Title: Chapter 10 Managing State Information Using Sessions
1Chapter 10Managing State InformationUsing
2Problems with Cookies
- Not every client computer is secure
- Cookies may be accessible to hackers
- Many client computers do not accept cookies
- Spyware gathers user information from a local
computer for marketing and advertising purposes
without the users knowledge
3Using Sessions
- A session is a continuous period of access
- A session is created for each user that requests
a PHP page from a Website - During a session, a PHP script stores state
information on a Web server - Only available for current browser session
- Allows you to maintain state information even
when clients disable cookies - More secure than cookies
4Starting a Session
- Use the session_start() function
- Starts a new session or continues an existing one
- Generates a unique session ID
- A random alphanumeric string like
7f39d7dd020773f115d753c71290e11f - Creates a text file on the Web server
- Same name as the session ID, preceded by sess_
- Call session_start() before any HTML output
5Starting a Session (continued)
- Stored in the Web server directory specified by
session.save_path directive in php.ini
configuration file - session_start() does not accept any parameters,
nor does it return a value - lt?php
- session_start()
- ...
6Session ID
- If a clients Web browser is configured to accept
cookies, the session ID is assigned to a
temporary cookie named PHPSESSID - Pass the session ID as a query string or hidden
form field to any Web pages that are called as
part of the current session - Use session_id() to retrieve Session ID
lt?php session_start() echo Session ID .
session_id() ?gt
7Working with Session Variables
- Session state information is stored in the
_SESSION autoglobal - When session_start() function is called
- PHP initializes a new _SESSION autoglobal or
- Retrieves any variables for the current session
(based on the session ID) into the _SESSION
autoglobal - Calling session_start() while an existing session
is in progress does not create a new session - If session_start() is not called, _SESSION
values will not be available
8Working with Session Variables
- lt?php
- session_start()
- _SESSION'firstName' Mickey"
- _SESSION'lastName' Mouse"
- _SESSION'occupation' actor"
- ?gt
9Working with Session Variables
- Use the isset() function to ensure that a session
variable is set before you attempt to use it - lt?php
- session_start()
- if (isset(_SESSION'firstName')
isset(_SESSION'occupation')) - echo _SESSION'firstName' . " "
- . _SESSION'lastName' . " is an "
- . _SESSION'occupation'
- ?gt
10Deleting a Session Variable
- Use unset() function against the appropriate
entry in _SESSION
11Deleting a Session
- To delete a session manually
- 1. Execute the session_start() function
- 2. Use the array() construct to reinitialize the
_SESSION autoglobal - 3. Use session_destroy() to delete the session
lt?php session_start() _SESSION
array() session_destroy() ?gt
12lt?php session_start() if (isset(_SESSION'fr
uit'))Â Â Â echo "Your favorite fruit is " .
_SESSION'fruit' else   echo "I don't know
your favorite fruit."?gt
lthtmlgtltheadgt      lttitlegtFruitlt/titlegtlt/headgt
ltbodygt ltform action"storeFruit2.php"
method"post"gt Enter your favorite
fruitnbsp ltinput type"text" name"fruit"gtltbr
/gt ltinput type"submit" value"Submit"gtlt/formgtlt
lt?php session_start()  //Value is in text
field if (!empty(_POST"fruit"))   Â
 //store fruit in a session variable Â
 _SESSION'fruit' _POST"fruit"   Â
//redirect  header("Location
- Modify your login form so that it uses session
variables instead of cookies to store the login
name and password.