SSD (1/2)
  • Safe levels can be calculated with statistical
    extrapolation models. The
  • extrapolation is made from tested endpoint(s)
    for a set of tested species to
  • the same endpoint(s) in the full set of the
    potentially exposed species.
  • Two main assumptions
  • The species for wich results are known are
    representative, in terms of sensitivity, of
  • the totality of the species in the ecosystem.
  • The endpoints measured in laboratory tests are
    indicative of effects on populations in
  • field.

PAF ( of Affected Species)
Calculation of a dose(rate) that is assumed to
protect a given of species In the Technical
Guidance Document (2003) the agreed
concentration is the hazardous concentration
affecting 5 of species with 50
confidence. For radioactive substances -gtHD5 or
HDR5 useful to derive PNED or PNEDR
Dose (Gy) or Dose Rate (µGy/h)
Principles and assumptions of SSD (2/2)
  • This method requires the selection of an
    appropriate level of protection (95
  • of species). This cut-off value selected as
    protective level for the entire
  • ecosystem can be argued on the basis of
    ecological theories.
  • The aim of the cut-off value selection is to
    indirectly protect ecosystem
  • structure and processes by protecting the most
    sensitive species.
  • The more functionally redundancy that there is
    in a system, the more
  • overprotective such an assumption will be. This
    is adequate when changes
  • in structure is more sensitive than changes in
  • In the difficult case of keystone species
    (species playing much larger
  • functional role than others), the only way to
    deal with a cut-off value as
  • protection level is to identify those
    unprotected species and to examine
  • whether they correspond to an engineer.

The two methods adapted for radioactive
substances (1/2)
SF from 10 to 1000 according to rules given in
the TGD (2003)
  • Safety Factor Method

The two methods adapted for radioactive
substances (2/2)
  • Species Sensitivity Distribution Method

HD(R)5 for acute(chronic) PNED(R) combined with
a SF ranging from 1 to 5 according to rules given
in the TGD (2003)
Methodology Applied To FRED Data
  • STEP 1 Extracting appropriate data sets
  • Data from FRED sorted per ecosystem, per
  • exposure condition, per bibliographic reference
  • and per test . Quality of data describing each
  • is assessed.

FRED FASSET Radiation Effect Database
  • STEP 2 Building dose(rate)-effect relationships
  • Dose-effect relationship was built for each
  • test. Estimated toxicity values are ED50 for
  • exposure or EDR10 for chronic exposure.
  • The quality of the fitted model was judged.
  • STEP 3 Deriving PNED(R) values
  • The two methods recommended by EC were applied
    on the basis
  • of the estimated toxicity values accepted after
    Step 2.
  • Comparison of the obtained PNED(R) values.

Application to FRED(ERICA) data
  • Data allocation per ecosystem and per exposure
    pathway (external or internal
  • irradiation) and duration (acute or chronic).
  • Only data devoted to effects induced by external
    irradiation pathway are
  • quantitatively adequate to be mathematically
    structured in terms of dose-effect
  • relationships (Hill model).

Illustration Chronic g external exposure
conditions (1/2)
  • Set of toxicity values EDR10
  • geometric means per species and
  • effect category - obtained for
  • terrestrial, freshwater and marine
  • ecosystems.
  • Application of the SF method and the
  • SSD method on the dataset.

AF method 3 EDR10 for 3 trophic level and lowest
value (contributing to the geometric mean of
31.3) equal to 6.7 µGy/h -gtSF10 PNEDR 0.6
Illustration Chronic g external exposure
conditions (2/2)
  • Comparison of species radiosensitivity among
    ecosystems gave no difference
  • (bilateral Wilcoxon test, a0.05). This allowed
    the construction of a unique SSD
  • for generic ecosystems (SWFWTER) chronically
    exposed to external ?
  • irradiation.

SSD method
  • HDR581.8
  • SF 5
  • rounded down and keeping 1 digit
  • 10 µGy/h

Comparison of the benchmarks values obtained with
the two methods
  • As expected, the SF method gave much more
    stringent screening
  • values. ERICA preferred to apply the SSD method
    due the use of the
  • whole data set (not the lowest one).

ERICA screening values (SSD method)
  • The present safe levels were derived to be used
    in the first tiers (and
  • generic ecosystem) of the ERICA tiered approach
    that can be applied
  • across the range of activities that use
    radioactive substances.
  • As they were derived on the basis of ecotoxicity
    data from external g
  • irradiation, it is suggested when needed to
    apply a safety factor to take
  • account for the higher biological efficiency of
    a and b emitters.

Conclusions for Tiers 1 and 2
  • The present safe levels were derived to be used
    in the first tiers (and
  • generic ecosystem) of the ERICA tiered approach
    that can be applied
  • across the range of activities that use
    radioactive substances. Our
  • values are consistent with background and with
    former guidelines at
  • which no significant effects were expected (see
    Table 16 in ERICA D5).
  • As they were derived on the basis of ecotoxicity
    data from external g
  • irradiation, it is suggested when needed to
    apply a safety factor to take
  • account for the higher biological efficiency of
    a and b emitters.
  • Selection of the 95 cut-off level for the
    application of the SSD method is consistent
    with the threshold level used for chemicals
    assessments in the
  • TGD.
  • To take account for the possible existence of
    keystone species among
  • the 5 that are unprotected, we suggest to
    identify the species and
  • the effect endpoint present in the lowest
    quartile of the distribution and
  • to consider the possible consequences of this.

Tier 3 Effect analysis towards more realistic
estimates to reduce the uncertainty
  • For Tier 3, the ERICA consortium decided that it
    would not be
  • appropriate to make specific recommendations on
    numeric values.
  • Rather, guidance on the sorts of approaches
    that may be applied for
  • refined effect analysis has been provided.

In ERICA D5, examples are given for several cases
as follows
  • To apply the SSD methodology to introduce more
    ecological realism by
  • (1) using more conservative levels of protection
    (95 to 99 )
  • (2) applying trophic/taxonomic weightings that
    better describe the structure of a specific
  • (3) restricting the statistical analysis to a
    particular endpoint
  • (reproduction) and/or a
    particular trophic/taxonomic group (fish).
  • To focus on the protection of keystone species
    and/or endangered species
  • with a specific search in FREDERICA.
  • To refine the effects analysis with additional
    experimental studies and
  • modelling. Two extrapolation issues of concern,
    i.e. individual to population
  • and external to internal irradiation effects.
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