Title: disc pathology and non-surgical decompression
1disc pathology and non-surgical decompression
2reuben henderson, d.o.
- 1993 - michigan state university college of
osteopathic medicine - internship flint osteopathic and st. lawrence
hospitals 1994 1995 - pmr residency university of michigan 2001
- private practice 2004 pmr
3low back pain world wide
- common complaint among adults
- lifetime prevalence in working population up to
80 - 60 experience functional limitation or
disability - second most common reason for work disability
- despite advances in imaging and surgical
techniques LBP prevalence and its cost are
relatively unchanged
4back pain causes
- de-conditioning
- sprain/strain
- spondylolithesis
- spondylosis
- facet syndrome
- disc herniation
- disc bulge
- spinal stenosis
- biomechanical
- inflammatory
- infection
- cancer
5recent research on DDD
- 1. heredity may be largely responsible for
degeneration/herniation of intervertebral disc. - 2. genetic influences have been confirmed by the
identification of several gene forms associated
with disc degeneration. - 1. Kenneth M C Cheung, How has genetics research
altered understanding of degenerative disc
disease implications for intervertebral disc
regeneration. European Cells and Materials Vol.
16 Suppl. 4, 2008 (page 8) - 2. Yingang Zang, Advances in susceptibility
genetics of intervertebral degenerative disc
disease. Int J Biol Sci 2008 4283-290
6intervertebral disc
7vascular supply to the disc space from the
cartilaginous endplate
- 1. segmental radicular artery
- 2. interosseous artery
- 3. capillary tuft
- 4. disc anulus
8neurological innervation of posterior spinal
- 1. ascending branch of the sinuvertebral nerve
- 2. dorsal root ganglion
- 3. descending branch of the sinuvertebral nerve
- 4. disc anulus
- 5. posterior longitudinal ligament
9(No Transcript)
10- changes in hydrostatic pressure
- lack of oxygen
- lack of glucose
- changes in pH levels
- death of proteoglycans
Urban JPG, McMullin JF, "Swelling pressure of
the lumbar intervertebral discs influence of
age, spinal level, composition and degeneration."
Spine 1988, 13179-187 Handa T, et al. "Effects
of hydrostatic pressure on Matrix Synthesis and
MMP production in the human lumbar intervertebral
disc." Spine 1997 221085 -1091 Classification
of Age-Related Changes in Lumbar Intervertebral
Discs 2002 Volvo Award in Basic Science" Spine
2002 Volume 27, Number 23, pp 2631-2644
11proteoglycan structures
12ProteoglycaN structures
13annular tears
- rim lesion
- concentric tear
- radial tear
Osti OL, Vernon-Roberts B, et al. Annular Tears
Disc Degeneration J Bone Joint Surg. Br
1992 74-B678-82 Gordon SJ, Yang KH, Mayer PJ,
et al Mechanism of disc rupture. A preliminary
report. Spine 16450-456, 1991
14(No Transcript)
15disc pathology vs pain
- degree of disc injury (size of tear /
herniation), nor the degree of nerve root
compression correlate with subjective pain or
functional disability
- Karppinen J. et al. Severity of Symptoms and
Signs in Relation to MRI Findings Among Sciatica
Patients. Spine 2001 26(7)E149-E154
16internal disruption
- Crock HV, Internal disc disruption. A challenge
to disc prolapse fifty years on. Spine 1986
17current therapies for discogenic pain or disc
- medication and limited activity
- interventional pain management
18non-surgical decompression
- non-invasive procedure designed to target
underlying disc pathology - improve nutrient exchange
- create environment for healing
19non-surgical decompression
20goals of treatment
- actively distract and passively retract the spine
in order to affect intervertebral disc space - reduce intradiscal pressures
- increase fluid and nutrient exchange
- promote disc regeneration
- retract nucleic material of bulging or herniated
21guarding reflex
- traction causes natural guarding reflex
- muscles contract or spasm to prevent distraction
in order to protect the spine - traction devices are rarely able to bypass or
overpower reflex contractions and achieve
distraction of the disc space
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23biofeedback response
designed to monitor patient response and adjust
tensions in order to bypass reflex muscle
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25negative intradiscal pressure
26decompressive patient MRI
September 16, 2006
January 08, 2007
27disc regeneration
- controlled distraction in vivo study of
rabbit-spine model showed
- significant increase in disc thickness
- signs of tissue regeneration
- decrease in apoptotic (dead) cells in the annulus
and cartilage endplates - increase in protein-expressing cells
28decompression research
- 71 of 778 cases were successful in reducing pain
to a 0-1 on a 0-5 pain scale. - 86 of 219 patients demonstrated success
according to Oswestry Pain Scale 84 remained
pain-free at 90 day follow up. - 91 of 14 patients with radiculopathy and
abnormal sensory function demonstrated improved
neurological function. - 50 -100 reduction of pain was reported in 19
out of 23 pts with ruptured intervertebral discs
and 20 out of 27 with facet arthrosis
- Earl Gose, et al., Vertebral Axial
Decompression Therapy for Pain Associated with
Herniated or Degenerative Discs or Facet
Sysdrome An Outcome Study." Journal of
Neurological Research, Vol 20, 13179-187 - Thomas Gionis, MD, et al., Spinal
Decompression" Orthopaedic Technology Review.
2004 - Frank Tilaro, M.D., et al., Vertebral Axial
Decompression on Sensory Nerve Disfunction"
Journal of Neuro-imaging, 1998 Volume 8, Number
2 - Shealy, et al., New Concepts in Back Pain
Management. Decompression, Reduction and
Stabilization. Pain Management. 1998 239-257
29decompression research
Objective To determine the effectiveness of
Spinal Decompression Lumbar Disc
Pathology Design Retrospective Chart
Review Setting Multi-Center Outpatient
Treatment Patients A consecutive sample of 778
Lumbar Cases Intervention 10 25 Sessions on
Non-surgiacal Decompression System Outcome
Measures Changes in visual Analog Scale over
time Improvements in Mobility Improvements
in Functioning
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31decompression research
Objective To determine changes in pre and post
MRIs after undergoing non-surgical
decompression Design Retrospective Chart
Review Setting Outpatient Treatment
Center Patients A Sample of 20 Lumbar
Cases Intervention 20 sessions of Non-surgical
decompression for 18 patients 40 sessions for
2 patients Outcome Measures Changes in MRIs pre
and post treatment
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Objective To determine the effectiveness of
Spinal Decompression on Cervical and Lumbar
Disc Pathology Design Retrospective Chart
Review Setting Outpatient Treatment Center
Westminster, MD Patients A consecutive sample
of 156 Lumbar patients and 37 cervical
patients Intervention 20 25 Sessions on FDA
Cleared (K051013) Decompression Table Outcome
Measures Changes in visual Analog Scale over
time Improvements in Activities of Daily
Living Improvements in Functioning
34lumbar improvement in V.A.S.
- Reduction in Mean from 5.8 to 0.8 V.A.S.
- Same improvement noted for both post surgical and
non-post surgical patients
35 lumbar activities of daily living
- Improvements in Average A.D.L. Component Scores
36decompressive research
- SUNY research foundation
- randomized, double-blind, controlled trial
- subjective VAS pain and oswestry measurements
- objective pre and post MRIs
37decompressive research
- Greater Baltimore Medical Center
- Randomized Controlled Trials SpineMED vs
conventional traction - Subjective VAS pain and Oswestry Measurements
38case study - annie
- 30 y.o. female presents with low back pain
- pain radiating down right leg
- initial onset approximately 1 year
- referred by orthopedic surgeon
- on motrin, previously darvocet, flexeril and
valium - previous treatments chiropractic and physical
- ROM decreased in the lumbar spine to flexion,
rotation and side bending - Strength right side 4/5 for L4-L5 innervated
muscles - FABER test positive on the right
- Reflexes ¼ and symmetrical
- SLR negative
40diagnostic studies
- A-P / lateral Plain Film
- degenerative disc height loss at L4-5 level
- L4-L5 large central disc herniation (9mm in AP X
10mm Broad) effacing the ventral thecal sac and
impressing upon the central canal. - This produces moderate canal stenosis.
- L5-S1 broad disc bulge with radial tear.
- mild effacement upon the ventral thecal sac.
42case 1 outcome
- gt pain reduced4 to 1
- VISIT 10
- gt pain reduced 1 to 0
- gt core exercises initiated
- VISIT 20
- gt pain stabilized 1
43case 1 outcome
- VISIT 24
- gt Pain stable at 1
- gt Released to home exercise program
- gt Inversion table recommended
44post spineMED findings
- ROM full in the lumbar spine to flexion,
rotation and side bending - strength 5-5 for the bilateral lower extremity
- FABER test negative bilaterally
- reflexes ¼ and symmetrical
- SLR negative
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46post spineMED imaging
- L4-5 now measures only 1 or 2 mm in AP dimension
x 9 mm broad with only mild narrowing of thecal
sac - L5-S1 diffuse disc bulge, no radial tear or
thecal sac effacement
- non-surgical decompression can significantly
improved the clincal outcome of patients with
discogenic pain - in treating over 300 patients
- no incidence of injury, some incidence of
residual pain - many successful outcomes
- mostly lasting results healing
48intervertebral disc